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Create an Index on an Array Field

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You can create an index on a field containing an array value to improve performance for queries on that field. When you create an index on a field containing an array value, MongoDB stores that index as a multikey index.

To create an index, use the db.collection.createIndex() method. Your operation should resemble this prototype:

db.<collection>.createIndex( { <field>: <sortOrder> } )

The example on this page uses a students collection that contains these documents:

db.students.insertMany( [
"name": "Andre Robinson",
"test_scores": [ 88, 97 ]
"name": "Wei Zhang",
"test_scores": [ 62, 73 ]
"name": "Jacob Meyer",
"test_scores": [ 92, 89 ]
] )

You regularly run a query that returns students with at least one test_score greater than 90. You can create an index on the test_scores field to improve performance for this query.

The following operation creates an ascending multikey index on the test_scores field of the students collection:

db.students.createIndex( { test_scores: 1 } )

Because test_scores contains an array value, MongoDB stores this index as a multikey index.

The index contains a key for each individual value that appears in the test_scores field. The index is ascending, meaning the keys are stored in this order: [ 62, 73, 88, 89, 92, 97 ].

The index supports queries that select on the test_scores field. For example, the following query returns documents where at least one element in the test_scores array is greater than 90:

test_scores: { $elemMatch: { $gt: 90 } }


_id: ObjectId("632240a20646eaee87a56a80"),
name: 'Andre Robinson',
test_scores: [ 88, 97 ]
_id: ObjectId("632240a20646eaee87a56a82"),
name: 'Jacob Meyer',
test_scores: [ 92, 89 ]




Embedded Array Field