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New in version 6.0.

The setUserWriteBlockMode command blocks and unblocks writes to the entire cluster.

During cluster-to-cluster sync, mongosync, the cluster-to-cluster synchronization tool, uses the setUserWriteBlockMode command to block writes on the destination cluster. For more information, see the HTTP API start command.


Users and applications with the bypassWriteBlockingMode privilege can bypass the block and continue to perform writes.

This command is available in deployments hosted in the following environments:

The command has the following syntax:

setUserWriteBlockMode: 1,
global: <boolean>

The command takes the following fields:




Set this field to 1.



Blocks writes on a cluster when set to true. To enable writes on a cluster, set global: false.

To execute the setUserWriteBlockMode command, the user must have the setUserWriteBlockMode privilege.

  1. Enable user write block mode:

    db.adminCommand( {
    setUserWriteBlockMode: 1,
    global: true
    } )
  2. Add a record to the collection:

    db.names.insertOne( { name: "George Washington Cable" } )

    The server blocks the write because the user write block is enabled.

    Example Output:

    MongoServerError: User writes blocked
  3. Disable user write block mode:

    db.adminCommand( {
    setUserWriteBlockMode: 1,
    global: false
    } )
  4. Add a record to the collection:

    db.names.insertOne( { name: "George Washington Cable" } )

    The insertOne() method writes to a collection. The server allows the write because the user write block is disabled.