자체 관리형 샤딩된 클러스터를 키 파일 인증으로 업데이트(다운타임 없음)
이 페이지의 내용
The following procedure applies to sharded clusters using MongoDB 3.4 or later.
Earlier versions of MongoDB do not support no-downtime upgrade. For sharded clusters using earlier versions of MongoDB, see 자체 관리형 샤딩된 클러스터를 키 파일 인증으로 업데이트.
A MongoDB sharded cluster can enforce user authentication as well as internal authentication of its components to secure against unauthorized access.
The following tutorial describes a procedure using
to transition an existing sharded
cluster to enforce authentication without incurring downtime.
Before you attempt this tutorial, please familiarize yourself with the contents of this document.
고려 사항
클라우드 관리자 및 운영 관리자
If you are using Cloud Manager or Ops Manager to manage your deployment, refer to Configure Access Control for MongoDB Deployments in the Cloud Manager manual or Ops Manager manual to enforce authentication.
IP 바인딩
Internal and Client Authentication Mechanisms
This tutorial configures authentication using SCRAM for client authentication and a keyfile for internal authentication.
Refer to the 자체 관리 배포에 대한 인증 documentation for a complete list of available client and internal authentication mechanisms.
This tutorial assumes that each shard replica set, as well as the config server replica set, can elect a new primary after stepping down its existing primary.
A replica set can elect a primary only if both of the following conditions are true:
A majority of voting replica set members are available after stepping down the primary.
There is at least one available secondary member that is not delayed, hidden, or Priority 0.
Minimum number of mongos
Ensure your sharded cluster has at least two mongos instances
available. This tutorial requires restarting each mongos
the cluster. If your sharded cluster has only one mongos
instance, this results in downtime during the period that the
is offline.
Enforce Keyfile Access Control on an Existing Sharded Cluster
Create and Distribute the Keyfile
키 파일 인증을 사용하면 샤딩된 클러스터의 각 mongod
또는 mongos
인스턴스는 배포에서 다른 멤버를 인증하기 위한 공유 암호로 키 파일의 내용을 사용합니다. 올바른 키 파일을 가진 mongod
또는 mongos
인스턴스만 샤딩된 클러스터에 참여할 수 있습니다.
내부 멤버십 인증을 위한 키파일은 YAML 형식을 사용해 키파일에 여러 키를 허용합니다. YAML 형식은 다음 중 하나를 허용합니다.
단일 키 문자열(이전 버전과 동일)
키 문자열의 순서
YAML 형식은 텍스트 파일 형식을 사용하는 기존의 단일 키 키파일과 호환됩니다.
키 길이는 6~1024자 사이여야 하며 base64 세트의 문자만 포함할 수 있습니다. 샤딩된 클러스터의 모든 멤버는 하나 이상의 공통 키를 공유해야 합니다.
UNIX 시스템에서는 키 파일에 그룹 또는 월드 권한이 없어야 합니다. Windows 시스템에서는 키 파일 권한이 확인되지 않습니다.
원하는 방법을 사용하여 키 파일을 생성할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 다음 작업에서는 openssl
사용하여 공유 암호로 사용할 복잡한 의사 난수 1024자 문자열을 생성합니다. 그런 다음 chmod
사용하여 파일 소유자에게만 읽기 권한을 제공하도록 파일 권한을 변경합니다.
openssl rand -base64 755 > <path-to-keyfile> chmod 400 <path-to-keyfile>
샤딩된 클러스터 멤버를 호스팅하는 각 서버에 키 파일을 복사합니다. mongod
또는 mongos
인스턴스를 실행하는 사용자가 파일의 소유자이며 키 파일에 액세스할 수 있도록 합니다.
USB 드라이브 또는 네트워크 연결 저장 장치와 같이 mongod
또는 mongos
인스턴스를 호스팅하는 하드웨어에서 쉽게 분리될 수 있는 저장 매체에 키 파일을 저장하지 마세요.
For more information on using keyfiles for internal authentication, refer to 키파일.
Configure Sharded Cluster Admin User and Client Users
You must connect to a mongos
to complete the steps in this
section. The users created in these steps are cluster-level users and
cannot be used for accessing individual shard replica sets.
Create the adminstrator user.
Use the db.createUser()
method to create an administrator
user and assign it the following roles:
on theadmin
roles on theadmin
Clients performing maintenance operations or user administrative operations on the sharded cluster must authenticate as this user at the completion of this tutorial. Create this user now to ensure that you have access to the cluster after enforcing authentication.
admin = db.getSiblingDB("admin"); admin.createUser( { user: "admin", pwd: "<password>", roles: [ { role: "clusterAdmin", db: "admin" }, { role: "userAdmin", db: "admin" } ] } );
Passwords should be random, long, and complex to prevent or hinder malicious access.
Optional: Create additional users for client applications.
In addition to the administrator user, you can create additional users before enforcing authentication.. This ensures access to the sharded cluster once you fully enforce authentication.
The following operation creates the user joe
on the
database, assigning to this user the
role on the marketing
db.getSiblingDB("marketing").createUser( { "user": "joe", "pwd": "<password>", "roles": [ { "role" : "readWrite", "db" : "marketing" } ] } )
Clients authenticating as "joe"
can perform read and write
operations on the marketing
See Database User Roles for roles provided by MongoDB.
사용자 추가에 대한 자세한 내용은 사용자 추가 튜토리얼을 참조하세요. 새 사용자를 추가할 때는 보안 권장 사항을 고려하세요.
Optional: Update client applications to specify authentication credentials.
While the sharded cluster does not currently enforce authentication, you can still update client applications to specify authentication credentials when connecting to the sharded cluster. This may prevent loss of connectivity at the completion of this tutorial.
The following operation connects to the sharded cluster using
, authenticating as the user joe
on the
mongosh --username "joe" --password "<password>" \ --authenticationDatabase "marketing" --host mongos1.example.net:27017
If your application uses a MongoDB driver, see the associated driver documentation for instructions on creating an authenticated connection.
Transition Each mongos
Instance to Enforce Authentication
Create a new mongos
configuration file.
For each mongos
Copy the existing
configuration file, giving it a distinct name such as<filename>-secure.conf
if using Windows). You will use this new configuration file to transition themongos
to enforce authentication in the sharded cluster. Retain the original configuration file for backup purposes.To the new configuration file, add the following settings:
set totrue
set to the keyfile path.If using a different internal authentication mechanism, specify settings appropriate for the mechanism.
security: transitionToAuth: true keyFile: <path-to-keyfile> The new configuration file should contain all of the configuration settings previously used by the
as well as the new security settings.
One at a time, restart the mongos
with the new configuration file.
Follow the procedure to restart the mongos
instance, one
at a time:
Connect to the
to shutdown.Use the
method against theadmin
database to safely shut down themongos
.db.getSiblingDB("admin").shutdownServer() 다시 시작
with the new configuration file, specifying the path to the config file using--config
. For example, if the new configuration file were namedmongos-secure.conf
:mongos --config <path>/mongos-secure.conf where
represents the system path to the folder containing the new configuration file.
Repeat the restart process for the next mongos
until all mongos
instances in the sharded cluster have
been restarted.
At the end of this section, all mongos
instances in the
sharded cluster are running with security.transitionToAuth
and security.keyFile
internal authentication.
Transition Config Server Replica Set Members to Enforce Authentication
Create a new mongod
configuration file.
For each mongod
in the config server replica set,
Copy the existing
configuration file, giving it a distinct name such as<filename>-secure.conf
if using Windows). You will use this new configuration file to transition themongod
to enforce authentication in the sharded cluster. Retain the original configuration file for backup purposes.To the new configuration file, add the following settings:
set totrue
set to the keyfile path.If using a different internal authentication mechanism, specify settings appropriate for the mechanism.
security: transitionToAuth: true keyFile: <path-to-keyfile>
One at a time, restart the mongod
with the new configuration file.
Restart the replica set, one member at a time, starting with the secondary members.
To restart the secondary members one at a time,
Connect to the
and use thedb.shutdownServer()
method against theadmin
database to safely shut down themongod
.db.getSiblingDB("admin").shutdownServer() Restart the
with the new configuration file, specifying the path to the config file using--config
. For example, if the new configuration file were namedmongod-secure.conf
:mongod --config <path>/mongod-secure.conf where
represents the system path to the folder containing the new configuration file.
Once this member is up, repeat for the next secondary member.
Once all the secondary members have restarted and are up, restart the primary:
Connect to the
.Use the
method to step down the primary and trigger an election.rs.stepDown() You can use the
method to ensure the replica set has elected a new primary.Once you step down the primary and a new primary has been elected, shut down the old primary using the
method against theadmin
database.db.getSiblingDB("admin").shutdownServer() Restart the
with the new configuration file, specifying the path to the config file using--config
. For example, if the new configuration file were namedmongod-secure.conf
:mongod --config <path>/mongod-secure.conf where
represents the system path to the folder containing the new configuration file.
At the end of this section, all mongod
instances in the config
server replica set is running with security.transitionToAuth
internal authentication.
Transition Each Shard Replica Set Members to Enforce Authentication
Create the shard-local administrator
In a sharded cluster that enforces authentication, each shard replica set should have its own shard-local administrator. You cannot use a shard-local administrator for one shard to access another shard or the sharded cluster.
Connect to the primary member of each shard replica set and create a
user with the db.createUser()
method, assigning it the following
on theadmin
roles on theadmin
메서드/명령 호출에서 암호를 직접 지정하는 대신 passwordPrompt()
메서드를 다양한 사용자 인증/관리 메서드/명령과 함께 사용하여 암호를 묻는 메시지를 표시할 수 있습니다. 그러나 이전 버전의 mongo
shell에서와 마찬가지로 비밀번호를 직접 지정할 수도 있습니다.
admin = db.getSiblingDB("admin") admin.createUser( { user: "admin", pwd: passwordPrompt(), // or cleartext password roles: [ { role: "clusterAdmin", db: "admin" }, { role: "userAdmin", db: "admin" } ] } )
At the completion of this tutorial, if you want to connect to the shard to perform maintenance operation that require direct connection to a shard, you must authenticate as the shard-local administrator.
Direct connections to a shard should only be for shard-specific
maintenance and configuration. In general, clients should connect to
the sharded cluster through the mongos
Transitioning one shard replica set at a time, repeat these steps for each shard replica set in the sharded cluster.
Create a new mongod
configuration file.
For each mongod
in the shard replica set,
Copy the existing
configuration file, giving it a distinct name such as<filename>-secure.conf
if using Windows). You will use this new configuration file to transition themongod
to enforce authentication in the sharded cluster. Retain the original configuration file for backup purposes.To the new configuration file, add the following settings:
set totrue
set to the keyfile path.If using a different internal authentication mechanism, specify settings appropriate for the mechanism.
security: transitionToAuth: true keyFile: <path-to-keyfile>
One at a time, restart the mongod
with the new configuration file.
Restart the replica set, one member at a time, starting with the secondary members.
To restart the secondary members one at a time,
Connect to the
and use thedb.shutdownServer()
method against theadmin
database to safely shut down themongod
.db.getSiblingDB("admin").shutdownServer() Restart the
with the new configuration file, specifying the path to the config file using--config
. For example, if the new configuration file were namedmongod-secure.conf
:mongod --config <path>/mongod-secure.conf where
represents the system path to the folder containing the new configuration file.
Once this member is up, repeat for the next secondary member of the replica set until all secondaries have been updated.
Once all the secondary members have restarted and are up, restart the primary:
Connect to the
.Use the
method to step down the primary and trigger an election.rs.stepDown() You can use the
method to ensure the replica set has elected a new primary.Once you step down the primary and a new primary has been elected, shut down the old primary using the
method against theadmin
database.db.getSiblingDB("admin").shutdownServer() Restart the
with the new configuration file, specifying the path to the config file using--config
. For example, if the new configuration file were namedmongod-secure.conf
:mongod --config <path>/mongod-secure.conf where
represents the system path to the folder containing the new configuration file.
At this point in the tutorial, every component of the sharded cluster is
running with --transitionToAuth
and security.keyFile
internal authentication. The sharded cluster has at least one administrative
user, and each shard replica set has a shard-local administrative user.
The remaining sections involve taking the sharded cluster out of the transition state to fully enforce authentication.
Restart Each mongos
Instance without transitionToAuth
At the end of this section, clients must specify authentication credentials to connect to the sharded cluster. Update clients to specify authentication credentials before completing this section to avoid loss of connectivity.
To complete the transition to fully enforcing authentication in the
sharded cluster, you must restart each mongos
instance without
the security.transitionToAuth
제거 transitionToAuth
from the mongos
configuration files.
Remove the security.transitionToAuth
key and its value
from the mongos
configuration files created during this
tutorial. Leave the security.keyFile
setting added in the
security: keyFile: <path-to-keyfile>
Restart the mongos
with the updated configuration file.
Follow the procedure to restart mongos
instance, one
at a time:
Connect to the
to shutdown.Use the
method against theadmin
database to safely shut down themongos
.db.getSiblingDB("admin").shutdownServer() 다시 시작
with the updated configuration file, specifying the path to the config file using--config
. For example, if the updated configuration file were namedmongos-secure.conf
:mongos --config <path>/mongos-secure.conf
At the end of this section, all mongos
instances enforce client
authentication and security.keyFile
internal authentication.
Restart Each Config Server Replica Set Member without transitionToAuth
At the end of this step, clients must specify authentication credentials to connect to the config server replica set. Update clients to specify authentication credentials before completing this section to avoid loss of connectivity.
To complete the transition to fully enforcing authentication in the
sharded cluster, you must restart each mongod
instance without
the security.transitionToAuth
제거 transitionToAuth
from the mongod
configuration files.
Remove the security.transitionToAuth
key and its value
from the config server configuration files created during this
tutorial. Leave the security.keyFile
setting added in the
security: keyFile: <path-to-keyfile>
One at a time, restart the mongod
with the updated configuration file.
Restart the replica set, one member at a time, starting with the secondary members.
To restart the secondary members one at a time,
Connect to the
and use thedb.shutdownServer()
method against theadmin
database to safely shut down themongod
.db.getSiblingDB("admin").shutdownServer() Restart the
with the updated configuration file, specifying the path to the config file using--config
. For example, if the new configuration file were namedmongod-secure.conf
:mongod --config <path>/mongod-secure.conf where
represents the system path to the folder containing the updated configuration file.
Once this member is up, repeat for the next secondary member.
Once all the secondary members have restarted and are up, restart the primary:
Connect to the
.Use the
method to step down the primary and trigger an election.rs.stepDown() You can use the
method to ensure the replica set has elected a new primary.Once you step down the primary and a new primary has been elected, shut down the old primary using the
method against theadmin
database.db.getSiblingDB("admin").shutdownServer() Restart the
with the updated configuration file, specifying the path to the config file using--config
. For example, if the new configuration file were namedmongod-secure.conf
:mongod --config <path>/mongod-secure.conf where
represents the system path to the folder containing the updated configuration file.
At the end of this section, all mongod
instances in the config
server replica set enforce client authentication and
internal authentication.
Restart Each Member in Each Shard Replica Set without transitionToAuth
At the end of this step, clients must specify authentication credentials to connect to the shard replica set. Update clients to specify authentication credentials before completing this section to avoid loss of connectivity.
To complete the transition to fully enforcing authentication in the sharded
cluster, you must restart every member of every shard replica set in the
sharded cluster without the security.transitionToAuth
Transitioning one shard replica set at a time, repeat these steps for each shard replica set in the sharded cluster.
제거 transitionToAuth
from the mongod
configuration files.
Remove the security.transitionToAuth
key and its value
from the config server configuration files created during this
tutorial. Leave the security.keyFile
setting added in the
security: keyFile: <path-to-keyfile>
One at a time, restart the mongod
with the updated configuration file.
Restart the replica set, one member at a time, starting with the secondary members.
To restart the secondary members one at a time,
Connect to the
and use thedb.shutdownServer()
method against theadmin
database to safely shut down themongod
.db.getSiblingDB("admin").shutdownServer() Restart the
with the updated configuration file, specifying the path to the config file using--config
. For example, if the new configuration file were namedmongod-secure.conf
:mongod --config <path>/mongod-secure.conf where
represents the system path to the folder containing the updated configuration file.
Once this member is up, repeat for the next secondary member.
Once all the secondary members have restarted and are up, restart the primary:
Connect to the
.Use the
method to step down the primary and trigger an election.rs.stepDown() You can use the
method to ensure the replica set has elected a new primary.Once you step down the primary and a new primary has been elected, shut down the old primary using the
method against theadmin
database.db.getSiblingDB("admin").shutdownServer() Restart the
with the updated configuration file, specifying the path to the config file using--config
. For example, if the new configuration file were namedmongod-secure.conf
:mongod --config <path>/mongod-secure.conf where
represents the system path to the folder containing the updated configuration file.
At the end of this section, all mongos
and mongod
instances in the sharded cluster enforce client authentication and
internal authentication. Clients can only connect
to the sharded cluster by using the configured client authentication mechanism.
Additional components can only join the cluster by specifying the correct
X.509 Certificate Internal Authentication
MongoDB supports X.509 certificate authentication for use with a secure TLS/SSL connection. Sharded cluster members and replica set members can use X.509 certificates to verify their membership to the cluster or the replica set instead of using 키파일.
For details on using X.509 certificates for internal authentication, see 자체 관리형 MongoDB 로 멤버십 인증에 X.509 인증서 사용.
Upgrade Self-Managed MongoDB from Keyfile Authentication to X.509 Authentication describes how to upgrade a deployment's internal auth mechanism from keyfile-based authentication to X.509 certificate-based auth.