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Replace a Document


If you specify a callback method, replaceOne() returns nothing. If you do not specify one, this method returns a Promise that resolves to the result object when it completes. See our guide on Promises and Callbacks for more information, or the API documentation for information on the result object.

You can replace a single document using the collection.replaceOne() method. replaceOne() accepts a query document and a replacement document. If the query matches a document in the collection, it replaces the first document that matches the query with the provided replacement document. This operation removes all fields and values in the original document and replaces them with the fields and values in the replacement document. The value of the _id field remains the same unless you explicitly specify a new value for _id in the replacement document.

You can specify additional options, such as upsert, using the optional options parameter. If you set the upsert option field to true the method inserts a new document if no document matches the query.

The replaceOne() method throws an exception if an error occurs during execution. For example, if you specify a value that violates a unique index rule, replaceOne() throws a duplicate key error.


If your application requires the document after updating, use the collection.findOneAndReplace() method which has a similar interface to replaceOne(). You can configure findOneAndReplace() to return either the original matched document or the replacement document.


You can use this example to connect to an instance of MongoDB and interact with a database that contains sample data. To learn more about connecting to your MongoDB instance and loading a sample dataset, see the Usage Examples guide.

If you run the preceding example, you should see the following output:

Modified 1 document(s)