A Voyage AI se une ao MongoDB para impulsionar aplicativos de AI mais precisos e confiáveis no Atlas.

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Como construir um agente de IA com Semantic Kernel, MongoDB Atlas, C# e OpenAI

Se você preferir seguir um tutorial por escrito, ele pode ser encontrado aqui: https://mdb.link/lvQ-EC5afIA-tutorial Trechos de código: https://gist.github.com/LuceCarter/2EFD3ae606da16aed1916ace5EF88595 Assine o MongoDB no YouTube→ https://mdb.link/subscribe Você já teve a impressão de escrever um agente de IA com o semântica Kernel? Junte-se à consultora do programador Luce Carrter neste tutorial para criar um agente de alimentação para ajudá-lo a decidir se você pode preparar suas comidas esta noite ou deve apenas ir a um restaurante! Assista a Introdução ao Microsoft Semantic Kernel com MongoDB Atlas em C# → https://youtu.be/qXswaD4IGUU?si=FacxfJK8PBYmtt3y Curso do Microsoft Aprenda: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-gb/training/paths/develop-ai-agents-azure-open-ai-semantic-kernel-sdk/%7C Documentação do índice do Vector Search : https://mdb.link/lvQ-EC5AFIA-doc Visite MongoDB.com → https://www.mongodb.com Leia o MongoDB Blog → https://www.mongodb.com/blog Confira a Central de desenvolvedores do MongoDB → https://www.mongodb.com/developer
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Mar 19, 2025

Exploring the MongoDB EF Core Provider for .NET with Kev Smith

✅ Try MongoDB 8.0 → https://mdb.link/qplmvIaU3ec-8.0 ✅ Sign-up for a free cluster → https://mdb.link/qplmvIaU3ec-try ✅ Subscribe to MongoDB YouTube→ https://mdb.link/subscribe - With the new EF Core Provider going GA in May, join Kev Smith - MongoDB Champion as we look at using it within .NET and also go into some extra tips and tricks with the C# driver.
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Nov 29, 2024

Você estava ciente de que a EF agora é compatível com o MongoDB?

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Sep 11, 2024

Quais as novidades no provedor MongoDB para EF Core?

Artigo escrito - https://mdb.link/AaRv8n044BE-arcticle Boas notícias! O novo Provider para o EF Core agora está GA e, neste vídeo, o Developer Advocate Luce Carter mostrará alguns dos novos recursos disponíveis agora! Recursos - Repositório do GitHub - https://github.com/mongodb-developer/ foodie finder-csharp Mapa do Provider Repo inc - https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-EFcore-provider Obtenha ajuda em nossos fóruns da comunidade - https://mdb.link/AaRv8n044BE-forums Conecte-se com Luce: Twitter - @lucecarter1 Timestamps: 00:00 - Introdução 00:18 - Documentos incorporados 01:30 - Registro detalhado 03:49 - Atributos BSON 05:05 - Conversores de valor
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Jun 13, 2024

Getting Started with Atlas Vector Search and .NET Blazor

✅ Written tutorial → https://mdb.link/article-cdUSQCDtcso ✅ Sign-up for a free cluster at → https://mdb.link/free-cdUSQCDtcso ✅ Get help on our Community Forums → https://mdb.link/community-cdUSQCDtcso In this video, join Developer Advocate Luce Carter to learn all about adding Vector Search using the MongoDB C# Driver inside a Blazor Application to find more than just simple search results. 📚 RESOURCES 📚 ⭐ GitHub Repo - https://github.com/mongodb-developer/SeeSharpMovies/tree/vector-search ⭐ Hugging Face Data Uploader GitHub Repo - https://github.com/mongodb-developer/dotnethuggingfacedatasetuploader ⭐ Code Snippets - https://gist.github.com/LuceCarter/fb314d431fc47b1a7baed641720e6f45 ⭐ Setting up your M0 Cluster - https://www.mongodb.com/pt-br/docs/atlas/getting-started/ ⭐ Generative AI, Vector Search, and open-source models - https://mdb.link/os-models-cdUSQCDtcso Connect with Luce: Twitter: / lucecarter1 ------ ✅ Subscribe to our channel → https://mdb.link/subscribe #dotnet #vector #mongodb
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Apr 15, 2024

MongoDB C# Driver and Azure App Services

✅ Written tutorial - https://mdblink.com/acSl3BcXS1Q-written ✅ Get help on our Community Forums - https://mdblink.com/acSl3BcXS1Q-forums - In this video, join Developer Advocate Luce Carter to learn all about using the MongoDB C# Driver inside a Blazor Application and deploying to Azure App Services for cloud-hosted goodness. - Gist with the code for NewsPage.razor - https://gist.github.com/LuceCarter/4da1164f9cfd447b7167194ef9c3124a - 📚 RESOURCES 📚 ✅ GitHub Repo - https://github.com/mongodb-developer/crypto-news-website ✅ Setting up your M0 Cluster - https://mdblink.com/acSl3BcXS1Q-M0-Cluster ✅ Signing up for a free Azure account - https://trymongodb.com/46MPRxL Showing how to add connection string inside Azure - https://youtu.be/wqZFZbmPvno?si=BkzzLOqNdnbpkNe9&t=385 💬 Connect with Luce: Twitter: /lucecarter1 Timestamps: 00:00 - Intro 00:44 - Prerequisites 01:43 - Create the project 03:22 - Add the MongoDB driver 05:06 - Add the test data 07:20 - Fetch your connection string 08:17 - Add a news page 13:56 - Publish to Azure App Service 16:12 - Outro
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Mar 07, 2024

Atlas Full Text Search in a C# Blazor Application

Written tutorial → https://mdb.link/meszOxcR2o0-tutorial" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">https://mdb.link/meszOxcR2o0-tutorial Imagine being presented with a website with a multiple pages of info and not being able to search for what you want. Instead, you’re forced to sift through the results with no end in sight. That is, of course, the last thing you want for yourself or your users. So in this video, we’ll see how you can easily implement autocomplete search in your .NET Blazor application using MongoDB Atlas Search. 📚 RESOURCES 📚 GitHub Repo → https://github.com/mongodb-developer/seesharpmovies Setting up your M0 Cluster - https://mdb.link/meszOxcR2o0-getting-started" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">https://mdb.link/meszOxcR2o0-getting-started Getting your connection string → https://mdb.link/meszOxcR2o0-connection-string" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">https://mdb.link/meszOxcR2o0-connection-string Atlas Search Docs → https://mdb.link/meszOxcR2o0-search" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">https://mdb.link/meszOxcR2o0-search Loading Sample Dataset → https://mdb.link/meszOxcR2o0-data" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">https://mdb.link/meszOxcR2o0-data GitHub Gist with code snippets → https://gist.github.com/LuceCarter/fa43ea5a4c28c43aa27d5e54f88079f4 ✅ Get help on our Community Forums → https://mdb.link/meszOxcR2o0- 💬 Connect with Luce: Twitter: / lucecarter1 ⏱️ Timestamps ⏱️ 00:00 - Intro 00:26 - Prerequisites 01:15 - Creating Atlas Search Index 04:12 - Implementing the backend functionality 07:02 - Implementing the frontend functionality 11:14 - Testing the application 13:09 - Outro Subscribe to MongoDB YouTube→ https://mdb.link/subscribe
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Feb 28, 2024

Getting Started with the new MongoDB Provider for EF Core

Written tutorial → https://mdb.link/ghJUEhbnCFE-languages At .local London in October 2023, we announced the availability, in preview, of the new MongoDB Providers for EF Core. This has been a popular request in the community. In this video, we will take you through creating an ASP.NET MVC app with CRUD and change tracking using the new provider, all for free using MongoDB Atlas. 📚 RESOURCES 📚 GitHub Repo → https://trymongodb.com/48gKLJp Getting your connection string → https://mdb.link/ghJUEhbnCFE-connectionstring MongoDB Provider Announcement → https://mdb.link/ghJUEhbnCFE-entityframework ✅ Sign-up for a free cluster at → https://mdb.link/ghJUEhbnCFE-free ✅ Get help on our Community Forums → https://mdb.link/ghJUEhbnCFE-community 💬 Connect with Luce: Twitter: https://twitter.com/lucecarter1 ⏱️ Timestamps ⏱️ 00:00 - Intro 00:30 - Prerequisites 01:15 - Create the project 02:23 - Add the driver 03:21 - Add the models 06:25 - Setup EF Core 11:18 - Create the services 21:26 - Add the view models 24:47 - Create the controllers 32:39 - Create the views 43:14 - Test the application 47:00 - Outro Subscribe to our channel → https://mdb.link/subscribe #mongodb #dotnet #csharp #efcore
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Dec 15, 2023

Announcing MongoDB Provider for Entity Framework Core

Join us this week on MongoDB TV as host Nic Raboy is joined by EP experts James Kovacs from MongoDB, Damien Guard from Intracia, Arthur Vickers and Shay Rojanksy from Microsoft as they delve into the exciting journey of the Entity Provider's adoption within the C# developer community. This groundbreaking development promises to streamline the integration of MongoDB with existing technologies, significantly lowering the learning curve and broadening MongoDB's presence in the developer marketplace. Learn More → https://mdb.link/Entity-Framework-Provider-doc Official MongoDB Entity Framework Core Provider → https://mdb.link/EntityFrameworkCore
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Nov 06, 2023

IoT on MongoDB!! Hey.. that rhymes 😅 #IoT #tech

#IoT #hands-on project. We will write #firmware from scratch for #MCUs using #MicroPython and collect data with #CXX and use time series on #MongoDB Atlas
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Oct 31, 2023