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Create a Rolling Index Build on Replica Sets

On this page

  • About this Task
  • Considerations
  • Prerequisites
  • Procedure

Rolling index builds are an alternative to default index builds.

Only use a rolling index build if your deployment matches one of the following cases:

  • If your average CPU utilization exceeds (N-1)/N-10% where where N is the number of CPU threads available to mongod

  • If your WiredTiger cache fill ratio regularly exceeds 90%


If your deployment does not meet this criteria, use the default index build.


With Atlas, you can temporarily scale your cluster to meet the requirements for a traditional index build. However, Atlas charges to scale your cluster. See Cluster Configuration Costs for more information.

To create unique indexes using the following procedure, you must stop all writes to the collection during this procedure.

If you cannot stop all writes to the collection during this procedure, do not use the procedure on this page. Instead, build your unique index on the collection by issuing db.collection.createIndex() on the primary for a replica set.

Ensure that your oplog is large enough to permit the indexing or re-indexing operation to complete without falling too far behind to catch up. See the oplog sizing documentation for additional information.

For building unique indexes

To create unique indexes using the following procedure, you must stop all writes to the collection during the index build. Otherwise, you may end up with inconsistent data across the replica set members.


If you cannot stop all writes to the collection, do not use the following procedure to create unique indexes.


The following procedure to build indexes in a rolling fashion applies to replica set deployments, and not sharded clusters. For the procedure for sharded clusters, see Create a Rolling Index Builds on Sharded Clusters instead.

Run the following commands on your primary node to hide the secondary that will build the new index.

In this example, the secondary that will build the new index is the third node in cfg.members.

var cfg = rs.conf();
// Record originalPriority so that you can reset it later.
var originalPriority = cfg.members[2].priority;
cfg.members[2].priority = 0;
cfg.members[2].hidden = 1;

Stop the mongod process associated with a secondary. Restart after making the following configuration updates:

If you are using a configuration file, make the following configuration updates:

  • Comment out the replication.replSetName option.

  • Change the net.port to a different port. [1] Make a note of the original port setting as a comment.

  • Set parameter disableLogicalSessionCacheRefresh to true in the setParameter section.

For example, the updated configuration file for a replica set member will include content like the following example:

bindIp: localhost,<hostname(s)|ip address(es)>
port: 27217
# port: 27017
# replSetName: myRepl
disableLogicalSessionCacheRefresh: true

Other settings (e.g. storage.dbPath, etc.) remain the same.

And restart:

mongod --config <path/To/ConfigFile>

If using command-line options, make the following configuration updates:

For example, if your replica set member normally runs with on the default port of 27017 and the --replSet option, you would specify a different port, omit the --replSet option, and set disableLogicalSessionCacheRefresh parameter to true:

mongod --port 27217 --setParameter disableLogicalSessionCacheRefresh=true

Other settings (e.g. --dbpath, etc.) remain the same.

[1](1, 2) By running the mongod on a different port, you ensure that the other members of the replica set and all clients will not contact the member while you are building the index.

Connect directly to the mongod instance running as a standalone on the new port and create the new index for this instance.

For example, connect mongosh to the instance, and use the createIndex() to create an ascending index on the username field of the records collection:

db.records.createIndex( { username: 1 } )

When the index build completes, shutdown the mongod instance. To return the node to its original configuration, undo the configuration changes that you made when you started the node as a standalone. Then, restart the node as a member of the replica set.


Be sure to remove the disableLogicalSessionCacheRefresh parameter.

For example, to restart your replica set member:

If you are using a configuration file:

For example:

bindIp: localhost,<hostname(s)|ip address(es)>
port: 27017
replSetName: myRepl

Other settings (e.g. storage.dbPath, etc.) remain the same.

And restart:

mongod --config <path/To/ConfigFile>

If you are using command-line options,

  • Revert to the original port number

  • Include the --replSet option.

  • Remove parameter disableLogicalSessionCacheRefresh.

For example:

mongod --port 27017 --replSet myRepl

Other settings (e.g. --dbpath, etc.) remain the same.


Allow replication to catch up on this member before you begin the next step.

Run the following command on your primary to unhide the secondary node that built the index. In this example, the secondary node that built the index is the third node in cfg.members.

var cfg = rs.conf();
cfg.members[2].priority = originalPriority;
cfg.members[2].hidden = false;

Once the member catches up with the other members of the set, repeat the procedure one member at a time for the remaining secondary members:

  1. Hide and restart one secondary.

  2. Build the index.

  3. Restart the Program mongod as a replica set member.

When all the secondaries have the new index, step down the primary, restart it as a standalone using the procedure described above, and build the index on the former primary:

  1. Use the rs.stepDown() method in mongosh to step down the primary. Upon successful stepdown, the current primary becomes a secondary and the replica set members elect a new primary.

  2. Hide and restart one secondary.

  3. Build the index.

  4. Restart the Program mongod as a replica set member.


Rolling Index Builds