이 명령은 다음 환경에서 호스팅되는 배포에서 사용할 수 있습니다.
MongoDB Atlas: 클라우드에서의 MongoDB 배포를 위한 완전 관리형 서비스
이 명령은 M0, M2, M5 및 Flex 클러스터에서 지원되지 않습니다. 자세한 내용은 지원되지 않는 명령을 참조하세요.
MongoDB Enterprise: MongoDB의 구독 기반 자체 관리 버전
MongoDB Community: MongoDB의 소스 사용 가능 무료 자체 관리 버전
명령은 다음과 같은 구문을 가집니다:
db.adminCommand( { lockInfo: 1 } )
출력 예시
The following is an example of the output from the
{ "lockInfo" : [ { "resourceId" : "{2305843009213693953: ParallelBatchWriterMode, 1}", "granted" : [ { "mode" : "IS", "convertMode" : "NONE", "enqueueAtFront" : false, "compatibleFirst" : false, "debugInfo" : "{ findandmodify: \"hugeindex\", query: { _id: 585.0 }, update: { $pop: { a: 1.0 } }, upsert: false, new: false, lsid: { id: UUID(\"dc611138-04c6-49b1-a7ac-161040dd9d65\") }, $db: \"test\" }", "clientInfo" : { "desc" : "conn3", "connectionId" : 3, "client" : "", "opid" : 28770 } } ], "pending" : [ ] }, { "resourceId" : "{6917529027641081857: Global, 1}", "granted" : [ { "mode" : "IX", "convertMode" : "NONE", "enqueueAtFront" : false, "compatibleFirst" : false, "debugInfo" : "{ findandmodify: \"hugeindex\", query: { _id: 585.0 }, update: { $pop: { a: 1.0 } }, upsert: false, new: false, lsid: { id: UUID(\"dc611138-04c6-49b1-a7ac-161040dd9d65\") }, $db: \"test\" }", "clientInfo" : { "desc" : "conn3", "connectionId" : 3, "client" : "", "opid" : 28770 } }, { "mode" : "IX", "convertMode" : "NONE", "enqueueAtFront" : false, "compatibleFirst" : false, "debugInfo" : "index build: 29d48366-63ad-41e2-a689-69255a89c094", "clientInfo" : { "desc" : "IndexBuildsCoordinatorMongod-0", "opid" : 27437 } } ], "pending" : [ ] }, { "resourceId" : "{4611686018427387905: ReplicationStateTransition, 1}", "granted" : [ { "mode" : "IX", "convertMode" : "NONE", "enqueueAtFront" : false, "compatibleFirst" : false, "debugInfo" : "{ findandmodify: \"hugeindex\", query: { _id: 585.0 }, update: { $pop: { a: 1.0 } }, upsert: false, new: false, lsid: { id: UUID(\"dc611138-04c6-49b1-a7ac-161040dd9d65\") }, $db: \"test\" }", "clientInfo" : { "desc" : "conn3", "connectionId" : 3, "client" : "", "opid" : 28770 } }, { "mode" : "IX", "convertMode" : "NONE", "enqueueAtFront" : false, "compatibleFirst" : false, "debugInfo" : "index build: 29d48366-63ad-41e2-a689-69255a89c094", "clientInfo" : { "desc" : "IndexBuildsCoordinatorMongod-0", "opid" : 27437 } } ], "pending" : [ ] }, { "resourceId" : "{10123292395995783581: Database, 899920359141007773, test}", "granted" : [ { "mode" : "IX", "convertMode" : "NONE", "enqueueAtFront" : false, "compatibleFirst" : false, "debugInfo" : "{ findandmodify: \"hugeindex\", query: { _id: 585.0 }, update: { $pop: { a: 1.0 } }, upsert: false, new: false, lsid: { id: UUID(\"dc611138-04c6-49b1-a7ac-161040dd9d65\") }, $db: \"test\" }", "clientInfo" : { "desc" : "conn3", "connectionId" : 3, "client" : "", "opid" : 28770 } }, { "mode" : "IX", "convertMode" : "NONE", "enqueueAtFront" : false, "compatibleFirst" : false, "debugInfo" : "index build: 29d48366-63ad-41e2-a689-69255a89c094", "clientInfo" : { "desc" : "IndexBuildsCoordinatorMongod-0", "opid" : 27437 } } ], "pending" : [ ] }, { "resourceId" : "{12576221391967629173: Collection, 1047006345899159413, test.hugeindex}", "granted" : [ { "mode" : "IX", "convertMode" : "NONE", "enqueueAtFront" : false, "compatibleFirst" : false, "debugInfo" : "{ findandmodify: \"hugeindex\", query: { _id: 585.0 }, update: { $pop: { a: 1.0 } }, upsert: false, new: false, lsid: { id: UUID(\"dc611138-04c6-49b1-a7ac-161040dd9d65\") }, $db: \"test\" }", "clientInfo" : { "desc" : "conn3", "connectionId" : 3, "client" : "", "opid" : 28770 } }, { "mode" : "IX", "convertMode" : "NONE", "enqueueAtFront" : false, "compatibleFirst" : false, "debugInfo" : "index build: 29d48366-63ad-41e2-a689-69255a89c094", "clientInfo" : { "desc" : "IndexBuildsCoordinatorMongod-0", "opid" : 27437 } } ], "pending" : [ ] } ], "ok" : 1 }
출력 필드
An array of documents. Each document provides information on locks that are currently granted on the resource.
An array of documents. Each document provides information on locks that are currently pending on the resource.
Lock Information
For each granted
or pending
document, information include:
필드 | 설명 | ||||||||||
| Specifies the lock mode:
| ||||||||||
| Specifies the new lock mode for conversion. | ||||||||||
| A boolean that indicates whether to put the lock at the front of the queue or the back in case of conflict. | ||||||||||
| A boolean that indicates to grant lock requests based on compatibility with already granted locks or to use the first-in-first-out (FIFO) order. | ||||||||||
| Information about the operation that issued the lock request. | ||||||||||
| A document detailing the client information. |