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$sample (aggregation)

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Randomly selects the specified number of documents from the input documents.

$sample stage syntax:

{ $sample: { size: <positive integer N> } }

N is the number of documents to randomly select. Set N to an integer greater than or equal to 1.

If all of the following conditions are true, $sample uses a pseudo-random cursor to select the N documents:

  • $sample is the first stage of the pipeline.

  • N is less than 5% of the total documents in the collection.

  • The collection contains more than 100 documents.

If any of the previous conditions are false, $sample:

  • Reads all documents that are output from a preceding aggregation stage or a collection scan.

  • Performs a random sort to select N documents. Random sorts are subject to the sort memory restrictions.


    조회수 are the result of aggregation pipelines. When you use $sample on a view, MongoDB appends the stage to the end of the view's aggregation pipeline syntax. Therefore, the $sample stage on a view is never the first stage and always results in a collection scan.

If you use $sample in a 샤딩된 클러스터, each shard performs the sample operation independently. mongos samples the merged result of each shard's sample operation and returns the requested number of documents.

This section shows an aggregation pipeline example that uses the following users collection:

db.users.insertMany( [
{ _id : 1, name : "dave123", q1 : true, q2 : true },
{ _id : 2, name : "dave2", q1 : false, q2 : false },
{ _id : 3, name : "ahn", q1 : true, q2 : true },
{ _id : 4, name : "li", q1 : true, q2 : false },
{ _id : 5, name : "annT", q1 : false, q2 : true },
{ _id : 6, name : "li", q1 : true, q2 : true },
{ _id : 7, name : "ty", q1 : false, q2 : true }
] )

The following aggregation operation randomly selects 3 documents from the collection:

[ { $sample: { size: 3 } } ]

The operation returns three random documents.

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