Configure Encryption
This page discusses server configuration to support encryption at rest. If you use MongoDB Atlas, your data is already encrypted. MongoDB manages Atlas encryption at the cloud provider level, but you can also use your own key management solution. See the Atlas key management documentation for details.
MongoDB Enterprise 3.2 introduces a native encryption option for the WiredTiger storage engine. Outside Atlas, encryption is only available for enterprise installations that use the WiredTiger Storage Engine.
Secure management of the encryption keys is a critical requirement for storage encryption. MongoDB uses a master key that is not stored with the MongoDB installation. Only the master key is externally managed, other keys can be stored with your MongoDB instance.
MongoDB's encrypted storage engine supports two key management options for the master key:
KMIP(Key Management Interoperability Protocol)を介してサードパーティのキーマネジメント機器と統合します。推奨
Use of local key management via a keyfile.
MongoDB cannot encrypt existing data. When you enable encryption with a new key, the MongoDB instance cannot have any pre-existing data. If your MongoDB installation already has existing data, see Encrypt Existing Data at Rest for additional steps.
Key Manager
MongoDB Enterprise supports secure transfer of keys with compatible key management appliances. Using a key manager allows for the keys to be stored in the key manager.
MongoDB Enterprise supports secure transfer of keys with Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) compliant key management appliances.
MongoDB の認定パートナーの一覧については、パートナー リストを参照してください。
Using a key manager meets regulatory key management guidelines, such as HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and FERPA, and is recommended over the local key management.
Your key manager must support the KMIP communication protocol.
デフォルトの KMIP プロトコル バージョンは 1.2 です。MongoDB サーバーの構成ファイルで、KMIP バージョン 1.0 または 1.1 を使用するように MongoDB を構成できます。
KMIP を使用してサードパーティのマネジメント機器を統合する場合、次の KMIP 操作を許可する必要があります。
To authenticate MongoDB to a KMIP server, you must have a valid certificate issued by the key management appliance.
Windows 上の MongoDB Enterprise では、保管時の暗号化のブロック暗号として AES256-GCM
をサポートしなくなりました。この使用は、Linux でのみサポートされています。
Encrypt Using a New Key
To create a new key when you connect to the key manager, use the
following options to start mongod
To connect to a version 1.0 or 1.1 KMIP server, use the
構成に必要な追加オプションを含めます。 たとえば、リモート クライアントを配置に接続する場合、または配置ノードを異なるホスト上で実行する場合は、 --bind_ip
Enabling encryption using a KMIP server on Windows fails when using
and the KMIP server enforces TLS 1.2.
Windows で KMIP を使用して保管時の暗号化を有効にするには、次の条件を満たす必要があります。
クライアント証明書を Windows 証明書ストアにインポートします。
Use the
The following operation creates a new master key in your key manager.
uses the master key to encrypt the keys that mongod
generates for each database.
mongod --enableEncryption \ --kmipServerName <KMIP Server HostName> \ --kmipPort <KMIP server port> \ --kmipServerCAFile ca.pem \ --kmipClientCertificateFile client.pem
では、起動時に KMIP サーバーへの接続を検証します。
に指定するサーバー名は、KMIP サーバーで提示する証明書のサブジェクト代替名 SAN
またはコモンネーム CN
はシステム名または IP アドレスにすることができます。
は CN
KMIP サーバーのホスト名や IP アドレスが SAN
とも CN
To verify that the key creation and usage was successful, check the log file. If successful, the process will log the following messages:
[initandlisten] Created KMIP key with id: <UID> [initandlisten] Encryption key manager initialized using master key with id: <UID>
Encrypt Using an Existing Key
You can use an existing master key that your KMIP server already
manages. To use an existing key, use these options when you start
to connect mongod
to the key manager:
To connect to a version 1.0 or 1.1 KMIP server, use the
構成に必要な追加オプションを含めます。 たとえば、リモート クライアントを配置に接続する場合、または配置ノードを異なるホスト上で実行する場合は、 --bind_ip
mongod --enableEncryption \ --kmipServerName <KMIP Server HostName> \ --kmipPort <KMIP server port> \ --kmipServerCAFile ca.pem \ --kmipClientCertificateFile client.pem \ --kmipKeyIdentifier <UID>
では、起動時に KMIP サーバーへの接続を検証します。
に指定するサーバー名は、KMIP サーバーで提示する証明書のサブジェクト代替名 SAN
またはコモンネーム CN
はシステム名または IP アドレスにすることができます。
は CN
KMIP サーバーのホスト名や IP アドレスが SAN
とも CN
Local Key Management
Using the keyfile method does not meet most regulatory key management guidelines and requires users to securely manage their own keys.
The safe management of the keyfile is critical.
To encrypt using a keyfile, you must have a base64 encoded keyfile that
contains a single 16 or 32 character string. The keyfile must only be
accessible by the owner of the mongod
Create the base64 encoded keyfile with the 16 or 32 character string. You can generate the encoded keyfile using any method you prefer. For example,
openssl rand -base64 32 > mongodb-keyfile Update the file permissions.
chmod 600 mongodb-keyfile To use the key file, start
with the following options:--enableEncryption
,--encryptionKeyFile <path to keyfile>
mongod --enableEncryption --encryptionKeyFile mongodb-keyfile 構成に必要な追加オプションを含めます。 たとえば、リモート クライアントを配置に接続する場合、または配置ノードを異なるホスト上で実行する場合は、
を指定します。Verify if the encryption key manager successfully initialized with the keyfile. If the operation was successful, the process will log the following message:
[initandlisten] Encryption key manager initialized with key file: <path to keyfile>
Encrypt Existing Data at Rest
MongoDB cannot encrypt existing data. When you enable encryption with a new key, the MongoDB instance cannot have any pre-existing data.
If you are using a replica set that does have existing data, use a rolling 最初の同期 to encrypt the data.
For example, consider a replica set with three members. The replica set is in use and holds data that you want to encrypt. These are the steps you would take to encrypt the data at rest:
Prepare a server.
Follow these steps to prepare the server:
Pick one of the secondary servers.
on the secondary server.Optional: Backup the data in
. If a full backup is not required, consider backing up just
directory to preserve potentially-useful troubleshooting data in the event of an issue. See Full Time Diagnostic Data Capture for more information.Remove the files and directories in the
Enable encryption.
Start the secondary server with encryption enabled. The mongod
instance creates
a new keystore.
Synchronize the data.
Import the data from the primary. Start the mongod process, specifying レプリケーションのオプション as appropriate.
performs an initial sync and encrypts the data
during the sync up process.
Repeat the process on the secondaries.
When the first secondary has finished importing and encrypting the
data, repeat the process on the other secondary