読み取り保証 (read concern) "snapshot"
バージョン 5.0 での変更。
読み取り保証 "snapshot"
を指定したクエリでは、直近の特定の点のシャード全体に表示れる、過半数のコミット済みデータが返されます。読み取り保証 "snapshot"
は、トランザクションが書込み保証 "majority"
読み取り保証(read concern) "snapshot"
is available for multi-document
transactions, and starting in MongoDB 5.0, certain
read operations outside of multi-document transactions.
If the transaction is not part of a causally consistent session, upon transaction commit with write concern
, the transaction operations are guaranteed to have read from a snapshot of majority-committed data.If the transaction is part of a causally consistent session, upon transaction commit with write concern
, the transaction operations are guaranteed to have read from a snapshot of majority-committed data that provides causal consistency with the operation immediately preceding the transaction start.
Outside of multi-document transactions, read concern
is available on primaries and secondaries for
the following read operations:
All other read commands prohibit "snapshot"
For a list of all operations that accept read concerns, see 読み取り保証をサポートする操作.
Read Concern and Transactions
Multi-document transactions support read concern
as well as "local"
, and
読み取り保証 (read concern) は、個々の操作レベルではなく、トランザクション レベルで設定します。トランザクションに読み取り保証 (read concern) を設定するには、「トランザクションと読み取り保証 (read concern)」を参照してください。
Read Concern and atClusterTime
バージョン 5.0 で追加
Outside of multi-document transactions, reads with read concern
support the optional parameter
. The parameter atClusterTime
allows you to specify
the timestamp for the read. To satisfy a read request with a specified
of T, the mongod
performs the request
based on the data available at time T.
You can obtain the operationTime
or clusterTime
of an operation
from the response of db.runCommand()
or from the
The following command performs a find operation with read concern
and specifies that the operation should read
data from the snapshot at cluster time Timestamp(1613577600, 1)
db.runCommand( { find: "restaurants", filter: { _id: 5 }, readConcern: { level: "snapshot", atClusterTime: Timestamp(1613577600, 1) }, } )
If the parameter atClusterTime
is not supplied, the
, or in single member replica sets the
, selects the timestamp of the latest
majority-committed snapshot as the atClusterTime
and returns it to
the client.
Outside of transactions, "snapshot"
reads are
guaranteed to read from majority-committed data.
Considerations and Behavior
The allowed values for
depend on theminSnapshotHistoryWindowInSeconds
is the minimum time window in seconds for which the storage engine keeps the snapshot history. If you specify an atClusterTime value older than the oldest snapshot retained according tominSnapshotHistoryWindowInSeconds
returns an error.If you perform a read operation with
against a delayed replica set member, the returned majority-committed data could be stale.It is not possible to specify
inside of causally consistent sessions.
Cappedコレクションに関する 読み取り保証 (read concern)
Starting in MongoDB 8.0, you can use read concern
on capped