Deploy Ops Manager Resources on Multiple Kubernetes Clusters
On this page
To make your multi-cluster Ops Manager and the Application Database deployment resilient to entire data center or zone failures, deploy the Ops Manager Application and the Application Database on multiple Kubernetes clusters.
To learn more about the architecture, networking, limitations, and peformance of multi-Kubernetes cluster deployments for Ops Manager resources, see:
When you deploy the Ops Manager Application and the Application Database using the procedure in this section, you:
Use GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine) and Istio service mesh as tools that help demonstrate the multi-Kubernetes cluster deployment.
Install the Kubernetes Operator on one of the member Kubernetes clusters known as the operator cluster. The operator cluster acts as a Hub in the "Hub and Spoke" pattern used by the Kubernetes Operator to manage deployments on multiple Kubernetes clusters.
Deploy the operator cluster in the
and configure this cluster to watch$NAMESPACE
and manage all member Kubernetes clusters.Deploy the Application Database and the Ops Manager Application on a single member Kubernetes cluster to demonstrate similarity of a multi-cluster deployment to a single cluster deployment. A single cluster deployment with
set toMultiCluster
prepares the deployment for adding more Kubernetes clusters to it.Deploy an additional Application Database replica set on the second member Kubernetes cluster to improve Application Database's resiliency. You also deploy an additional Ops Manager Application instance in the second member Kubernetes cluster.
Create valid certificates for TLS encryption, and establish TLS-encrypted connections to and from the Ops Manager Application and between the Application Database's replica set members. When running over HTTPS, Ops Manager runs on port
by default.Enable backup using S3-compatible storage and deploy the Backup Daemon on the third member Kubernetes cluster. To simplify setting up S3-compatible storage buckets, you deploy the MinIO Operator. You enable the Backup Daemon only on one member cluster in your deployment. However, you can configure other member clusters to host the Backup Daemon resources as well. Only S3 backups are supported in multi-cluster Ops Manager deployments.
Install Tools
Before you can begin the deployment, install the following required tools:
Install Helm. Installing Helm is required for the installation of the Kubernetes Operator.
Prepare the GCP project so that you can use it to create GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine) clusters. In the following procedure, you create three new GKE clusters, with a total of seven
low-cost Spot VMs.
Authorize into gcloud CLI
Install gcloud CLI and authorize into it:
gcloud auth login
Install the kubectl mongodb
The kubectl mongodb plugin automates the configuration of the Kubernetes clusters. This allows the Kubernetes Operator to deploy resources, necessary roles, and services for accounts for the Ops Manager Application, Application Database, and MongoDB resources on these clusters.
To install the kubectl mongodb
Download your desired Kubernetes Operator package version.
Download your desired Kubernetes Operator package version from the Release Page of the MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator Repository.
The package's name uses this pattern:
kubectl-mongodb_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}.tar.gz
Use one of the following packages:
kubectl-mongodb_{{ .Version }}_darwin_amd64.tar.gz
kubectl-mongodb_{{ .Version }}_darwin_arm64.tar.gz
kubectl-mongodb_{{ .Version }}_linux_amd64.tar.gz
kubectl-mongodb_{{ .Version }}_linux_arm64.tar.gz
Locate the kubectl mongodb
plugin binary and copy it to its desired destination.
Find the kubectl-mongodb
binary in the unpacked directory and move it
to its desired destination, inside the PATH for the Kubernetes Operator user,
as shown in the following example:
mv kubectl-mongodb /usr/local/bin/kubectl-mongodb
Now you can run the kubectl mongodb
plugin using the following commands:
kubectl mongodb multicluster setup kubectl mongodb multicluster recover
To learn more about the supported flags, see the MongoDB kubectl plugin Reference.
Clone the MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator Repository
Clone the MongoDB Enterprise Kubernetes Operator repository, change into the mongodb-enterprise-kubernetes
directory, and check out the current version.
git clone cd mongodb-enterprise-kubernetes git checkout 1.32.0 cd architectures
Some steps in this guide work only if you run them from
the public/samples/ops-manager-multi-cluster
Set up Environment Variables
All steps in this guide reference the environment variables defined in
1 export MDB_GKE_PROJECT="### Set your GKE project name here ###" 2 3 export NAMESPACE="mongodb" 4 export OPERATOR_NAMESPACE="mongodb-operator" 5 6 comma-separated key=value pairs 7 export OPERATOR_ADDITIONAL_HELM_VALUES="" 8 9 Adjust the values for each Kubernetes cluster in your deployment. 10 The deployment script references the following variables to get values for each cluster. 11 export K8S_CLUSTER_0="k8s-mdb-0" 12 export K8S_CLUSTER_0_ZONE="europe-central2-a" 13 export K8S_CLUSTER_0_NUMBER_OF_NODES=3 14 export K8S_CLUSTER_0_MACHINE_TYPE="e2-standard-4" 15 export K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME="gke_${MDB_GKE_PROJECT}_${K8S_CLUSTER_0_ZONE}_${K8S_CLUSTER_0}" 16 17 export K8S_CLUSTER_1="k8s-mdb-1" 18 export K8S_CLUSTER_1_ZONE="europe-central2-b" 19 export K8S_CLUSTER_1_NUMBER_OF_NODES=3 20 export K8S_CLUSTER_1_MACHINE_TYPE="e2-standard-4" 21 export K8S_CLUSTER_1_CONTEXT_NAME="gke_${MDB_GKE_PROJECT}_${K8S_CLUSTER_1_ZONE}_${K8S_CLUSTER_1}" 22 23 export K8S_CLUSTER_2="k8s-mdb-2" 24 export K8S_CLUSTER_2_ZONE="europe-central2-c" 25 export K8S_CLUSTER_2_NUMBER_OF_NODES=1 26 export K8S_CLUSTER_2_MACHINE_TYPE="e2-standard-4" 27 export K8S_CLUSTER_2_CONTEXT_NAME="gke_${MDB_GKE_PROJECT}_${K8S_CLUSTER_2_ZONE}_${K8S_CLUSTER_2}" 28 29 Comment out the following line so that the script does not create preemptible nodes. 30 DO NOT USE preemptible nodes in production. 31 export GKE_SPOT_INSTANCES_SWITCH="--preemptible" 32 33 export S3_OPLOG_BUCKET_NAME=s3-oplog-store 34 export S3_SNAPSHOT_BUCKET_NAME=s3-snapshot-store 35 36 minio defaults 37 export S3_ENDPOINT="minio.tenant-tiny.svc.cluster.local" 38 export S3_ACCESS_KEY="console" 39 export S3_SECRET_KEY="console123" 40 41 export OFFICIAL_OPERATOR_HELM_CHART="mongodb/enterprise-operator" 42 export OPERATOR_HELM_CHART="${OFFICIAL_OPERATOR_HELM_CHART}" 43 44 (Optional) Change the following setting when using the external URL. 45 This env variable is used in OpenSSL configuration to generate 46 server certificates for Ops Manager Application. 47 export OPS_MANAGER_EXTERNAL_DOMAIN="om-svc.${NAMESPACE}.svc.cluster.local" 48 49 export OPS_MANAGER_VERSION="7.0.4" 50 export APPDB_VERSION="7.0.9-ubi8"
Adjust the settings in the previous example for your needs as instructed in the comments and source them into your shell as follows:
Each time after you update
, run source
to ensure that the scripts in this section use updated variables.
This procedure applies to deploying an Ops Manager instance on multiple Kubernetes clusters.
Create Kubernetes clusters.
You may skip this step if you already have installed and configured your own Kubernetes clusters with a service mesh.
Create three GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine) clusters:
1 gcloud container clusters create "${K8S_CLUSTER_0}" \ 2 --zone="${K8S_CLUSTER_0_ZONE}" \ 3 --num-nodes="${K8S_CLUSTER_0_NUMBER_OF_NODES}" \ 4 --machine-type "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_MACHINE_TYPE}" \ 5 ${GKE_SPOT_INSTANCES_SWITCH:-""} 1 gcloud container clusters create "${K8S_CLUSTER_1}" \ 2 --zone="${K8S_CLUSTER_1_ZONE}" \ 3 --num-nodes="${K8S_CLUSTER_1_NUMBER_OF_NODES}" \ 4 --machine-type "${K8S_CLUSTER_1_MACHINE_TYPE}" \ 5 ${GKE_SPOT_INSTANCES_SWITCH:-""} 1 gcloud container clusters create "${K8S_CLUSTER_2}" \ 2 --zone="${K8S_CLUSTER_2_ZONE}" \ 3 --num-nodes="${K8S_CLUSTER_2_NUMBER_OF_NODES}" \ 4 --machine-type "${K8S_CLUSTER_2_MACHINE_TYPE}" \ 5 ${GKE_SPOT_INSTANCES_SWITCH:-""} Set your default gcloud project:
1 gcloud config set project "${MDB_GKE_PROJECT}" Obtain credentials and save contexts to the current
file. By default, this file is located in the~/.kube/config
directory and referenced by the$KUBECONFIG
environment variable.1 gcloud container clusters get-credentials "${K8S_CLUSTER_0}" --zone="${K8S_CLUSTER_0_ZONE}" 2 gcloud container clusters get-credentials "${K8S_CLUSTER_1}" --zone="${K8S_CLUSTER_1_ZONE}" 3 gcloud container clusters get-credentials "${K8S_CLUSTER_2}" --zone="${K8S_CLUSTER_2_ZONE}" All
commands reference these contexts using the following variables:$K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME
Verify that
has access to Kubernetes clusters:1 echo "Nodes in cluster ${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" 2 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" get nodes 3 echo; echo "Nodes in cluster ${K8S_CLUSTER_1_CONTEXT_NAME}" 4 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_1_CONTEXT_NAME}" get nodes 5 echo; echo "Nodes in cluster ${K8S_CLUSTER_2_CONTEXT_NAME}" 6 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_2_CONTEXT_NAME}" get nodes 1 Nodes in cluster gke_scratch-kubernetes-team_europe-central2-a_k8s-mdb-0 2 NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION 3 gke-k8s-mdb-0-default-pool-267f1e8f-d0dg Ready <none> 38m v1.29.7-gke.1104000 4 gke-k8s-mdb-0-default-pool-267f1e8f-pmgh Ready <none> 38m v1.29.7-gke.1104000 5 gke-k8s-mdb-0-default-pool-267f1e8f-vgj9 Ready <none> 38m v1.29.7-gke.1104000 6 7 Nodes in cluster gke_scratch-kubernetes-team_europe-central2-b_k8s-mdb-1 8 NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION 9 gke-k8s-mdb-1-default-pool-263d341f-3tbp Ready <none> 38m v1.29.7-gke.1104000 10 gke-k8s-mdb-1-default-pool-263d341f-4f26 Ready <none> 38m v1.29.7-gke.1104000 11 gke-k8s-mdb-1-default-pool-263d341f-z751 Ready <none> 38m v1.29.7-gke.1104000 12 13 Nodes in cluster gke_scratch-kubernetes-team_europe-central2-c_k8s-mdb-2 14 NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION 15 gke-k8s-mdb-2-default-pool-d0da5fd1-chm1 Ready <none> 38m v1.29.7-gke.1104000 Install Istio service mesh to allow cross-cluster DNS resolution and network connectivity between Kubernetes clusters:
Create namespaces.
To enable sidecar injection in Istio, the following commands add
the istio-injection=enabled
and the mongodb
namespaces on each member cluster.
If you use another service mesh, configure it to handle network
traffic in the created namespaces.
Create a separate namespace,
, referenced by the$OPERATOR_NAMESPACE
environment variable for the Kubernetes Operator deployment.Create the same
on each member Kubernetes cluster. This is needed so that the kubectl mongodb plugin can create a service account for the Kubernetes Operator on each member cluster. The Kubernetes Operator uses these service accounts on the operator cluster to perform operations on each member cluster.1 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" create namespace "${OPERATOR_NAMESPACE}" 2 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" label namespace "${OPERATOR_NAMESPACE}" istio-injection=enabled --overwrite 3 4 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_1_CONTEXT_NAME}" create namespace "${OPERATOR_NAMESPACE}" 5 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_1_CONTEXT_NAME}" label namespace "${OPERATOR_NAMESPACE}" istio-injection=enabled --overwrite 6 7 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_2_CONTEXT_NAME}" create namespace "${OPERATOR_NAMESPACE}" 8 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_2_CONTEXT_NAME}" label namespace "${OPERATOR_NAMESPACE}" istio-injection=enabled --overwrite On each member cluster, including the member cluster that serves as the operator cluster, create another, separate namespace,
. The Kubernetes Operator uses this namespace for Ops Manager resources and components.1 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" create namespace "${NAMESPACE}" 2 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" label namespace "${NAMESPACE}" istio-injection=enabled --overwrite 3 4 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_1_CONTEXT_NAME}" create namespace "${NAMESPACE}" 5 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_1_CONTEXT_NAME}" label namespace "${NAMESPACE}" istio-injection=enabled --overwrite 6 7 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_2_CONTEXT_NAME}" create namespace "${NAMESPACE}" 8 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_2_CONTEXT_NAME}" label namespace "${NAMESPACE}" istio-injection=enabled --overwrite
Optional. Authorize clusters to pull secrets from private image registries.
This step is optional if you use official Helm charts and images from the Quay registry.
1 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${OPERATOR_NAMESPACE}" create secret generic "image-registries-secret" \ 2 --from-file=.dockerconfigjson="${HOME}/.docker/config.json" 3 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" create secret generic "image-registries-secret" \ 4 --from-file=.dockerconfigjson="${HOME}/.docker/config.json" 5 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_1_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" create secret generic "image-registries-secret" \ 6 --from-file=.dockerconfigjson="${HOME}/.docker/config.json" 7 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_2_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" create secret generic "image-registries-secret" \ 8 --from-file=.dockerconfigjson="${HOME}/.docker/config.json"
Optional. Check cluster connectivity.
The following optional scripts verify whether the service mesh is configured correctly for cross-cluster DNS resolution and connectivity.
Run this script on cluster 0:
1 kubectl apply --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" -f - <<EOF 2 apiVersion: apps/v1 3 kind: StatefulSet 4 metadata: 5 name: echoserver0 6 spec: 7 replicas: 1 8 selector: 9 matchLabels: 10 app: echoserver0 11 template: 12 metadata: 13 labels: 14 app: echoserver0 15 spec: 16 containers: 17 - image: 18 imagePullPolicy: Always 19 name: echoserver0 20 ports: 21 - containerPort: 8080 22 EOF Run this script on cluster 1:
1 kubectl apply --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_1_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" -f - <<EOF 2 apiVersion: apps/v1 3 kind: StatefulSet 4 metadata: 5 name: echoserver1 6 spec: 7 replicas: 1 8 selector: 9 matchLabels: 10 app: echoserver1 11 template: 12 metadata: 13 labels: 14 app: echoserver1 15 spec: 16 containers: 17 - image: 18 imagePullPolicy: Always 19 name: echoserver1 20 ports: 21 - containerPort: 8080 22 EOF Run this script on cluster 2:
1 kubectl apply --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_2_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" -f - <<EOF 2 apiVersion: apps/v1 3 kind: StatefulSet 4 metadata: 5 name: echoserver2 6 spec: 7 replicas: 1 8 selector: 9 matchLabels: 10 app: echoserver2 11 template: 12 metadata: 13 labels: 14 app: echoserver2 15 spec: 16 containers: 17 - image: 18 imagePullPolicy: Always 19 name: echoserver2 20 ports: 21 - containerPort: 8080 22 EOF Run this script to wait for the creation of StatefulSets:
1 kubectl wait --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" --for=condition=ready pod -l --timeout=60s 2 kubectl wait --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_1_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" --for=condition=ready pod -l --timeout=60s 3 kubectl wait --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_2_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" --for=condition=ready pod -l --timeout=60s Create Pod service on cluster 0:
1 kubectl apply --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" -f - <<EOF 2 apiVersion: v1 3 kind: Service 4 metadata: 5 name: echoserver0-0 6 spec: 7 ports: 8 - port: 8080 9 targetPort: 8080 10 protocol: TCP 11 selector: 12 "echoserver0-0" 13 EOF Create Pod service on cluster 1:
1 kubectl apply --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_1_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" -f - <<EOF 2 apiVersion: v1 3 kind: Service 4 metadata: 5 name: echoserver1-0 6 spec: 7 ports: 8 - port: 8080 9 targetPort: 8080 10 protocol: TCP 11 selector: 12 "echoserver1-0" 13 EOF Create Pod service on cluster 2:
1 kubectl apply --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_2_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" -f - <<EOF 2 apiVersion: v1 3 kind: Service 4 metadata: 5 name: echoserver2-0 6 spec: 7 ports: 8 - port: 8080 9 targetPort: 8080 10 protocol: TCP 11 selector: 12 "echoserver2-0" 13 EOF Create round robin service on cluster 0:
1 kubectl apply --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" -f - <<EOF 2 apiVersion: v1 3 kind: Service 4 metadata: 5 name: echoserver 6 spec: 7 ports: 8 - port: 8080 9 targetPort: 8080 10 protocol: TCP 11 selector: 12 app: echoserver0 13 EOF Create round robin service on cluster 1:
1 kubectl apply --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_1_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" -f - <<EOF 2 apiVersion: v1 3 kind: Service 4 metadata: 5 name: echoserver 6 spec: 7 ports: 8 - port: 8080 9 targetPort: 8080 10 protocol: TCP 11 selector: 12 app: echoserver1 13 EOF Create round robin service on cluster 2:
1 kubectl apply --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_2_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" -f - <<EOF 2 apiVersion: v1 3 kind: Service 4 metadata: 5 name: echoserver 6 spec: 7 ports: 8 - port: 8080 9 targetPort: 8080 10 protocol: TCP 11 selector: 12 app: echoserver2 13 EOF Verify Pod 0 from cluster 1:
1 source_cluster=${K8S_CLUSTER_1_CONTEXT_NAME} 2 target_pod="echoserver0-0" 3 source_pod="echoserver1-0" 4 target_url="http://${target_pod}.${NAMESPACE}.svc.cluster.local:8080" 5 echo "Checking cross-cluster DNS resolution and connectivity from ${source_pod} in ${source_cluster} to ${target_pod}" 6 out=$(kubectl exec --context "${source_cluster}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" "${source_pod}" -- \ 7 /bin/bash -c "curl -v ${target_url}" 2>&1); 8 grep "Hostname: ${target_pod}" &>/dev/null <<< "${out}" && echo "SUCCESS" || (echo "ERROR: ${out}" && return 1) 1 Checking cross-cluster DNS resolution and connectivity from echoserver1-0 in gke_scratch-kubernetes-team_europe-central2-b_k8s-mdb-1 to echoserver0-0 2 SUCCESS Verify Pod 1 from cluster 0:
1 source_cluster=${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME} 2 target_pod="echoserver1-0" 3 source_pod="echoserver0-0" 4 target_url="http://${target_pod}.${NAMESPACE}.svc.cluster.local:8080" 5 echo "Checking cross-cluster DNS resolution and connectivity from ${source_pod} in ${source_cluster} to ${target_pod}" 6 out=$(kubectl exec --context "${source_cluster}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" "${source_pod}" -- \ 7 /bin/bash -c "curl -v ${target_url}" 2>&1); 8 grep "Hostname: ${target_pod}" &>/dev/null <<< "${out}" && echo "SUCCESS" || (echo "ERROR: ${out}" && return 1) 1 Checking cross-cluster DNS resolution and connectivity from echoserver0-0 in gke_scratch-kubernetes-team_europe-central2-a_k8s-mdb-0 to echoserver1-0 2 SUCCESS Verify Pod 1 from cluster 2:
1 source_cluster=${K8S_CLUSTER_2_CONTEXT_NAME} 2 target_pod="echoserver1-0" 3 source_pod="echoserver2-0" 4 target_url="http://${target_pod}.${NAMESPACE}.svc.cluster.local:8080" 5 echo "Checking cross-cluster DNS resolution and connectivity from ${source_pod} in ${source_cluster} to ${target_pod}" 6 out=$(kubectl exec --context "${source_cluster}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" "${source_pod}" -- \ 7 /bin/bash -c "curl -v ${target_url}" 2>&1); 8 grep "Hostname: ${target_pod}" &>/dev/null <<< "${out}" && echo "SUCCESS" || (echo "ERROR: ${out}" && return 1) 1 Checking cross-cluster DNS resolution and connectivity from echoserver2-0 in gke_scratch-kubernetes-team_europe-central2-c_k8s-mdb-2 to echoserver1-0 2 SUCCESS
Verify Pod 2 from cluster 0:
1 source_cluster=${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME} 2 target_pod="echoserver2-0" 3 source_pod="echoserver0-0" 4 target_url="http://${target_pod}.${NAMESPACE}.svc.cluster.local:8080" 5 echo "Checking cross-cluster DNS resolution and connectivity from ${source_pod} in ${source_cluster} to ${target_pod}" 6 out=$(kubectl exec --context "${source_cluster}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" "${source_pod}" -- \ 7 /bin/bash -c "curl -v ${target_url}" 2>&1); 8 grep "Hostname: ${target_pod}" &>/dev/null <<< "${out}" && echo "SUCCESS" || (echo "ERROR: ${out}" && return 1) 1 Checking cross-cluster DNS resolution and connectivity from echoserver0-0 in gke_scratch-kubernetes-team_europe-central2-a_k8s-mdb-0 to echoserver2-0 2 SUCCESS Run the cleanup script:
1 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" delete statefulset echoserver0 2 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_1_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" delete statefulset echoserver1 3 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_2_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" delete statefulset echoserver2 4 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" delete service echoserver 5 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_1_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" delete service echoserver 6 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_2_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" delete service echoserver 7 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" delete service echoserver0-0 8 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_1_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" delete service echoserver1-0 9 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_2_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" delete service echoserver2-0
Deploy a multi-cluster configuration.
In this step, you use the kubectl mongodb
plugin to automate the Kubernetes cluster
configuration that is necessary for the Kubernetes Operator to manage workloads
on multiple Kubernetes clusters.
Because you configure the Kubernetes clusters before you install the Kubernetes Operator, when you deploy the Kubernetes Operator for the multi-Kubernetes cluster operation, all the necessary multi-cluster configuration is already in place.
As stated in the Overview, the Kubernetes Operator has the configuration for three member clusters that you can use to deploy Ops Manager MongoDB databases. The first cluster is also used as the operator cluster, where you install the Kubernetes Operator and deploy the custom resources.
1 kubectl mongodb multicluster setup \ 2 --central-cluster="${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" \ 3 --member-clusters="${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME},${K8S_CLUSTER_1_CONTEXT_NAME},${K8S_CLUSTER_2_CONTEXT_NAME}" \ 4 --member-cluster-namespace="${NAMESPACE}" \ 5 --central-cluster-namespace="${OPERATOR_NAMESPACE}" \ 6 --create-service-account-secrets \ 7 --install-database-roles=true \ 8 --image-pull-secrets=image-registries-secret
1 Ensured namespaces exist in all clusters. 2 creating central cluster roles in cluster: gke_scratch-kubernetes-team_europe-central2-a_k8s-mdb-0 3 creating member roles in cluster: gke_scratch-kubernetes-team_europe-central2-b_k8s-mdb-1 4 creating member roles in cluster: gke_scratch-kubernetes-team_europe-central2-c_k8s-mdb-2 5 Ensured ServiceAccounts and Roles. 6 Creating KubeConfig secret mongodb-operator/mongodb-enterprise-operator-multi-cluster-kubeconfig in cluster gke_scratch-kubernetes-team_europe-central2-a_k8s-mdb-0 7 Ensured database Roles in member clusters. 8 Creating Member list Configmap mongodb-operator/mongodb-enterprise-operator-member-list in cluster gke_scratch-kubernetes-team_europe-central2-a_k8s-mdb-0
Install the Kubernetes Operator using the Helm chart.
Add and update the MongoDB Helm repository. Verify that the local Helm cache refers to the correct Kubernetes Operator version:
1 helm repo add mongodb 2 helm repo update mongodb 3 helm search repo "${OFFICIAL_OPERATOR_HELM_CHART}" 1 "mongodb" already exists with the same configuration, skipping 2 Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories... 3 ...Successfully got an update from the "mongodb" chart repository 4 Update Complete. ⎈Happy Helming!⎈ 5 NAME CHART VERSION APP VERSION DESCRIPTION 6 mongodb/enterprise-operator 1.27.0 MongoDB Kubernetes Enterprise Operator Install the Kubernetes Operator into the
, configured to watch$NAMESPACE
and to manage three member Kubernetes clusters. At this point in the procedure, ServiceAccounts and roles are already deployed by thekubectl mongodb
plugin. Therefore, the following scripts skip configuring them and setoperator.createOperatorServiceAccount=false
. The scripts specify themultiCluster.clusters
setting to instruct the Helm chart to deploy the Kubernetes Operator in multi-cluster mode.1 helm upgrade --install \ 2 --debug \ 3 --kube-context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" \ 4 mongodb-enterprise-operator-multi-cluster \ 5 "${OPERATOR_HELM_CHART}" \ 6 --namespace="${OPERATOR_NAMESPACE}" \ 7 --set namespace="${OPERATOR_NAMESPACE}" \ 8 --set operator.namespace="${OPERATOR_NAMESPACE}" \ 9 --set operator.watchNamespace="${NAMESPACE}" \ 10 --set \ 11 --set operator.createOperatorServiceAccount=false \ 12 --set operator.createResourcesServiceAccountsAndRoles=false \ 13 --set "multiCluster.clusters={${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME},${K8S_CLUSTER_1_CONTEXT_NAME},${K8S_CLUSTER_2_CONTEXT_NAME}}" \ 14 --set "${OPERATOR_ADDITIONAL_HELM_VALUES:-"dummy=value"}" 1 Release "mongodb-enterprise-operator-multi-cluster" does not exist. Installing it now. 2 NAME: mongodb-enterprise-operator-multi-cluster 3 LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Aug 26 10:55:49 2024 4 NAMESPACE: mongodb-operator 5 STATUS: deployed 6 REVISION: 1 7 TEST SUITE: None 8 USER-SUPPLIED VALUES: 9 dummy: value 10 multiCluster: 11 clusters: 12 - gke_scratch-kubernetes-team_europe-central2-a_k8s-mdb-0 13 - gke_scratch-kubernetes-team_europe-central2-b_k8s-mdb-1 14 - gke_scratch-kubernetes-team_europe-central2-c_k8s-mdb-2 15 namespace: mongodb-operator 16 operator: 17 createOperatorServiceAccount: false 18 createResourcesServiceAccountsAndRoles: false 19 name: mongodb-enterprise-operator-multi-cluster 20 namespace: mongodb-operator 21 watchNamespace: mongodb 22 23 COMPUTED VALUES: 24 agent: 25 name: mongodb-agent-ubi 26 version: 27 database: 28 name: mongodb-enterprise-database-ubi 29 version: 1.27.0 30 dummy: value 31 initAppDb: 32 name: mongodb-enterprise-init-appdb-ubi 33 version: 1.27.0 34 initDatabase: 35 name: mongodb-enterprise-init-database-ubi 36 version: 1.27.0 37 initOpsManager: 38 name: mongodb-enterprise-init-ops-manager-ubi 39 version: 1.27.0 40 managedSecurityContext: false 41 mongodb: 42 appdbAssumeOldFormat: false 43 imageType: ubi8 44 name: mongodb-enterprise-server 45 repo: 46 mongodbLegacyAppDb: 47 name: mongodb-enterprise-appdb-database-ubi 48 repo: 49 multiCluster: 50 clusterClientTimeout: 10 51 clusters: 52 - gke_scratch-kubernetes-team_europe-central2-a_k8s-mdb-0 53 - gke_scratch-kubernetes-team_europe-central2-b_k8s-mdb-1 54 - gke_scratch-kubernetes-team_europe-central2-c_k8s-mdb-2 55 kubeConfigSecretName: mongodb-enterprise-operator-multi-cluster-kubeconfig 56 performFailOver: true 57 namespace: mongodb-operator 58 operator: 59 additionalArguments: [] 60 affinity: {} 61 createOperatorServiceAccount: false 62 createResourcesServiceAccountsAndRoles: false 63 deployment_name: mongodb-enterprise-operator 64 env: prod 65 maxConcurrentReconciles: 1 66 mdbDefaultArchitecture: non-static 67 name: mongodb-enterprise-operator-multi-cluster 68 namespace: mongodb-operator 69 nodeSelector: {} 70 operator_image_name: mongodb-enterprise-operator-ubi 71 replicas: 1 72 resources: 73 limits: 74 cpu: 1100m 75 memory: 1Gi 76 requests: 77 cpu: 500m 78 memory: 200Mi 79 tolerations: [] 80 vaultSecretBackend: 81 enabled: false 82 tlsSecretRef: "" 83 version: 1.27.0 84 watchNamespace: mongodb 85 watchedResources: 86 - mongodb 87 - opsmanagers 88 - mongodbusers 89 webhook: 90 installClusterRole: true 91 registerConfiguration: true 92 opsManager: 93 name: mongodb-enterprise-ops-manager-ubi 94 registry: 95 agent: 96 appDb: 97 database: 98 imagePullSecrets: null 99 initAppDb: 100 initDatabase: 101 initOpsManager: 102 operator: 103 opsManager: 104 pullPolicy: Always 105 subresourceEnabled: true 106 107 HOOKS: 108 MANIFEST: 109 --- 110 Source: enterprise-operator/templates/operator-roles.yaml 111 kind: ClusterRole 112 apiVersion: 113 metadata: 114 name: mongodb-enterprise-operator-mongodb-webhook 115 rules: 116 - apiGroups: 117 - "" 118 resources: 119 - validatingwebhookconfigurations 120 verbs: 121 - get 122 - create 123 - update 124 - delete 125 - apiGroups: 126 - "" 127 resources: 128 - services 129 verbs: 130 - get 131 - list 132 - watch 133 - create 134 - update 135 - delete 136 --- 137 Source: enterprise-operator/templates/operator-roles.yaml 138 kind: ClusterRoleBinding 139 apiVersion: 140 metadata: 141 name: mongodb-enterprise-operator-multi-cluster-mongodb-operator-webhook-binding 142 roleRef: 143 apiGroup: 144 kind: ClusterRole 145 name: mongodb-enterprise-operator-mongodb-webhook 146 subjects: 147 - kind: ServiceAccount 148 name: mongodb-enterprise-operator-multi-cluster 149 namespace: mongodb-operator 150 --- 151 Source: enterprise-operator/templates/operator.yaml 152 apiVersion: apps/v1 153 kind: Deployment 154 metadata: 155 name: mongodb-enterprise-operator-multi-cluster 156 namespace: mongodb-operator 157 spec: 158 replicas: 1 159 selector: 160 matchLabels: 161 controller 162 mongodb-enterprise-operator-multi-cluster 163 mongodb-enterprise-operator-multi-cluster 164 template: 165 metadata: 166 labels: 167 controller 168 mongodb-enterprise-operator-multi-cluster 169 mongodb-enterprise-operator-multi-cluster 170 spec: 171 serviceAccountName: mongodb-enterprise-operator-multi-cluster 172 securityContext: 173 runAsNonRoot: true 174 runAsUser: 2000 175 containers: 176 - name: mongodb-enterprise-operator-multi-cluster 177 image: "" 178 imagePullPolicy: Always 179 args: 180 - -watch-resource=mongodb 181 - -watch-resource=opsmanagers 182 - -watch-resource=mongodbusers 183 - -watch-resource=mongodbmulticluster 184 command: 185 - /usr/local/bin/mongodb-enterprise-operator 186 volumeMounts: 187 - mountPath: /etc/config/kubeconfig 188 name: kube-config-volume 189 resources: 190 limits: 191 cpu: 1100m 192 memory: 1Gi 193 requests: 194 cpu: 500m 195 memory: 200Mi 196 env: 197 - name: OPERATOR_ENV 198 value: prod 199 - name: MDB_DEFAULT_ARCHITECTURE 200 value: non-static 201 - name: WATCH_NAMESPACE 202 value: "mongodb" 203 - name: NAMESPACE 204 valueFrom: 205 fieldRef: 206 fieldPath: metadata.namespace 207 - name: CLUSTER_CLIENT_TIMEOUT 208 value: "10" 209 - name: IMAGE_PULL_POLICY 210 value: Always 211 # Database 212 - name: MONGODB_ENTERPRISE_DATABASE_IMAGE 213 value: 214 - name: INIT_DATABASE_IMAGE_REPOSITORY 215 value: 216 - name: INIT_DATABASE_VERSION 217 value: 1.27.0 218 - name: DATABASE_VERSION 219 value: 1.27.0 220 # Ops Manager 221 - name: OPS_MANAGER_IMAGE_REPOSITORY 222 value: 223 - name: INIT_OPS_MANAGER_IMAGE_REPOSITORY 224 value: 225 - name: INIT_OPS_MANAGER_VERSION 226 value: 1.27.0 227 # AppDB 228 - name: INIT_APPDB_IMAGE_REPOSITORY 229 value: 230 - name: INIT_APPDB_VERSION 231 value: 1.27.0 232 - name: OPS_MANAGER_IMAGE_PULL_POLICY 233 value: Always 234 - name: AGENT_IMAGE 235 value: "" 236 - name: MDB_AGENT_IMAGE_REPOSITORY 237 value: "" 238 - name: MONGODB_IMAGE 239 value: mongodb-enterprise-server 240 - name: MONGODB_REPO_URL 241 value: 242 - name: MDB_IMAGE_TYPE 243 value: ubi8 244 - name: PERFORM_FAILOVER 245 value: 'true' 246 - name: MDB_MAX_CONCURRENT_RECONCILES 247 value: "1" 248 volumes: 249 - name: kube-config-volume 250 secret: 251 defaultMode: 420 252 secretName: mongodb-enterprise-operator-multi-cluster-kubeconfig Check the Kubernetes Operator deployment:
1 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${OPERATOR_NAMESPACE}" rollout status deployment/mongodb-enterprise-operator-multi-cluster 2 echo "Operator deployment in ${OPERATOR_NAMESPACE} namespace" 3 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${OPERATOR_NAMESPACE}" get deployments 4 echo; echo "Operator pod in ${OPERATOR_NAMESPACE} namespace" 5 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${OPERATOR_NAMESPACE}" get pods 1 Waiting for deployment "mongodb-enterprise-operator-multi-cluster" rollout to finish: 0 of 1 updated replicas are available... 2 deployment "mongodb-enterprise-operator-multi-cluster" successfully rolled out 3 Operator deployment in mongodb-operator namespace 4 NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE 5 mongodb-enterprise-operator-multi-cluster 1/1 1 1 10s 6 7 Operator pod in mongodb-operator namespace 8 NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE 9 mongodb-enterprise-operator-multi-cluster-54d786b796-7l5ct 2/2 Running 1 (4s ago) 10s
Prepare TLS certificates.
In this step, you enable TLS for the Application Database and the Ops Manager Application.
If you don't want to use TLS, remove the following fields from the MongoDBOpsManager
Optional. Generate keys and certificates:
Use the
command line tool to generate self-signed CAs and certificates for testing purposes.1 mkdir certs || true 2 3 cat <<EOF >certs/ca.cnf 4 [ req ] 5 default_bits = 2048 6 prompt = no 7 default_md = sha256 8 distinguished_name = dn 9 x509_extensions = v3_ca 10 11 [ dn ] 12 C=US 13 ST=New York 14 L=New York 15 O=Example Company 16 OU=IT Department 17 CN=exampleCA 18 19 [ v3_ca ] 20 basicConstraints = CA:TRUE 21 keyUsage = critical, keyCertSign, cRLSign 22 subjectKeyIdentifier = hash 23 authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid:always,issuer 24 EOF 25 26 cat <<EOF >certs/om.cnf 27 [ req ] 28 default_bits = 2048 29 prompt = no 30 default_md = sha256 31 distinguished_name = dn 32 req_extensions = req_ext 33 34 [ dn ] 35 C=US 36 ST=New York 37 L=New York 38 O=Example Company 39 OU=IT Department 40 CN=${OPS_MANAGER_EXTERNAL_DOMAIN} 41 42 [ req_ext ] 43 subjectAltName = @alt_names 44 keyUsage = critical, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment 45 extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth, clientAuth 46 47 [ alt_names ] 48 DNS.1 = ${OPS_MANAGER_EXTERNAL_DOMAIN} 49 DNS.2 = om-svc.${NAMESPACE}.svc.cluster.local 50 EOF 51 52 cat <<EOF >certs/appdb.cnf 53 [ req ] 54 default_bits = 2048 55 prompt = no 56 default_md = sha256 57 distinguished_name = dn 58 req_extensions = req_ext 59 60 [ dn ] 61 C=US 62 ST=New York 63 L=New York 64 O=Example Company 65 OU=IT Department 66 CN=AppDB 67 68 [ req_ext ] 69 subjectAltName = @alt_names 70 keyUsage = critical, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment 71 extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth, clientAuth 72 73 [ alt_names ] 74 multi-cluster mongod hostnames from service for each pod 75 DNS.1 = *.${NAMESPACE}.svc.cluster.local 76 single-cluster mongod hostnames from headless service 77 DNS.2 = *.om-db-svc.${NAMESPACE}.svc.cluster.local 78 EOF 79 80 generate CA keypair and certificate 81 openssl genrsa -out certs/ca.key 2048 82 openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -key certs/ca.key -days 1024 -out certs/ca.crt -config certs/ca.cnf 83 84 generate OpsManager's keypair and certificate 85 openssl genrsa -out certs/om.key 2048 86 openssl req -new -key certs/om.key -out certs/om.csr -config certs/om.cnf 87 88 generate AppDB's keypair and certificate 89 openssl genrsa -out certs/appdb.key 2048 90 openssl req -new -key certs/appdb.key -out certs/appdb.csr -config certs/appdb.cnf 91 92 generate certificates signed by CA for OpsManager and AppDB 93 openssl x509 -req -in certs/om.csr -CA certs/ca.crt -CAkey certs/ca.key -CAcreateserial -out certs/om.crt -days 365 -sha256 -extfile certs/om.cnf -extensions req_ext 94 openssl x509 -req -in certs/appdb.csr -CA certs/ca.crt -CAkey certs/ca.key -CAcreateserial -out certs/appdb.crt -days 365 -sha256 -extfile certs/appdb.cnf -extensions req_ext Create secrets with TLS keys:
If you prefer to use your own keys and certificates, skip the previous generation step and put the keys and certificates into the following files:
- CA certificates. These are not necessary when using trusted certificates.certs/appdb.key
- private key for the Application Database.certs/appdb.crt
- certificate for the Application Database.certs/om.key
- private key for Ops Manager.certs/om.crt
- certificate for Ops Manager.
1 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" create secret tls cert-prefix-om-cert \ 2 --cert=certs/om.crt \ 3 --key=certs/om.key 4 5 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" create secret tls cert-prefix-om-db-cert \ 6 --cert=certs/appdb.crt \ 7 --key=certs/appdb.key 8 9 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" create configmap om-cert-ca --from-file="mms-ca.crt=certs/ca.crt" 10 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" create configmap appdb-cert-ca --from-file="ca-pem=certs/ca.crt"
Install Ops Manager.
At this point, you have prepared the environment and the Kubernetes Operator to deploy the Ops Manager resource.
Create the necessary credentials for the Ops Manager admin user that the Kubernetes Operator will create after deploying the Ops Manager Application instance:
1 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" --namespace "${NAMESPACE}" create secret generic om-admin-user-credentials \ 2 --from-literal=Username="admin" \ 3 --from-literal=Password="Passw0rd@" \ 4 --from-literal=FirstName="Jane" \ 5 --from-literal=LastName="Doe" Deploy the simplest
custom resource possible (with TLS enabled) on a single member cluster, which is also known as the operator cluster.This deployment is almost the same as for the single-cluster mode, but with
set toMultiCluster
.Deploying this way shows that a single Kubernetes cluster deployment is a special case of a multi-Kubernetes cluster deployment on a single Kubernetes member cluster. You can start deploying the Ops Manager Application and the Application Database on as many Kubernetes clusters as necessary from the beginning, and don't have to start with the deployment with only a single member Kubernetes cluster.
At this point, you have prepared the Ops Manager deployment to span more than one Kubernetes cluster, which you will do later in this procedure.
1 kubectl apply --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" -f - <<EOF 2 apiVersion: 3 kind: MongoDBOpsManager 4 metadata: 5 name: om 6 spec: 7 topology: MultiCluster 8 version: "${OPS_MANAGER_VERSION}" 9 adminCredentials: om-admin-user-credentials 10 security: 11 certsSecretPrefix: cert-prefix 12 tls: 13 ca: om-cert-ca 14 clusterSpecList: 15 - clusterName: "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" 16 members: 1 17 applicationDatabase: 18 version: "${APPDB_VERSION}" 19 topology: MultiCluster 20 security: 21 certsSecretPrefix: cert-prefix 22 tls: 23 ca: appdb-cert-ca 24 clusterSpecList: 25 - clusterName: "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" 26 members: 3 27 backup: 28 enabled: false 29 EOF Wait for the Kubernetes Operator to pick up the work and reach the
state. Wait for both the Application Database and Ops Manager deployments to complete.1 echo "Waiting for Application Database to reach Pending phase..." 2 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" wait --for=jsonpath='{.status.applicationDatabase.phase}'=Pending opsmanager/om --timeout=30s 1 Waiting for Application Database to reach Pending phase... 2 condition met Deploy Ops Manager. The Kubernetes Operator deploys Ops Manager by performing the following steps. It:
Deploys the Application Database's replica set nodes and waits for the MongoDB processes in the replica set to start running.
Deploys the Ops Manager Application instance with the Application Database's connection string and waits for it to become ready.
Adds the Monitoring MongoDB Agent containers to each Application Database's Pod.
Waits for both the Ops Manager Application and the Application Database Pods to start running.
1 echo "Waiting for Application Database to reach Running phase..." 2 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" wait --for=jsonpath='{.status.applicationDatabase.phase}'=Running opsmanager/om --timeout=900s 3 echo; echo "Waiting for Ops Manager to reach Running phase..." 4 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" wait --for=jsonpath='{.status.opsManager.phase}'=Running opsmanager/om --timeout=900s 5 echo; echo "Waiting for Application Database to reach Pending phase (enabling monitoring)..." 6 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" wait --for=jsonpath='{.status.applicationDatabase.phase}'=Running opsmanager/om --timeout=900s 7 echo "Waiting for Application Database to reach Running phase..." 8 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" wait --for=jsonpath='{.status.applicationDatabase.phase}'=Running opsmanager/om --timeout=900s 9 echo; echo "Waiting for Ops Manager to reach Running phase..." 10 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" wait --for=jsonpath='{.status.opsManager.phase}'=Running opsmanager/om --timeout=900s 11 echo; echo "MongoDBOpsManager resource" 12 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" get opsmanager/om 13 echo; echo "Pods running in cluster ${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" 14 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" get pods 15 echo; echo "Pods running in cluster ${K8S_CLUSTER_1_CONTEXT_NAME}" 16 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_1_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" get pods 1 Waiting for Application Database to reach Running phase... 2 condition met 3 4 Waiting for Ops Manager to reach Running phase... 5 condition met 6 7 Waiting for Application Database to reach Pending phase (enabling monitoring)... 8 condition met 9 Waiting for Application Database to reach Running phase... 10 condition met 11 12 Waiting for Ops Manager to reach Running phase... 13 condition met 14 15 MongoDBOpsManager resource 16 NAME REPLICAS VERSION STATE (OPSMANAGER) STATE (APPDB) STATE (BACKUP) AGE WARNINGS 17 om 7.0.4 Running Running Disabled 13m 18 19 Pods running in cluster gke_scratch-kubernetes-team_europe-central2-a_k8s-mdb-0 20 NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE 21 om-0-0 2/2 Running 0 10m 22 om-db-0-0 4/4 Running 0 69s 23 om-db-0-1 4/4 Running 0 2m12s 24 om-db-0-2 4/4 Running 0 3m32s 25 26 Pods running in cluster gke_scratch-kubernetes-team_europe-central2-b_k8s-mdb-1 Now that you have deployed a single-member cluster in a multi-cluster mode, you can reconfigure this deployment to span more than one Kubernetes cluster.
On the second member cluster, deploy two additional Application Database replica set members and one additional instance of the Ops Manager Application:
1 kubectl apply --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" -f - <<EOF 2 apiVersion: 3 kind: MongoDBOpsManager 4 metadata: 5 name: om 6 spec: 7 topology: MultiCluster 8 version: "${OPS_MANAGER_VERSION}" 9 adminCredentials: om-admin-user-credentials 10 security: 11 certsSecretPrefix: cert-prefix 12 tls: 13 ca: om-cert-ca 14 clusterSpecList: 15 - clusterName: "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" 16 members: 1 17 - clusterName: "${K8S_CLUSTER_1_CONTEXT_NAME}" 18 members: 1 19 applicationDatabase: 20 version: "${APPDB_VERSION}" 21 topology: MultiCluster 22 security: 23 certsSecretPrefix: cert-prefix 24 tls: 25 ca: appdb-cert-ca 26 clusterSpecList: 27 - clusterName: "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" 28 members: 3 29 - clusterName: "${K8S_CLUSTER_1_CONTEXT_NAME}" 30 members: 2 31 backup: 32 enabled: false 33 EOF Wait for the Kubernetes Operator to pick up the work (pending phase):
1 echo "Waiting for Application Database to reach Pending phase..." 2 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" wait --for=jsonpath='{.status.applicationDatabase.phase}'=Pending opsmanager/om --timeout=30s 1 Waiting for Application Database to reach Pending phase... 2 condition met Wait for the Kubernetes Operator to finish deploying all components:
1 echo "Waiting for Application Database to reach Running phase..." 2 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" wait --for=jsonpath='{.status.applicationDatabase.phase}'=Running opsmanager/om --timeout=600s 3 echo; echo "Waiting for Ops Manager to reach Running phase..." 4 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" wait --for=jsonpath='{.status.opsManager.phase}'=Running opsmanager/om --timeout=600s 5 echo; echo "MongoDBOpsManager resource" 6 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" get opsmanager/om 7 echo; echo "Pods running in cluster ${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" 8 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" get pods 9 echo; echo "Pods running in cluster ${K8S_CLUSTER_1_CONTEXT_NAME}" 10 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_1_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" get pods 1 Waiting for Application Database to reach Running phase... 2 condition met 3 4 Waiting for Ops Manager to reach Running phase... 5 condition met 6 7 MongoDBOpsManager resource 8 NAME REPLICAS VERSION STATE (OPSMANAGER) STATE (APPDB) STATE (BACKUP) AGE WARNINGS 9 om 7.0.4 Running Running Disabled 20m 10 11 Pods running in cluster gke_scratch-kubernetes-team_europe-central2-a_k8s-mdb-0 12 NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE 13 om-0-0 2/2 Running 0 2m56s 14 om-db-0-0 4/4 Running 0 7m48s 15 om-db-0-1 4/4 Running 0 8m51s 16 om-db-0-2 4/4 Running 0 10m 17 18 Pods running in cluster gke_scratch-kubernetes-team_europe-central2-b_k8s-mdb-1 19 NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE 20 om-1-0 2/2 Running 0 3m27s 21 om-db-1-0 4/4 Running 0 6m32s 22 om-db-1-1 4/4 Running 0 5m5s
Enable backup.
In a multi-Kubernetes cluster deployment of the Ops Manager Application, you can configure
only S3-based backup storage. This procedure refers to S3_*
defined in
Optional. Install the MinIO Operator.
This procedure deploys S3-compatible storage for your backups using the MinIO Operator. You can skip this step if you have AWS S3 or other S3-compatible buckets available. Adjust the
variables accordingly in in this case.1 kubectl kustomize "" | \ 2 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" apply -f - 3 4 kubectl kustomize "" | \ 5 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" apply -f - 6 7 add two buckets to the tenant config 8 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "tenant-tiny" patch tenant/myminio \ 9 --type='json' \ 10 -p="[{\"op\": \"add\", \"path\": \"/spec/buckets\", \"value\": [{\"name\": \"${S3_OPLOG_BUCKET_NAME}\"}, {\"name\": \"${S3_SNAPSHOT_BUCKET_NAME}\"}]}]" Before you configure and enable backup, create secrets:
- contains S3 credentials.s3-ca-cert
- contains a CA certificate that issued the bucket's server certificate. In the case of the sample MinIO deployment used in this procedure, the default Kubernetes Root CA certificate is used to sign the certificate. Because it's not a publicly trusted CA certificate, you must provide it so that Ops Manager can trust the connection.
If you use publicly trusted certificates, you may skip this step and remove the values from the
settings.1 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" create secret generic s3-access-secret \ 2 --from-literal=accessKey="${S3_ACCESS_KEY}" \ 3 --from-literal=secretKey="${S3_SECRET_KEY}" 4 5 minio TLS secrets are signed with the default k8s root CA 6 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" create secret generic s3-ca-cert \ 7 --from-literal=ca.crt="$(kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n kube-system get configmap kube-root-ca.crt -o jsonpath="{\.crt}")"
Re-deploy Ops Manager with backup enabled.
The Kubernetes Operator can configure and deploy all components, the Ops Manager Application, the Backup Daemon instances, and the Application Database's replica set nodes in any combination on any member clusters for which you configure the Kubernetes Operator.
To illustrate the flexibility of the multi-Kubernetes cluster deployment configuration, deploy only one Backup Daemon instance on the third member cluster and specify zero Backup Daemon members for the first and second clusters.
1 kubectl apply --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" -f - <<EOF 2 apiVersion: 3 kind: MongoDBOpsManager 4 metadata: 5 name: om 6 spec: 7 topology: MultiCluster 8 version: "${OPS_MANAGER_VERSION}" 9 adminCredentials: om-admin-user-credentials 10 security: 11 certsSecretPrefix: cert-prefix 12 tls: 13 ca: om-cert-ca 14 clusterSpecList: 15 - clusterName: "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" 16 members: 1 17 backup: 18 members: 0 19 - clusterName: "${K8S_CLUSTER_1_CONTEXT_NAME}" 20 members: 1 21 backup: 22 members: 0 23 - clusterName: "${K8S_CLUSTER_2_CONTEXT_NAME}" 24 members: 0 25 backup: 26 members: 1 27 configuration: # to avoid configuration wizard on first login 28 mms.adminEmailAddr: 29 mms.fromEmailAddr: 30 mms.ignoreInitialUiSetup: "true" 31 mms.mail.hostname: 32 mms.mail.port: "465" 33 mms.mail.ssl: "true" 34 mms.mail.transport: smtp 35 mms.minimumTLSVersion: TLSv1.2 36 mms.replyToEmailAddr: 37 applicationDatabase: 38 version: "${APPDB_VERSION}" 39 topology: MultiCluster 40 security: 41 certsSecretPrefix: cert-prefix 42 tls: 43 ca: appdb-cert-ca 44 clusterSpecList: 45 - clusterName: "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" 46 members: 3 47 - clusterName: "${K8S_CLUSTER_1_CONTEXT_NAME}" 48 members: 2 49 backup: 50 enabled: true 51 s3Stores: 52 - name: my-s3-block-store 53 s3SecretRef: 54 name: "s3-access-secret" 55 pathStyleAccessEnabled: true 56 s3BucketEndpoint: "${S3_ENDPOINT}" 57 s3BucketName: "${S3_SNAPSHOT_BUCKET_NAME}" 58 customCertificateSecretRefs: 59 - name: s3-ca-cert 60 key: ca.crt 61 s3OpLogStores: 62 - name: my-s3-oplog-store 63 s3SecretRef: 64 name: "s3-access-secret" 65 s3BucketEndpoint: "${S3_ENDPOINT}" 66 s3BucketName: "${S3_OPLOG_BUCKET_NAME}" 67 pathStyleAccessEnabled: true 68 customCertificateSecretRefs: 69 - name: s3-ca-cert 70 key: ca.crt 71 EOF Wait until the Kubernetes Operator finishes its configuration:
1 echo; echo "Waiting for Backup to reach Running phase..." 2 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" wait --for=jsonpath='{.status.backup.phase}'=Running opsmanager/om --timeout=1200s 3 echo "Waiting for Application Database to reach Running phase..." 4 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" wait --for=jsonpath='{.status.applicationDatabase.phase}'=Running opsmanager/om --timeout=600s 5 echo; echo "Waiting for Ops Manager to reach Running phase..." 6 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" wait --for=jsonpath='{.status.opsManager.phase}'=Running opsmanager/om --timeout=600s 7 echo; echo "MongoDBOpsManager resource" 8 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" get opsmanager/om 9 echo; echo "Pods running in cluster ${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" 10 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_0_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" get pods 11 echo; echo "Pods running in cluster ${K8S_CLUSTER_1_CONTEXT_NAME}" 12 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_1_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" get pods 13 echo; echo "Pods running in cluster ${K8S_CLUSTER_2_CONTEXT_NAME}" 14 kubectl --context "${K8S_CLUSTER_2_CONTEXT_NAME}" -n "${NAMESPACE}" get pods 1 Waiting for Backup to reach Running phase... 2 condition met 3 Waiting for Application Database to reach Running phase... 4 condition met 5 6 Waiting for Ops Manager to reach Running phase... 7 condition met 8 9 MongoDBOpsManager resource 10 NAME REPLICAS VERSION STATE (OPSMANAGER) STATE (APPDB) STATE (BACKUP) AGE WARNINGS 11 om 7.0.4 Running Running Running 26m 12 13 Pods running in cluster gke_scratch-kubernetes-team_europe-central2-a_k8s-mdb-0 14 NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE 15 om-0-0 2/2 Running 0 5m11s 16 om-db-0-0 4/4 Running 0 13m 17 om-db-0-1 4/4 Running 0 14m 18 om-db-0-2 4/4 Running 0 16m 19 20 Pods running in cluster gke_scratch-kubernetes-team_europe-central2-b_k8s-mdb-1 21 NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE 22 om-1-0 2/2 Running 0 5m12s 23 om-db-1-0 4/4 Running 0 12m 24 om-db-1-1 4/4 Running 0 11m 25 26 Pods running in cluster gke_scratch-kubernetes-team_europe-central2-c_k8s-mdb-2 27 NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE 28 om-2-backup-daemon-0 2/2 Running 0 3m8s
Optional. Delete the GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine) clusters and all their associated resources (VMs).
Run the following script to delete the GKE clusters and clean up your environment.
The following commands are not reversible. They delete all clusters
referenced in
. Don't run these commands if you
wish to retain the GKE clusters, for example, if you didn't create
the GKE clusters as part of this procedure.
1 yes | gcloud container clusters delete "${K8S_CLUSTER_0}" --zone="${K8S_CLUSTER_0_ZONE}" & 2 yes | gcloud container clusters delete "${K8S_CLUSTER_1}" --zone="${K8S_CLUSTER_1_ZONE}" & 3 yes | gcloud container clusters delete "${K8S_CLUSTER_2}" --zone="${K8S_CLUSTER_2_ZONE}" & 4 wait