Crie um website de notícias sobre criptomoedas em C# usando o Microsoft Azure App Service e o MongoDB Atlas
Dominic Frei9 min read • Published Apr 17, 2023 • Updated Jun 13, 2023
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Quem disse que criar um site precisa ser difícil?
Writing the code, persisting news, hosting the website. A decade ago, this might have been a lot of work. These days, thanks to Microsoft Blazor, Microsoft Azure App Service, and MongoDB Atlas, you can get started in minutes. And finish it equally fast!
In this tutorial, I will walk you through:
- Setting up a new Blazor project.
- Creating a new page with a simple UI.
- Criando dados no MongoDB Atlas.
- Showing those news on the website.
- Tornar o site disponível usando o Azure App Service para hospedá-lo.
All you need is this tutorial and the following pre-requisites, but if you prefer to just read along for now, check out the GitHub repository for this tutorial where you can find the code and the tutorial.
Antes de começarmos, aqui está uma lista de tudo que você precisa enquanto trabalha no tutorial. Recomendo que você tenha tudo configurado primeiro para que possa acompanhar o processo sem problemas.
- Download and install the .NET framework. For this tutorial, I am using .NET 7.0.102 for Windows, but any .NET 6.0 or higher should do.
- Download and install Visual Studio. I am using the 2022 Community edition, version 17.4.4, but any 2019 or 2022 edition will be okay. Make sure to install the
Azure development
workload as we will be deploying with this later. If you already have an installed version of Visual Studio, go into the Installer and clickmodify
to find it.
Now that the pre-requisites are out of the way, let's start by creating a new project.

I have recently discovered Microsoft Blazor and I absolutely love it. Such an easy way to create websites quickly and easily. And you don't even have to write any JavaScript or PHP! Let's use it for this tutorial, as well. Search for
Blazor Server App
and click Next
Choose a
Project name
and Location
of you liking. I like to have the solution and project in the same directory but you don't have to.
Choose your currently installed .NET framework (as described in
) and leave the rest on default.Hit
and you are good to go!
Before we start getting into the code, we need to add one NuGet package to the project: the MongoDB driver. The driver is a library that lets you easily access your MongoDB Atlas cluster and work with your database. Click on
-> Manage NuGet Packages...
and search for MongoDB.Driver
Durante esse processo, talvez seja necessário instalar componentes adicionais, como os mostrados na captura de tela a seguir. Confirme esta instalação, pois precisaremos de algumas delas também.

Another message you come across might be the following license agreements, which you need to accept to be able to work with those libraries.

Now that we've installed the driver, let's go ahead and create a cluster and database to connect to.
When you register a new account, you will be presented with the selection of a cloud database to deploy. Open the
Advanced Configuration Options
For this tutorial, we only need the forever-free shared tier. Since the website will later be deployed to Azure, we also want the Atlas cluster deployed in Azure. And we also want both to reside in the same region. This way, we decrease the chance of having an additional latency as much as possible.Here, you can choose any region. Just make sure to chose the same one later on when deploying the website to Azure. The remaining options can be left on their defaults.

The final step of creating a new cluster is to think about security measures by going through the
Security Quickstart
Choose a
and Password
for the database user that will access this cluster during the tutorial. For the Access List
, we need add
since we do not know the IP address of our Azure deployment yet. This is okay for development purposes and testing, but in production, you should restrict the access to the specific IPs accessing Atlas.Atlas also supports the use of network peering and private connections using the major cloud providers. This includes Azure Private Link or Azure Virtual Private Connection (VPC), if you are using an M10 or above cluster.
Now hit
Finish and Close
.Creating a new shared cluster happens very, very fast and you should be able to start within minutes. As soon as the cluster is created, you'll see it in your list of
Database Deployments
.Let's add some sample data for our website! Click on
Browse Collections
Se você nunca trabalhou com Atlas antes, aqui estão alguns vocabulários para começar:
- Um cluster consiste em vários nós (para redundância).
- Um cluster pode conter vários bancos de dados (que são replicados em todos os nós).
- Each database can contain many collections, which are similar to tables in a relational database.
- Each collection can then contain many documents. Think rows, just better!
- Documents are super-flexible because each document can have its own set of properties. They are easy to read and super flexible to work with JSON-like structures that contain our data.
Since there is no data yet, you will see an empty list of databases and collections. Click on
Add My Own Data
to add the first entry.
The database name and collection name can be anything, but to be in line with the code we'll see later, call them
and news
respectively, and hit Create
This should lead to a new entry that looks like this:

Next, click on
.There are a couple things going on here. The
has already been created automatically. Each document contains one of those and they are of type ObjectId
. It uniquely identifies the document.By hovering over the line count on the left, you'll get a pop-op to add more fields. Add one called
and set its value to whatever you like. The screenshot shows an example you can use. Choose String
as the type on the right. Next, add a date
and choose Date
as the type on the right.
Repeat the above process a couple times to get as much example data in there as you like. You may also just continue with one entry, though, if you like, and fill up your news when you are done.
The final step within MongoDB Atlas is to actually create access to this database so that the MongoDB driver we installed into the project can connect to it. This is done by using a connection string.
A connection string is a URI that contains username, password, and the host address of the database you want to connect to.
Click on
on the left to get back to the cluster overview.This time, hit the
button and then Connect Your Application
If you haven't done so already, choose a username and password for the database user accessing this cluster during the tutorial. Also, add
as the IP address so that the Azure deployment can access the cluster later on.
If you have never used Blazor before, just hit the
button and have a look at the template that has been generated. It's a great start, and we will be reusing some parts of it later on.Let's add our own page first, though. In your Solution Explorer, you'll see a
folder. Right-click it and add a Razor Component
. Those are files that combine the HTML of your page with C# code.

Now, replace the content of the file with the following code. Explanations can be read inline in the code comments.
1 @* The `page` attribute defines how this page can be opened. *@ 2 @page "/news" 3 4 @* The `MongoDB` driver will be used to connect to your Atlas cluster. *@ 5 @using MongoDB.Driver 6 @* `BSON` is a file format similar to JSON. MongoDB Atlas documents are BSON documents. *@ 7 @using MongoDB.Bson 8 @* You need to add the `Data` folder as well. This is where the `News` class resides. *@ 9 @using CryptoNewsApp.Data 10 @using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder 11 12 @* The page title is what your browser tab will be called. *@ 13 <PageTitle>News</PageTitle> 14 15 @* Let's add a header to the page. *@ 16 <h1>News</h1> 17 18 @* And then some data. *@ 19 @* This is just a simple table contains news and their date. *@ 20 @if (_news != null) 21 { 22 <table class="table"> 23 <thead> 24 <tr> 25 <th>News</th> 26 <th>Date</th> 27 </tr> 28 </thead> 29 <tbody> 30 @* Blazor takes this data from the `_news` field that we will fill later on. *@ 31 @foreach (var newsEntry in _news) 32 { 33 <tr> 34 <td>@newsEntry.Title</td> 35 <td>@newsEntry.Date</td> 36 </tr> 37 } 38 </tbody> 39 </table> 40 } 41 42 @* This part defines the code that will be run when the page is loaded. It's basically *@ 43 @* what would usually be PHP in a non-Blazor environment. *@ 44 @code { 45 46 // The `_news` field will hold all our news. We will have a look at the `News` 47 // class in just a moment. 48 private List<News>? _news; 49 50 // `OnInitializedAsync()` gets called when the website is loaded. Our data 51 // retrieval logic has to be placed here. 52 protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() 53 { 54 // First, we need to create a `MongoClient` which is what we use to 55 // connect to our cluster. 56 // The only argument we need to pass on is the connection string you 57 // retrieved from Atlas. Make sure to replace the password placeholder with your password. 58 var mongoClient = new MongoClient("YOUR_CONNECTION_STRING"); 59 // Using the `mongoCLient` we can now access the database. 60 var cryptoNewsDatabase = mongoClient.GetDatabase("crypto-news-database"); 61 // Having a handle to the database we can furthermore get the collection data. 62 // Note that this is a generic function that takes `News` as it's parameter 63 // to define who the documents in this collection look like. 64 var newsCollection = cryptoNewsDatabase.GetCollection<News>("news"); 65 // Having access to the collection, we issue a `Find` call to find all documents. 66 // A `Find` takes a filter as an argument. This filter is written as a `BsonDocument`. 67 // Remember, `BSON` is really just a (binary) JSON. 68 // Since we don't want to filter anything and get all the news, we pass along an 69 // empty / new `BsonDocument`. The result is then transformed into a list with `ToListAsync()`. 70 _news = await newsCollection.Find(new BsonDocument()).Limit(10).ToListAsync(); 71 // And that's it! It's as easy as that using the driver to access the data 72 // in your MongoDB Atlas cluster. 73 } 74 75 }
Above, you'll notice the
class, which still needs to be created.
In the Data
folder, add a new C# class, call it News
, and use the following code.1 using MongoDB.Bson; 2 using MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.Attributes; 3 4 namespace CryptoNewsApp.Data 5 { 6 public class News 7 { 8 // The attribute `BsonId` signals the MongoDB driver that this field 9 // should used to map the `_id` from the Atlas document. 10 // Remember to use the type `ObjectId` here as well. 11 [public ObjectId Id { get; set; } ] 12 13 // The two other fields in each news are `title` and `date`. 14 // Since the C# coding style differs from the Atlas naming style, we have to map them. 15 // Thankfully there is another handy attribute to achieve this: `BsonElement`. 16 // It takes the document field's name and maps it to the classes field name. 17 [public String Title { get; set; } ] 18 [public DateTime Date { get; set; } ] 19 } 20 }
Now it's time to look at the result. Hit
again.The website should open automatically. Just add
to the URL to see your new News page.
If you want to learn more about how to add the news page to the menu on the left, you can have a look at more of my Blazor-specific tutorials.
Até agora, tudo bem. Tudo está funcionando localmente. Agora vamos à parte divertida: ir ao vivo!
Visual Studio makes this super easy. Just click onto your project and choose
is Azure
, and the Specific target
is Azure App Service (Windows)

When you registered for Azure earlier, a free subscription should have already been created and chosen here. By clicking on
Create new
on the right, you can now create a new App Service.
The default settings are all totally fine. You can, however, choose a different region here if you want to. Finally, click
and then Finish

When ready, the following pop-up should appear. By clicking
, you can start the actual publishing process. It eventually shows the result of the publish.

The above summary will also show you the URL that was created for the deployment. My example:
Again, add
to it to get to the News page.
Go ahead and add some more data. Add more fields or style the website a bit more than this default table.
The combination of using Microsoft Azure and MongoDB Atlas makes it super easy and fast to create websites like this one. But it is only the start. You can learn more about Azure on the Learn platform and about Atlas on the MongoDB University.