NEWMongoDB 8.0 is available now

MongoDB 8.0

The most popular document database is faster than ever.
The most popular document database MongoDB 8.0


MongoDB 8.0 is available now

MongoDB 8.0

The most popular document database is faster than ever.


faster reads


higher throughput for updates


faster time series aggregations

Up to 50x

faster resharding

The fastest MongoDB version ever

MongoDB 8.0 delivers the performance needed to support the most demanding applications. MongoDB 8.0 has 32% better throughput and latency than before across a broad range of use cases. Nearly every aspect was improved, including standouts like 56% faster bulk inserts, 20% faster replication and over 200% faster aggregations for time series data.

New use cases for encrypted data

Queryable Encryption now supports range queries in MongoDB 8.0. This makes sensitive data easier to work with while keeping it secure.

Faster, easier horizontal scaling

As applications grow, they scale past the limits of one server. In MongoDB 8.0, scaling is faster and easier, with less cost to get started.

Ensure resilience with new controls

MongoDB 8.0 now provides greater control for teams to optimize database performance for unpredictable spikes in usage.

Ready to experience 8.0?
Get started for free

Try MongoDB 8.0

faster reads


higher throughput for updates


faster time series aggregations

Up to 50x

faster resharding

Ready to experience 8.0?
Get started for free
Try MongoDB 8.0

Not using MongoDB 8.0 yet?

Whether you’re new to MongoDB or a seasoned developer, we’ve got the resources you need to get started and make the most of the latest improvements in MongoDB 8.0.

Get all the latest features with 8.0

Major performance improvements
Controls for handling usage spikes
Embedded sharding configuration servers
Move collections to shards without a shard key
Queryable Encryption: Range Queries
Queryable Encryption: Equality Queries
Faster resharding
Compound wildcard indexes
Aggregation pipeline enhancements
Enhanced change streams
New operators

“MongoDB Atlas doesn’t just solve our performance issues. It makes life easier for web developers who can build and maintain simpler, more straightforward code.”

Moutia Khatiri

CTO, Tech Accelerator, L’Oréal

Read Customer Story

Need help upgrading?


Major version upgrade service

If you’re running your application on MongoDB and want to take advantage of the latest features, enlist a MongoDB consulting engineer to ensure a smooth transition. With a Major Version Upgrade consult, you receive guidance on the necessary upgrade steps tailored specifically to your deployment, get a walk through of the upgrade process, and get assistance on testing the upgraded application.

Learn More

Need help upgrading?

Check out our MongoDB University course on upgrading and maintenance. View University course.


Ready to upgrade?

If you’re running a previous version of MongoDB and want to upgrade to version 8.0 check out MongoDB Docs and MongoDB University. You’ll find helpful tutorials and specific instructions for a smooth upgrade process for Atlas, Enterprise Advanced, and Community Edition.


Major version upgrade service

A MongoDB consulting engineer can help ensure a smooth transition to MongoDB 8.0. You’ll receive guidance on the necessary upgrade steps tailored specifically to your deployment, a walk-through of the upgrade process, and assistance on testing the upgraded application.

Get all the latest features with 8.0

Frequently asked questions

Why should I use MongoDB 8.0?
MongoDB 8.0 makes the most popular document database even better by improving on the foundational database tenets of security, durability, availability, and especially performance. Development teams can expect higher throughput and lower latency for their applications after they upgrade to MongoDB 8.0.
What deployment options do I have for MongoDB 8.0?
MongoDB 8.0 can be deployed via MongoDB Atlas, on-premises, locally, and in various public or private cloud environments.
What kind of performance improvements can I expect?

MongoDB 8.0 delivers a significant throughput and latency boost compared with previous versions. While precise gains will vary from application to application, MongoDB’s internal tests indicate the following improvements.

8.0 vs 7.0 using internal testing with public benchmarks:

  • 32% faster for 95/5 mix of reads and writes (Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark, YCSB)
  • 36% faster for reads (YCSB)
  • 59% higher throughput for updates (YCSB)
  • 56% faster for bulk writes (YCSB)
  • 24% faster according to Meta’s social graph benchmark (Linkbench)
  • More than 200% faster for time series data aggregations and up to 60% faster queries for time series data (Timescale Time Series Benchmark Suite)
  • 20% faster concurrent writes during data replication
  • Up to 50x faster data distribution during resharding
  • 50% cheaper to get started with horizontal scaling (1 shard cluster with embedded config server)

Get started with 8.0 today

Get started on MongoDB Atlas in seconds. Free clusters come with 512 MB of storage and sample data to help you get oriented with our database and platform.
Control panel illustration