On this page
operator specifies a circle for a$geoWithin
query. The query returns legacy coordinate pairs that are within the bounds of the circle. The operator does not return GeoJSON objects.To use the
operator, specify an array that contains:The grid coordinates of the circle's center point, and
The circle's radius, as measured in the units used by the coordinate system.
{ <location field>: { $geoWithin: { $center: [ [ <x>, <y> ] , <radius> ] } } } Important
If you use longitude and latitude, specify longitude first.
The query calculates distances using flat (planar) geometry.
Applications can use $center
without having a geospatial index.
However, geospatial indexes support much faster queries than the
unindexed equivalents.
The following example query returns all documents that have coordinates
that exist within the circle centered on [ -74, 40.74 ]
and with a
radius of 10
db.places.find( { loc: { $geoWithin: { $center: [ [-74, 40.74], 10 ] } } } )