Construindo e hospedando continuamente nossa documentação do Swift DocC usando ações do Github e Netlify
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In a past post of this series, we showed how easy it was to generate documentation for our frameworks and libraries using DocC and the benefits of doing it. We also saw the different content we can add, like articles, how-tos, and references for our functions, classes, and structs.
But once generated, you end up with an archived DocC folder that is not that easy to share. You can compress it, email it, put it somewhere in the cloud so it can be downloaded, but this is not what we want. We want:
- Automatic (and continuous) generation of our DocC documentation bundle.
- Automatic (and continuous) posting of that documentation to the web, so it can be read online.
archive is, like many other things in macOS, a folder. Clone the repository we created with our documentation and look inside BinaryTree.doccarchive
from a terminal.1 git clone 2 cd BinaryTree.doccarchive
You’ll see:
1 .. 2 ├── css 3 │ ├── … 4 │ └── tutorials-overview.7d1da3df.css 5 ├── data 6 │ ├── documentation 7 │ │ ├── binarytree 8 │ │ │ ├── … 9 │ │ │ └── treetraversable-implementations.json 10 │ └── tutorials 11 │ ├── binarytree 12 │ │ ├── … 13 │ │ └── traversingtrees.json 14 │ └── toc.json 15 ├── downloads 16 ├── favicon.ico 17 ├── favicon.svg 18 ├── images 19 │ ├── … 20 │ └── tree.png 21 ├── img 22 │ ├── … 23 │ └── modified-icon.5d49bcfe.svg 24 ├── index 25 │ ├── availability.index 26 │ ├── data.mdb 27 │ ├── lock.mdb 28 │ └── navigator.index 29 ├── index.html 30 ├── js 31 │ ├── chunk-2d0d3105.459bf725.js 32 │ ├ … 33 │ └── tutorials-overview.db178ab9.js 34 ├── metadata.json 35 ├── theme-settings.json 36 └── videos
This is a single-page web application. Sadly, we can’t just open
and expect it to render correctly. As Apple explains in the documentation, for this to work, it has to be served from a proper web server, with a few rewrite rules added:To host a documentation archive on your website, do the following:
- Copy the documentation archive to the directory that your web server uses to serve files. In this example, the documentation archive is SlothCreator.doccarchive.
- Add a rule on the server to rewrite incoming URLs that begin with /documentation or /tutorial to SlothCreator.doccarchive/index.html.
- Add another rule for incoming requests to support bundled resources in the documentation archive, such as CSS files and image assets.
They even add a sample configuration to use with the Apache
server. So, to recap:- We can manually generate our documentation and upload it to a web server.
- We need to add the rewrite rules described in Apple’s documentation for the DocC bundle to work properly.
Each time we update our documentation, we need to generate it and upload it. Let’s generate our docs automatically.
We’ll continue using our Binary Tree Package as an example to generate the documentation. We’ll add a GitHub Action to generate docs on each new push to main. This way, we can automatically refresh our documentation with the latest changes introduced in our library.
To add the action, we’ll click on the
button in our repo. In this case, a Swift Action is offered as a template to start. We’ll choose that one:
After clicking on
, we can start tweaking our action. A GitHub action is just a set of steps that GitHub runs in a container for us. There are predefined steps, or we can just write commands that will work in our local terminal. What we need to do is:- Get the latest version of our code.
- Build out our documentation archive.
- Find where the
has been generated. - Copy that archive to a place where it can be served online.
We’ll call our action
. GitHub actions are YAML files, as the documentation tells us. After adding them to our repository, they will be stored in .github/workflows/
. So, they’re just text files we can edit locally and push to our repo.This is the easy part. Every time a Github action starts, it creates a new, empty container and clones our repo. So, our code is there, ready to be compiled, pass all tests, and does everything we need to do with it.
Our action starts with:
1 name: Generate DocC 2 on: 3 push: 4 branches: [ main ] 5 6 jobs: 7 Build-Github-Actions: 8 runs-on: macos-latest 9 10 steps: 11 - name: Git Checkout 12 uses: actions/checkout@v2
So, here:
- We gave the action the name “Generate DocC”.
- Then we select when it’ll run, i.e., on any pushes to
. - We run this on a macOS container, as we need Xcode.
- The first step is to clone our repo. We use a predefined action,
, that GitHub provides us with.
Now that our code is in place, we can use
to build the DocC archive. We can build our projects from the command line, run our tests, or in this case, build the documentation.1 xcodebuild docbuild -scheme BinaryTree -derivedDataPath ./docbuild -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,OS=latest,name=iPhone 13 mini'
Here we’re building to generate DocC (
parameter), choosing the BinaryTree
scheme in our project, putting all generated binaries in a folder at hand (docbuild
), and using an iPhone 13 mini as Simulator. When we build our documentation, we need to compile our library too. That’s why we need to choose the Simulator (or device) used for building.If everything goes well, we’ll have our documentation built inside
. We’ll search for it, as each build will generate a different hash to store the results of our build. And this is, on each run, a clean machine. To find the archive, we use:1 find ./docbuild -type d -iname "BinaryTree.doccarchive"
Now that we know where our DocC archive is, it’s time to put it in a different repository. The idea is we’ll have one repository for our code and one for our generated DocC bundle. Netlify will read from this second repository and host it online.
So, we clone the repository that will hold our documentation with:
1 git clone
So, yes, now we have two repositories, one cloned at the start of the action and now this one that holds only the documentation. We copy over the newly generated DocC archive:
1 cp -R "$DOCC_DIR" realm-binary-tree-docc
And we commit all changes:
1 cd realm-binary-tree-docc 2 git add . 3 git commit -m "$DOC_COMMIT_MESSAGE" 4 git status
is just a variable we populate with the last commit message from our repo and current date. But it can be any message.After this, we need to push the changes to the documentation repository.
1 git config --get remote.origin.url 2 git remote set-url origin https://${{ secrets.API_TOKEN_GITHUB}} 3 4 git push origin
Here we first print our
(the repo where we’ll be pushing our changes) with1 git config --get remote.origin.url
This command will show the origin of a git repository. It will print the URL of our code repository. But this is not where we want to push. We want to push to the documentation repository. So, we set the origin pointing to As we will need permission to push changes, we authenticate using a Personal Access Token. From Github Documentation on Personal Access Tokens:
You should create a personal access token to use in place of a password with the command line or with the API.

Luckily, Github Actions has a way to store these secrets, so they’re publicly accessible. Just go to your repository’s Settings and expand Secrets. You’ll see an “Actions” option. There you can give your secret a name to be used later in your actions.

As shown in this excellent post by Joseph Duffy, we'll be hosting our documentation in Netlify. Creating a free account is super easy. In this case, I advise you to use your Github credentials to log in Netlify. This way, adding a new site that reads from a Github repo will be super easy. Just add a new site and select Import an existing project. You can then choose Github, and once authorized, you’ll be able to select one of your repositories.
Now I set it to deploy with “Any pull request against your production branch / branch deploy branches.” So, every time your repo changes, Netlify will pick up the change and host it online (if it’s a web app, that is).
But we’re missing just one detail. Remember I mentioned before that we need to add some rewrite rules to our hosted documentation? We’ll add those in a file called
. This file looks like:1 [build] 2 publish = "BinaryTree.doccarchive/" 3 4 [[redirects]] 5 from = "/documentation/*" 6 status = 200 7 to = "/index.html" 8 9 [[redirects]] 10 from = "/tutorials/*" 11 status = 200 12 to = "/index.html" 13 14 [[redirects]] 15 from = "/data/documentation.json" 16 status = 200 17 to = "/data/documentation/binarytree.json" 18 19 [[redirects]] 20 force = true 21 from = "/" 22 status = 302 23 to = "/documentation/" 24 25 [[redirects]] 26 force = true 27 from = "/documentation" 28 status = 302 29 to = "/documentation/" 30 31 [[redirects]] 32 force = true 33 from = "/tutorials" 34 status = 302 35 to = "/tutorials/"
To use it in your projects, just review the lines:
1 publish = "BinaryTree.doccarchive/" 2 … 3 to = "/data/documentation/binarytree.json"
And change them accordingly.
In this post, we’ve seen how to:
- Add a Github Action to a code repository that continuously builds a DocC documentation bundle every time we push a change to the code.
- That action will in turn push that newly built documentation to a documentation repository for our library.
- That documentation repository will be set up in Netlify and add some rewrite rules so we'll be able to host it online.
Don’t wait and add continuous generation of your library’s documentation to your CI pipeline!
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