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Configure Telemetry

Atlas CLI's telemetry collects anonymous, aggregate usage data to identify improvements with the greatest impact. The Atlas CLI enables telemetry by default. Telemetry settings for the Atlas CLI also apply to telemetry for mongosh if you installed the Atlas CLI and mongosh together in the same package.

The following information also applies to local MongoDB deployments. To learn more, see Manage Local and Cloud Deployments from the Atlas CLI.

Atlas CLI telemetry tracks non-Personally-Identifiable Information (PII), which includes but is not limited to the following information:

Example Value

Atlas CLI version number


Installation source


Operating System (OS) and OS version

Windows 11.5

Authentication method. Atlas CLI telemetry does not track the values for the API keys and login credentials.

API key

Details for commands you run. Atlas CLI telemetry tracks arguments only if they use pre-set allowable values, such as cluster region, or interactive command responses such as default project ID.

timestamp: 2022-04-11T11:35:46.794119+01:00 command: atlas cluster create --provider AWS --region US_EAST_1

Performance information, such as the amount of time it takes for the Atlas CLI to execute a command.

completion timestamp: 2022-04-11T11:35:49.456719+01:00

Errors you encounter, including the command you run and the parameters you use.

atlas rgister Error: unknown command "rgister" for "atlas"

Atlas CLI telemetry doesn't track:


PII and values that could potentially contain PII, including all free-text fields such as custom names or database user names.

--clusterName MyCluster

API key values or Atlas login credentials.

private_api_key abcdefghi123456789

To disable telemetry for the Atlas CLI, run the following command in the terminal:

atlas config set telemetry_enabled false

You can also disable telemetry in the following ways:

The Atlas CLI enables telemetry by default. If telemetry is currently disabled, you can enable telemetry by running the following command in the terminal:

atlas config set telemetry_enabled true

You can also enable telemetry in the following ways: