$tanh (aggregation)
Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a value that is measured in radians.
has the following syntax:{ $tanh: <expression> } $tanh
takes any valid expression that resolves to a number, measured in radians. If the expression returns a value in degrees, use the$degreesToRadians
operator to convert the value to radians.By default
returns values as adouble
can also return values as a 128-bit decimal if the<expression>
resolves to a 128-bit decimal value.For more information on expressions, see Expression Operators.
, NaN
, and +/- Infinity
If the input argument resolves to a value of null
or refers to a
field that is missing, $tanh
returns null
. If the
argument resolves to NaN
, $tanh
returns NaN
. If
the argument resolves to negative or positive Infinity
returns -1
or 1
예시 | Results |
The following trigonometry
collection contains a document
that stores an angle
value measured in degrees:
db.trigonometry.insertOne( { "_id" : ObjectId( "5c50782193f833234ba90d45" ), "angle" : NumberDecimal( "53.1301023541559787031443874490659" ) } )
The following aggregation operation uses the
expression to calculate the hyperbolic
tangent of angle
and adds it to the input document using
the $addFields
pipeline stage:
db.trigonometry.aggregate( [ { $addFields : { "tanh_output" : { $tanh : { $degreesToRadians : "$angle" } } } } ] )
The $degreesToRadians
expression converts the
in degrees to radians.
Example output:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5c50782193f833234ba90d45"), "angle" : NumberDecimal("53.1301023541559787031443874490659"), "tanh_output" : NumberDecimal("0.7293303448445332820512777329448416") }
Because angle
is stored as a 128-bit decimal, the $tanh
output is also a
128-bit decimal.
The following trigonometry
collection contains a document
that stores an angle
value measured in radians:
db.trigonometry.insertOne( { "_id" : ObjectId( "5c50782193f833234ba90d55" ), "angle" : NumberDecimal( "1.6301023541559787031443874490659" ) } )
The following aggregation operation uses the
expression to calculate the hyperbolic
tangent of angle
and adds it to the input document using
the $addFields
pipeline stage:
db.trigonometry.aggregate( [ { $addFields : { "tanh_output" : { $tanh : "$angle" } } } ] )
Example output:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5c50782193f833234ba90d55"), "angle" : NumberDecimal("1.6301023541559787031443874490659"), "tanh_output" : NumberDecimal("0.9260761562750713360156803177935379") }
Because angle
is stored as a 128-bit decimal, the $tanh
output is also
a 128-bit decimal.