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Use Automatic Client-Side Field Level Encryption with KMIP

On this page

  • Overview
  • Before You Get Started
  • Set Up the KMS
  • Configure your KMIP-compliant key provider
  • Specify your Certificates
  • Create the Application
  • Create a Unique Index on Your Key Vault Collection
  • Create a Data Encryption Key
  • Configure the MongoClient
  • Insert a Document with Encrypted Fields
  • Retrieve Your Document with Encrypted Fields
  • Learn More

This guide shows you how to build a Client-Side Field Level Encryption (CSFLE)-enabled application using a Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP)-compliant key provider.

After you complete the steps in this guide, you should have:

  • A Customer Master Key hosted on a KMIP-compliant key provider.

  • A working client application that inserts documents with encrypted fields using your Customer Master Key.

To complete and run the code in this guide, you need to set up your development environment as shown in the Installation Requirements page.

Throughout this guide, code examples use placeholder text. Before you run the examples, substitute your own values for these placeholders.

For example:

dek_id := "<Your Base64 DEK ID>"

You would replace everything between quotes with your DEK ID.

dek_id := "abc123"

Select the programming language for which you want to see code examples for from the Select your language dropdown menu on the right side of the page.


See: Full Application

To view the complete runnable application code for this tutorial, go to the following link:


mongod reads the KMIP configuration at startup. By default, the server uses KMIP protocol version 1.2.

To connect to a version 1.0 or 1.1 KMIP server, use the useLegacyProtocol setting.


To connect a MongoDB driver client to your KMIP-compliant key provider, you must configure your KMIP-compliant key provider such that it accepts your client's TLS certificate.

Consult the documentation for your KMIP-compliant key provider for information on how to accept your client certificate.


Your client must connect to your KMIP-compliant key provider through TLS and present a client certificate that your KMIP-compliant key provider accepts:

Select the tab that corresponds to the MongoDB driver you are using in your application to see relevant code samples.


Create a unique index on the keyAltNames field in your encryption.__keyVault namespace.

Select the tab corresponding to your preferred MongoDB driver:


Specify the URI endpoint of your KMIP-compliant key provider:


The following code prompts your KMIP-compliant key provider to automatically generate a Customer Master Key:


Generate your Data Encryption Key using the variables declared in step one of this tutorial.


See: Complete Code



Follow the remaining steps in this tutorial in a separate file from the one created in the previous steps.


Specify encryption.__keyVault as the Key Vault collection namespace.


Specify kmip in your kmsProviders object and enter the URI endpoint of your KMIP-compliant key provider:


Create an encryption schema that specifies how your client application encrypts your documents' fields:


Add Your Data Encryption Key Base64 ID

Make sure to update the following code to include your Base64 DEK ID. You received this value in the Generate your Data Encryption Key step of this guide.


Further Reading on Schemas

To view an in-depth description of how to construct the schema you use in this step, see the Encryption Schemas guide.

To view a list of all supported encryption rules for your encryption schemas, see the Encryption Schemas guide.


Configure the client to spawn the mongocryptd process by specifying the path to the binary using the following configuration options:


Instantiate a MongoDB client object with the following automatic encryption settings that use the variables declared in the previous steps:


Use your CSFLE-enabled MongoClient instance to insert a document with encrypted fields into the medicalRecords.patients namespace using the following code snippet:

When you insert a document, your CSFLE-enabled client encrypts the fields of your document such that it resembles the following:

"_id": { "$oid": "<_id of your document>" },
"name": "Jon Doe",
"ssn": {
"$binary": "<cipher-text>",
"$type": "6"
"bloodType": {
"$binary": "<cipher-text>",
"$type": "6"
"medicalRecords": {
"$binary": "<cipher-text>",
"$type": "6"
"insurance": {
"provider": "MaestCare",
"policyNumber": {
"$binary": "<cipher-text>",
"$type": "6"


See: Complete Code


Retrieve the document with encrypted fields you inserted in the Insert a Document with Encrypted Fields step of this guide.

To show the functionality of CSFLE, the following code snippet queries for your document with a client configured for automatic CSFLE as well as a client that is not configured for automatic CSFLE.

The output of the preceding code snippet should look like this:

Finding a document with regular (non-encrypted) client.
_id: new ObjectId("629a452e0861b3130887103a"),
name: 'Jon Doe',
ssn: new Binary(Buffer.from("0217482732d8014cdd9ffdd6e2966e5e7910c20697e5f4fa95710aafc9153f0a3dc769c8a132a604b468732ff1f4d8349ded3244b59cbfb41444a210f28b21ea1b6c737508d9d30e8baa30c1d8070c4d5e26", "hex"), 6),
bloodType: new Binary(Buffer.from("0217482732d8014cdd9ffdd6e2966e5e79022e238536dfd8caadb4d7751ac940e0f195addd7e5c67b61022d02faa90283ab69e02303c7e4001d1996128428bf037dea8bbf59fbb20c583cbcff2bf3e2519b4", "hex"), 6),
'key-id': 'demo-data-key',
medicalRecords: new Binary(Buffer.from("0217482732d8014cdd9ffdd6e2966e5e790405163a3207cff175455106f57eef14e5610c49a99bcbd14a7db9c5284e45e3ee30c149354015f941440bf54725d6492fb3b8704bc7c411cff6c868e4e13c58233c3d5ed9593eca4e4d027d76d3705b6d1f3b3c9e2ceee195fd944b553eb27eee69e5e67c338f146f8445995664980bf0", "hex"), 6),
insurance: {
policyNumber: new Binary(Buffer.from("0217482732d8014cdd9ffdd6e2966e5e79108decd85c05be3fec099e015f9d26d9234605dc959cc1a19b63072f7ffda99db38c7b487de0572a03b2139ac3ee163bcc40c8508f366ce92a5dd36e38b3c742f7", "hex"), 6),
provider: 'MaestCare'
Finding a document with encrypted client, searching on an encrypted field
_id: new ObjectId("629a452e0861b3130887103a"),
name: 'Jon Doe',
ssn: 241014209,
bloodType: 'AB+',
'key-id': 'demo-data-key',
medicalRecords: [ { weight: 180, bloodPressure: '120/80' } ],
insurance: { policyNumber: 123142, provider: 'MaestCare' }


See: Complete Code

To learn how CSFLE works, see Fundamentals.

To learn more about the topics mentioned in this guide, see the following links:

  • Learn more about CSFLE components on the Reference page.

  • Learn how Customer Master Keys and Data Encryption Keys work on the Keys and Key Vaults page.

  • See how KMS Providers manage your CSFLE keys on the KMS Providers page.

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