Construindo com padrões: o padrão Subset
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Some years ago, the first PCs had a whopping 256KB of RAM and dual 5.25"
floppy drives. No hard drives as they were incredibly expensive at the
time. These limitations resulted in having to physically swap floppy
disks due to a lack of memory when working with large (for the time)
amounts of data. If only there was a way back then to only bring into
memory the data I frequently used, as in a subset of the overall data.
Modern applications aren't immune from exhausting resources. MongoDB
keeps frequently accessed data, referred to as the working set,
in RAM. When the working set of data and indexes grows beyond the
physical RAM allotted, performance is reduced as disk accesses starts to
occur and data rolls out of RAM.
How can we solve this? First, we could add more RAM to the server. That
only scales so much though. We can look at
our collection, but that comes with additional costs and complexities
that our application may not be ready for. Another option is to reduce
the size of our working set. This is where we can leverage the Subset
This pattern addresses the issues associated with a working set that
exceeds RAM, resulting in information being removed from memory. This is
frequently caused by large documents which have a lot of data that isn't
actually used by the application. What do I mean by that exactly?
Imagine an e-commerce site that has a list of reviews for a product.
When accessing that product's data it's quite possible that we'd only
need the most recent ten or so reviews. Pulling in the entirety of the
product data with all of the reviews could easily cause the working
set to expand.

Instead of storing all the reviews with the product, we can split the
collection into two collections. One collection would have the most
frequently used data, e.g. current reviews and the other collection
would have less frequently used data, e.g. old reviews, product history,
etc. We can duplicate part of a 1-N or N-N relationship that is used by
the most used side of the relationship.

In the Product collection, we'll only keep the ten most recent
reviews. This allows the working set to be reduced by only bringing in a
portion, or subset, of the overall data. The additional information,
reviews in this example, are stored in a separate Reviews collection
that can be accessed if the user wants to see additional reviews. When
considering where to split your data, the most used part of the document
should go into the "main" collection and the less frequently used data
into another. For our reviews, that split might be the number of reviews
visible on the product page.
The Subset Pattern is very useful when we have a large portion of data
inside a document that is rarely needed. Product reviews, article
comments, actors in a movie are all examples of use cases for this
pattern. Whenever the document size is putting pressure on the size of
the working set and causing the working set to exceed the computer's RAM
capacities, the Subset Pattern is an option to consider.
By using smaller documents with more frequently accessed data, we reduce
the overall size of the working set. This allows for shorter disk access
times for the most frequently used information that an application
needs. One tradeoff that we must make when using the Subset Pattern is
that we must manage the subset and also if we need to pull in older
reviews or all of the information, it will require additional trips to
the database to do so.
The next post in this series will look at the features and benefits of
the Extended Reference Pattern.