MongoDB Atlas and Hitachi Deliver Ease in Application Modernization from RDBMS to MongoDB while Migrating to the Cloud
End-to-End Digital Data Transformation
With MongoDB, Hitachi Vantara provides customers joint data modernization solutions that accelerate digital innovation through advanced insights on data using Hitachi Vantara consulting services and the Lumada DataOps Suite. Organizations looking to modernize legacy databases and applications to flexible and scalable cloud data platforms using MongoDB can now rely on the AI-driven automation and collaboration capabilities from Hitachi Vantara.
Lumada Data Integration (Pentaho)
The combined tools support one-time movement of data from RDBMS into MongoDB at scale, as well as continuous data modernization, including change data capture, reconciliation, and validation procedures.
Watch the demo to see how Hitachi's Lumada Data Integration (Pentaho) tools can help move your legacy data from RDBMS to MongoDB.