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Explain Results

On this page

  • Explain Output Structure
  • Explain Output for MongoDB 5.1 and Later
  • queryPlanner
  • executionStats
  • serverInfo
  • Execution Plan Statistics for Query with $lookup Pipeline Stage
  • Collection Scan
  • Covered Queries
  • $or Expression
  • $sort and $group Stages
  • Sort Stage
  • Query Shape Hash

To return information on query plans and execution statistics of the query plans, MongoDB provides the following methods:

To learn about important explain result fields and how to interpret them, see Interpret Explain Plan Results.


explain ignores the plan cache. Instead, a set of candidate plans are generated, and a winner is chosen without consulting the plan cache. Furthermore, explain prevents the MongoDB query planner from caching the winning plan.


Only the most important output fields are shown on this page, and fields for internal use are not documented. The fields listed in the output are subject to change.

The explain results present the query plans as a tree of stages. The output structure can differ based on which query engine the operation uses. Operations can use the classic query engine or the slot-based execution query engine.

To see how the output structure can differ between the two execution engines, see the following examples:

winningPlan: {
stage: <STAGE1>,
inputStage: {
stage: <STAGE2>,
inputStage: {
stage: <STAGE3>,
winningPlan: {
queryPlan: {
stage: <STAGE1>,
inputStage: {
stage: <STAGE2>,
inputStage: {
stage: <STAGE3>,
slotBasedPlan: {

Each stage passes its resulting documents or index keys to the parent node. The leaf nodes access the collection or the indices. The internal nodes use the documents or the index keys that result from the child nodes. The root node indicates the stage that MongoDB ultimately derives the result set from.

Stages are descriptive of the operation. For example:

  • COLLSCAN for a collection scan

  • IXSCAN for scanning index keys

  • FETCH for retrieving documents

  • GROUP for grouping documents

  • SHARD_MERGE for merging results from shards

  • SHARDING_FILTER for filtering out orphan documents from shards

  • BATCHED_DELETE for multiple document deletions that are batched together internally (starting in MongoDB 6.1)

  • EXPRESS stages for a limited set of queries that can bypass regular query planning to use optimized index scan plans (New in version 8.0.)

    EXPRESS stages can be one of the following:





This section shows the explain output for MongoDB 5.1 and later. To see the explain output for older versions of MongoDB, refer to the documentation for that version.


Integer field.

explainVersion is the output format version for the plan, such as "1" or "2".

New in version 5.1.

explain.queryPlanner information details the plan selected by the query optimizer.

These examples may combine the output structures of MongoDB's classic and slot-based execution engines. They are not meant to be representative. Your output may differ significantly.

For unsharded collections, explain returns the following queryPlanner information:

queryPlanner: {
namespace: <string>,
indexFilterSet: <boolean>,
parsedQuery: {
planCacheShapeHash: <hexadecimal string>,
planCacheKey: <hexadecimal string>,
maxIndexedOrSolutionsReached: <boolean>,
maxIndexedAndSolutionsReached: <boolean>,
maxScansToExplodeReached: <boolean>,
winningPlan: {
stage: <STAGE1>,
inputStage: {
stage: <string>,
rejectedPlans: [
<candidate plan1>,

Starting in MongoDB 8.0, the pre-existing queryHash field is renamed to planCacheShapeHash. If you're using an earlier MongoDB version, you'll see queryHash instead of planCacheShapeHash.

For sharded collections, explain includes the core query planner and server information for each accessed shard in the shards field:

queryPlanner: {
mongosPlannerVersion: <int>
winningPlan: {
stage: <STAGE1>,
shards: [
shardName: <string>,
connectionString: <string>,
serverInfo: {
namespace: <string>,
indexFilterSet: <boolean>,
parsedQuery: {
querySettings: {
planCacheShapeHash: <hexadecimal string>,
planCacheKey: <hexadecimal string>,
maxIndexedOrSolutionsReached: <boolean>,
maxIndexedAndSolutionsReached: <boolean>,
maxScansToExplodeReached: <boolean>,
winningPlan: {
stage: <STAGE1>,
inputStage: {
stage: <string>,
rejectedPlans: [
<candidate plan1>,

Starting in MongoDB 8.0, the pre-existing queryHash field is renamed to planCacheShapeHash. If you're using an earlier MongoDB version, you'll see queryHash instead of planCacheShapeHash.


Contains information on the selection of the query plan by the query optimizer.


A string that specifies the namespace with the names of the database and the collection accessed by the query. The namespace has the format <database>.<collection>.


A boolean that specifies whether MongoDB applied an index filter for the plan cache query shape.


If query settings are set, querySettings contains details about the query settings that are applied to the query shape.

To add query settings and explore examples, which include explain() output with querySettings, see setQuerySettings.

New in version 8.0.


Starting in MongoDB 8.0, the pre-existing queryHash field is renamed to planCacheShapeHash. If you're using an earlier MongoDB version, you'll see queryHash instead of planCacheShapeHash.

A hexadecimal string that represents the hash of the plan cache query shape and is dependent only on the plan cache query shapes. planCacheShapeHash can help identify slow queries (including the query filter of write operations) with the same plan cache query shape.


As with any hash function, two different plan cache query shapes may result in the same hash value. However, the occurrence of hash collisions between different plan cache query shapes is unlikely.

For more information on planCacheShapeHash and planCacheKey, see planCacheShapeHash and planCacheKey.


A hash of the key for the plan cache entry associated with the query.

Unlike the explain.queryPlanner.planCacheShapeHash, the explain.queryPlanner.planCacheKey is a function of both the plan cache query shape and the currently available indexes for that shape. Specifically, if indexes that can support the query shape are added or dropped, the planCacheKey value may change but the planCacheShapeHash value wouldn't change.

For more information on planCacheShapeHash and planCacheKey, see planCacheShapeHash and planCacheKey.


A boolean that indicates that the entire aggregation pipeline operation was optimized away, and instead, fulfilled by a tree of query plan execution stages.

For example, the following aggregation operation can be fulfilled by the tree of query plan execution rather than using the aggregation pipeline.

db.example.aggregate([ { $match: { someFlag: true } } ] )

The field is only present if the value is true and only applies to explain on aggregation pipeline operations. When true, because the pipeline was optimized away, no aggregation stage information appears in the output.


A document that details the plan selected by the query optimizer.


A string that denotes the name of the stage.

Each stage consists of information specific to the stage. For example, an IXSCAN stage includes the index bounds along with other data specific to the index scan. If a stage has a child stage or multiple child stages, the stage will have an inputStage or inputStages.

This field appears if the operation used the classic query execution engine.


A document that describes the child stage, which provides the documents or index keys to its parent. The field is present if the parent stage has only one child.


An array of documents describing the child stages. Child stages provide the documents or index keys to the parent stage. The field is present if the parent stage has multiple child nodes. For example, stages for $or expressions might consume input from multiple sources.

This field appears if the operation used the classic query execution engine.


A boolean that indicates if the winningPlan is in the plan cache.

This field is true for a maximum of one plan between the winning plan and the rejected plans. If the query has no cached plan, the field is false for the winning plan and the rejected plans.


A document that details the plan selected by the query optimizer. MongoDB presents the plan as a tree of stages.

This document appears if the query used the slot-based execution query engine.

New in version 5.1.


A string that denotes the name of the stage.

Each stage consists of information specific to the stage. For example, an IXSCAN stage includes the index bounds along with other data specific to the index scan.


Unique integer field that identifies each stage in the execution plan. Field is included in all stages throughout the explain results.

New in version 5.1.


See explain.queryPlanner.winningPlan.inputStage.


Document with information about the slot-based query execution plan tree and stages. For internal use by MongoDB.

New in version 5.1.


String that includes information on each stage in the slot-based query execution plan, including execution order, operations, and slot assignments. For internal use by MongoDB.

Starting in MongoDB 8.0, if a query uses block processing, block_to_row and ts_bucket_to_cellblock appear in the stages output.

Changed in version 8.0.


Array of candidate plans considered and rejected by the query optimizer. The array can be empty if there were no other candidate plans.

Rejected plans have the same fields as explain.queryPlanner.winningPlan.

Starting in MongoDB 8.0, rejected query plans only contain the find portion of the query. In previous versions, rejected plans can contain aggregation stages like $group. Those aggregation stages aren't used by the query planner to choose the winning plan, so the rejectedPlans field only contains the portion of the query that was used to choose the winning plan.

The returned explain.executionStats information details the execution of the winning plan. In order to include executionStats in the results, you must run the explain in either:

These examples may combine the output structures of MongoDB's classic and slot-based execution engines. They are not meant to be representative. Your output may differ significantly.

For unsharded collections, explain returns the following executionStats information:

executionStats: {
executionSuccess: <boolean>,
nReturned: <int>,
executionTimeMillis: <int>,
totalKeysExamined: <int>,
totalDocsExamined: <int>,
executionStages: {
stage: <STAGE1>
nReturned: <int>,
executionTimeMillisEstimate: <int>,
opens: <int>, // Starting in MongoDB 5.1
closes: <int>, // Starting in MongoDB 5.1
works: <int>,
advanced: <int>,
needTime: <int>,
needYield: <int>,
saveState: <int>,
restoreState: <int>,
isEOF: <boolean>,
inputStage: {
stage: <STAGE2>,
nReturned: <int>,
numReads: <int>, // Starting in MongoDB 5.1
executionTimeMillisEstimate: <int>,
inputStage: {
allPlansExecution: [
nReturned: <int>,
executionTimeMillisEstimate: <int>,
totalKeysExamined: <int>,
executionStages: {
stage: <STAGEA>,
nReturned: <int>,
executionTimeMillisEstimate: <int>,
inputStage: {
stage: <STAGEB>,
inputStage: {
operationMetrics: {
cpuNanos: <int>,
cursorSeeks: <int>,
docBytesRead: <int>,
docBytesWritten: <int>,
docUnitsRead: <int>,
docUnitsReturned: <int>,
docUnitsWritten: <int>,
idxEntryBytesRead: <int>,
idxEntryBytesWritten: <int>,
idxEntryUnitsRead: <int>,
idxEntryUnitsWritten: <int>,
totalUnitsWritten: <int>,
keysSorted: <int>,
sorterSpills: <int>

For sharded collections, explain includes the execution statistics for each accessed shard.

executionStats: {
nReturned: <int>,
executionTimeMillis: <int>,
totalKeysExamined: <int>,
totalDocsExamined: <int>,
executionStages: {
stage: <STAGE1>
nReturned: <int>,
executionTimeMillis: <int>,
opens: <int>, // Starting in MongoDB 5.1
closes: <int>, // Starting in MongoDB 5.1
totalKeysExamined: <int>,
totalDocsExamined: <int>,
totalChildMillis: <NumberLong>,
shards: [
shardName: <string>,
executionSuccess: <boolean>,
executionStages: {
stage: <STAGE2>,
nReturned: <int>,
executionTimeMillisEstimate: <int>,
chunkSkips: <int>,
inputStage: {
stage: <STAGE3>,
numReads: <int>, // Starting in MongoDB 5.1
inputStage: {
allPlansExecution: [
shardName: <string>,
allPlans: [
nReturned: <int>,
executionTimeMillisEstimate: <int>,
totalKeysExamined: <int>,
executionStages: {
stage: <STAGEA>,
nReturned: <int>,
executionTimeMillisEstimate: <int>,
inputStage: {
stage: <STAGEB>,
inputStage: {
shardName: <string>,
allPlans: [

Contains statistics that describe the completed query execution for the winning plan. For write operations, completed query execution refers to the modifications that would be performed, but does not apply the modifications to the database.


Number of documents returned by the winning query plan. nReturned corresponds to the n field returned by cursor.explain() in earlier versions of MongoDB.


Total time in milliseconds required for query plan selection and query execution. It includes the time it takes to run the trial phase part of the plan selection process, but does not include the network time to transmit the data back to the client.

The time reported by explain.executionStats.executionTimeMillis is not necessarily representative of actual query time. During steady state operations (when the query plan is cached), or when using cursor.hint() with cursor.explain(), MongoDB bypasses the plan selection process, resulting in a faster actual time, leading to a lower explain.executionStats.executionTimeMillis value.


Number of index entries scanned. explain.executionStats.totalKeysExamined corresponds to the nscanned field returned by cursor.explain() in earlier versions of MongoDB.


Number of documents examined during query execution. Common query execution stages that examine documents are COLLSCAN and FETCH.


explain.executionStats.totalDocsExamined refers to the total number of documents examined and not to the number of documents returned. For example, a stage can examine a document in order to apply a filter. If the document is filtered out, then it has been examined but will not be returned as part of the query result set.

If a document is examined multiple times during query execution, explain.executionStats.totalDocsExamined counts each examination. That is, explain.executionStats.totalDocsExamined is not a count of the total number of unique documents examined.


Details the completed execution of the winning plan as a tree of stages; i.e. a stage can have an inputStage or multiple inputStages.

Starting in MongoDB 5.1, a stage can have these input stages:

  • thenStage

  • elseStage

  • innerStage

  • outerStage

Each stage consists of execution information specific to the stage.


The estimated amount of time in milliseconds for query execution.


Starting in MongoDB 5.1, the number of times a stage was opened during query execution.


Starting in MongoDB 5.1, the number of times a stage was closed during query execution.

Specifies the number of "work units" performed by the query execution stage. Query execution divides its work into small units. A "work unit" might consist of examining a single index key, fetching a single document from the collection, applying a projection to a single document, or doing a piece of internal bookkeeping.

This field appears if the operation used the classic query execution engine.


The number of times that the query stage suspended processing and saved its current execution state, for example in preparation for yielding its locks.


The number of times that the query stage restored a saved execution state, for example after recovering locks that it had previously yielded.


Specifies whether the execution stage has reached end of stream:

  • If true or 1, the execution stage has reached end-of-stream.

  • If false or 0, the stage may still have results to return. For example, consider a query with a limit whose execution stages consists of a LIMIT stage with an input stage of IXSCAN for the query. If the query returns more than the specified limit, the LIMIT stage will report isEOF: 1, but its underlying IXSCAN stage will report isEOF: 0.


Each inputStage can have different fields depending on the value of inputStage.stage. The following table describes possible fields and what stages they can appear in.

Each inputStage can have another inputStage as a field. See Explain Output Structure.

Applicable Stages
Specifies the number of documents scanned during the query execution stage.
For query execution stages that scan an index keysExamined is the total number of in-bounds and out-of-bounds keys that are examined in the process of the index scan. If the index scan consists of a single contiguous range of keys, only in-bounds keys need to be examined. If the index bounds consists of several key ranges, the index scan execution process may examine out-of-bounds keys in order to skip from the end of one range to the beginning of the next.

The number of documents scanned or index keys examined during the query execution stage.

New in version 5.1.

The number of times that we had to seek the index cursor to a new position in order to complete the index scan.

The approximate number of in-memory bytes spilled to disk in the stage.

New in version 5.3.


The number of produced records spilled to disk in the stage.

New in version 5.3.


Whether the stage wrote to disk.

New in version 5.3.


Contains partial execution information captured during the plan selection phase for both the winning and rejected plans. The field is present only if explain runs in allPlansExecution verbosity mode.


Contains resource consumption statistics, as long as they are not zero. The field is present only if explain runs in executionStats verbosity mode or higher and if profileOperationResourceConsumptionMetrics is enabled.

For unsharded collections, explain returns the following serverInfo information for the MongoDB instance:

serverInfo: {
host: <string>,
port: <int>,
version: <string>,
gitVersion: <string>

For sharded collections, explain returns the serverInfo for each accessed shard, and a top-level serverInfo object for the mongos.

queryPlanner: {
winningPlan: {
stage: <STAGE1>,
shards: [
shardName: <string>,
connectionString: <string>,
serverInfo: {
host: <string>,
port: <int>,
version: <string>,
gitVersion: <string>
serverInfo: { // serverInfo for mongos
host: <string>,
port: <int>,
version: <string>,
gitVersion: <string>

New in version 5.0.

The explain results can include execution statistics for queries that use a $lookup pipeline stage. To include those execution statistics, you must run the explain operation in one of these execution verbosity modes:

The following fields are included in the explain results for a $lookup query:

'$lookup': {
from: <string>,
as: <string>,
localField: <string>,
foreignField: <string>
totalDocsExamined: <long>,
totalKeysExamined: <long>,
collectionScans: <long>,
indexesUsed: [ <string_1>, <string_2>, ..., <string_n> ],
executionTimeMillisEstimate: <long>

To see the descriptions for the fields in the $lookup section, see the $lookup page.

The other fields are:


Number of documents examined during the query execution.


Number of index keys examined.


Number of times a collection scan occurred during query execution. During a collection scan, each document in a collection is compared to the query predicate. Collection scans occur if no appropriate index exists that covers the query.


Array of strings with the names of the indexes used by the query.


Estimated time in milliseconds for the query execution.

If the query planner selects a collection scan, the explain result includes a COLLSCAN stage.

If the query planner selects an index, the explain result includes a IXSCAN stage. The stage includes information such as the index key pattern, direction of traversal, and index bounds.

Starting in MongoDB 5.3, if the query planner selects a clustered index for a clustered collection and the query contains bounds that define the portion of the index to search, the explain result includes a CLUSTERED_IXSCAN stage. The stage includes information about the clustered index key and index bounds.

If the query planner selects a clustered index for a clustered collection and the query does not contain bounds, the query performs an unbounded collection scan and the explain result includes a COLLSCAN stage.


The notablescan parameter does not allow unbounded queries that use a clustered index because the queries require a full collection scan.

For more information on execution statistics of collection scans, see Interpret Explain Plan Results.

When an index covers a query, MongoDB can both match the query conditions and return the results using only the index keys. MongoDB does not need to examine documents from the collection to to perform any part of the query.

When an index covers a query, the explain result has an IXSCAN stage that is not a descendant of a FETCH stage, and in the executionStats, the explain.executionStats.totalDocsExamined is 0.

If MongoDB uses indexes for an $or expression, the result will include the OR stage with an explain.queryPlanner.winningPlan.inputStages array that details the indexes; e.g.:

stage: 'OR',
inputStages: [
stage: 'IXSCAN',
stage : 'IXSCAN',

In previous versions of MongoDB, cursor.explain() returned the clauses array that detailed the indexes.

When explain is run in either executionStats or allPlansExecution verbosity mode, the $sort and $group stages have additional output.

An estimated number of bytes processed in the $sort stage.
Whether the $sort stage wrote to disk.
An estimate of the total size of all documents output by the $group stage in bytes.
Whether the $group stage wrote to disk.
The size of the spill file written to disk in the $group stage. Due to compression, the value of spillFileSizeBytes should be less than or equal to numBytesSpilledEstimate.
An estimate of the number of bytes written to disk in the $group stage before compression.

If MongoDB cannot use an index or indexes to obtain the sort order, the results include a SORT stage indicating a blocking sort operation. Blocking sorts do not block concurrent operations on the collection or database. The name refers to the requirement that the SORT stage reads all input documents before returning any output documents, blocking the flow of data for that specific query.

If MongoDB requires using more than 100 megabytes of system memory for the blocking sort operation, MongoDB returns an error unless the query specifies cursor.allowDiskUse(). cursor.allowDiskUse() allows MongoDB to use temporary files on disk to store data exceeding the 100 megabyte system memory limit while processing a blocking sort operation. If the explain plan does not contain an explicit SORT stage, then MongoDB can use an index to obtain the sort order.

Starting in MongoDB 8.0, explain outputs the following field:


A hexadecimal string that represents the hash of the query shape. For more information, see Query Shapes.

New in version 8.0.


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