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The following checklist, along with the 自己管理型配置の操作チェックリスト, provides recommendations to help you avoid issues in your production MongoDB deployment.

  • Ensure that your replica set includes at least three data-bearing voting members and that your write operations use w: majority write concern. Three data-bearing voting members are required for replica-set wide data durability.

  • インスタンスがすべてジャーナリングを使用しているようにします。

Data in MongoDB has a dynamic schema. コレクション do not enforce ドキュメント structure. This facilitates iterative development and polymorphism. Nevertheless, collections often hold documents with highly homogeneous structures. For more information, see データモデリング.

  • Determine the set of collections that you will need and the indexes required to support your queries. With the exception of the _id index, you must create all indexes explicitly: MongoDB does not automatically create any indexes other than _id.

  • Ensure that your schema design supports your deployment type: if you are planning to use sharded clusters for horizontal scaling, design your schema to include a strong shard key. While you can change your shard key later, it is important to carefully consider your shard key choice to avoid scalability and perfomance issues.

  • Ensure that your schema design does not rely on indexed arrays that grow in length without bound. Typically, best performance can be achieved when such indexed arrays have fewer than 1000 elements.

  • Consider the document size limits when designing your schema. The BSON ドキュメントのサイズ limit is 16MB per document. If you require larger documents, use GridFS.

  • Ensure that your shard key distributes the load evenly on your shards. See: シャードキー for more information.

  • 使用 targeted operations for workloads that need to scale with the number of shards.

  • Secondaries no longer return orphaned data unless using read concern "available" (which is the default read concern for reads against secondaries when not associated with causally consistent sessions).
    All members of the shard replica set maintain chunk metadata, allowing them to filter out orphans when not using "available". As such, non-targeted or broadcast queries that are not using "available" can be safely run on any member and will not return orphaned data.
    The "available" read concern can return orphaned documents from secondary members since it does not check for updated chunk metadata. However, if the return of orphaned documents is immaterial to an application, the "available" read concern provides the lowest latency reads possible among the various read concerns.
  • Pre-split and manually balance chunks when inserting large data sets into a new non-hashed sharded collection. Pre-splitting and manually balancing enables the insert load to be distributed among the shards, increasing performance for the initial load.

  • Make use of connection pooling. Most MongoDB drivers support connection pooling. Adjust the connection pool size to suit your use case, beginning at 110-115% of the typical number of concurrent database requests.

  • Ensure that your applications handle transient write and read errors during replica set elections.

  • Ensure that your applications handle failed requests and retry them if applicable. Drivers do not automatically retry failed requests.

  • Use exponential backoff logic for database request retries.

  • 使用 cursor.maxTimeMS() for reads and wtimeout for writes if you need to cap execution time for database operations.