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$top (aggregation accumulator)

On this page

  • Definition
  • Syntax
  • Behavior
  • Restrictions
  • Examples

New in version 5.2.

Returns the top element within a group according to the specified sort order.

sortBy: { <field1>: <sort order>, <field2>: <sort order> ... },
output: <expression>



Specifies the order of results, with syntax similar to $sort.



Represents the output for each element in the group and can be any expression.

Consider the following aggregation that returns the top document from a group of scores:

  • $top does not filter out null values.

  • $top converts missing values to null.

db.aggregate( [
$documents: [
{ playerId: "PlayerA", gameId: "G1", score: 1 },
{ playerId: "PlayerB", gameId: "G1", score: 2 },
{ playerId: "PlayerC", gameId: "G1", score: 3 },
{ playerId: "PlayerD", gameId: "G1"},
{ playerId: "PlayerE", gameId: "G1", score: null }
_id: "$gameId",
output: [ "$playerId", "$score" ],
sortBy: { "score": 1 }
] )

In this example:

  • $documents creates the literal documents that contain player scores.

  • $group groups the documents by gameId. This example has only one gameId, G1.

  • PlayerD has a missing score and PlayerE has a null score. These values are both considered as null.

  • The playerId and score fields are specified as output : ["$playerId"," $score"] and returned as array values.

  • Specify the sort order with sortBy: { "score": 1 }.

  • PlayerD and PlayerE tied for the top element. PlayerD is returned as the top score.

  • To have more deterministic tie breaking behavior for multiple null values, add more fields to sortBy.

_id: 'G1',
playerId: [ 'PlayerD', null ]

$top is not supported as a aggregation expression.

$top is supported as a window operator.

Aggregation pipelines which call $top are subject to the 100 MB limit. If this limit is exceeded for an individual group, the aggregation fails with an error.

Consider a gamescores collection with the following documents:

{ playerId: "PlayerA", gameId: "G1", score: 31 },
{ playerId: "PlayerB", gameId: "G1", score: 33 },
{ playerId: "PlayerC", gameId: "G1", score: 99 },
{ playerId: "PlayerD", gameId: "G1", score: 1 },
{ playerId: "PlayerA", gameId: "G2", score: 10 },
{ playerId: "PlayerB", gameId: "G2", score: 14 },
{ playerId: "PlayerC", gameId: "G2", score: 66 },
{ playerId: "PlayerD", gameId: "G2", score: 80 }

You can use the $top accumulator to find the top score in a single game.

db.gamescores.aggregate( [
$match : { gameId : "G1" }
_id: "$gameId",
output: [ "$playerId", "$score" ],
sortBy: { "score": -1 }
] )

The example pipeline:

  • Uses $match to filter the results on a single gameId. In this case, G1.

  • Uses $group to group the results by gameId. In this case, G1.

  • Specifies the fields that are output for $top with output : ["$playerId"," $score"].

  • Uses sortBy: { "score": -1 } to sort the scores in descending order.

  • Uses $top to return the top score in the game.

The operation returns the following results:

[ { _id: 'G1', playerId: [ 'PlayerC', 99 ] } ]

You can use the $top accumulator to find the top score in each game.

db.gamescores.aggregate( [
{ _id: "$gameId", playerId:
output: [ "$playerId", "$score" ],
sortBy: { "score": -1 }
] )

The example pipeline:

  • Uses $group to group the results by gameId.

  • Uses $top to return top score for each game.

  • Specifies the fields that are output for $top with output : ["$playerId", "$score"].

  • Uses sortBy: { "score": -1 } to sort the scores in descending order.

The operation returns the following results:

{ _id: 'G2', playerId: [ 'PlayerD', 80 ] },
{ _id: 'G1', playerId: [ 'PlayerC', 99 ] }

