Integrated software tools for all of your data management tasks on MongoDB: for writing queries, sharing assets by drag-and-drop, auto-generating driver code in multiple languages, tuning query performance, migrating whole databases easily from SQL, comparing and syncing data across collections, building multi-stage aggregations and delivering results right first time.
Discover how to connect MongoDB and 3T Software Labs
Connecting Studio 3T to MongoDB (whether hosted on Atlas or installed locally on premise) is simplicity itself.
Open Studio 3T and click on Connect in the top-left corner of the toolbar. This will open the Connection Manager.
Click on New Connection in the top-left corner.
In the New Connection dialog, paste the connection string you copied from MongoDB or MongoDB Atlas.
On the New Connection dialog, Studio 3T will automatically extract the information and pre-populate the fields in the Server, Authentication, SSL, SSH tunnel, and Advanced tabs. It will also save the connection for later use. Name your connection.
Sorted! Just click on the new connection and bring your data to life.