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Insert Documents

On this page

  • Overview
  • Sample Data
  • The _id Field
  • Insert One Document
  • Insert Multiple Documents
  • Modify Insert Behavior
  • Example
  • Specify Ordered Behavior
  • Additional Information
  • API Documentation

In this guide, you can learn how to use the MongoDB .NET/C# Driver to add documents to a MongoDB collection by performing insert operations.

An insert operation inserts one or more documents into a MongoDB collection. The .NET/C# Driver provides the following methods to perform insert operations, each of which has an asynchronous and synchronous version:

  • InsertOneAsync() or InsertOne()

  • InsertManyAsync() or InsertMany()


Interactive Lab

This page includes a short interactive lab that demonstrates how to insert data by using the InsertOneAsync() method. You can complete this lab directly in your browser window without installing MongoDB or a code editor.

To start the lab, click the Open Interactive Tutorial button at the top of the page. To expand the lab to a full-screen format, click the full-screen button (⛶) in the top-right corner of the lab pane.

The examples in this guide use the restaurants collection from the sample_restaurants database. The documents in this collection use the following Restaurant, Address, and GradeEntry classes as models:

public class Restaurant
public ObjectId Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string RestaurantId { get; set; }
public string Cuisine { get; set; }
public Address Address { get; set; }
public string Borough { get; set; }
public List<GradeEntry> Grades { get; set; }
public class Address
public string Building { get; set; }
public double[] Coordinates { get; set; }
public string Street { get; set; }
public string ZipCode { get; set; }
public class GradeEntry
public DateTime Date { get; set; }
public string Grade { get; set; }
public float? Score { get; set; }


The documents in the restaurants collection use the camel-case naming convention. The examples in this guide use a ConventionPack to deserialize the fields in the collection into Pascal case and map them to the properties in the Restaurant class.

To learn more about custom serialization, see Custom Serialization.

This collection is from the sample datasets provided by Atlas. See the Quick Start to learn how to create a free MongoDB cluster and load this sample data.

In a MongoDB collection, each document must contain an _id field with a unique field value.

MongoDB allows you to manage this field in two ways:

  • You can set this field for each document yourself, ensuring each _id field value is unique.

  • You can let the driver automatically generate unique ObjectId values for each document _id. If you do not manually set an _id field value for a document, the driver will populate the field with an ObjectId.

Unless you can guarantee uniqueness, MongoDB recommends you let the driver automatically generate _id values.


Duplicate _id values violate unique index constraints, which causes the driver to return a MongoWriteException from InsertOne() or a MongoBulkWriteException from InsertMany().

To learn more about the _id field, see the Server Manual Entry on Unique Indexes.

To learn more about document structure and rules, see the Server Manual Entry on Documents.

The following code shows how to use the asynchronous InsertOneAsync() method or the synchronous InsertOne() method to insert one document.

await _restaurantsCollection.InsertOneAsync(document);

The following code shows how to use the asynchronous InsertManyAsync() method or the synchronous InsertMany() method to insert multiple documents.

await _restaurantsCollection.InsertManyAsync(docs);


Find runnable examples using these methods under additional information.

The InsertOne() method takes the document you seek to insert as a parameter. The InsertMany() method takes an IEnumerable collection of documents, such as a list or array, as a parameter.

The InsertOne() method optionally takes a InsertOneOptions type as an additional parameter, which represents options you can use to configure the insert operation. If you don't specify any InsertOneOptions properties, the driver does not customize the insert.

The InsertOneOptions type allows you to configure options with the following properties:

Gets or sets a value indicating whether to bypass document validation. If true, allows the write to opt-out of document level validation.
Gets or sets the comment for the operation. See the insert command fields for more information.

The InsertMany() method optionally takes a InsertManyOptions type as an additional parameter, which has the preceding BypassDocumentValidation and Comment properties and the additional IsOrdered property:

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the requests are fulfilled in order. If true, the driver sends documents to the server in the order provided. If an error occurs, the driver and server abort all remaining insert operations. To learn more, see Ordered Behavior.
Default: true

The following code uses the InsertMany() method to insert five new Restaurant documents into a collection with BypassDocumentValidation set to true:

// Generates 5 new restaurants by using a helper method
var restaurants = GenerateDocuments();
// Creates an option object to bypass documentation validation on the documents
var options = new InsertManyOptions() { BypassDocumentValidation = true };
// Inserts the new documents into the restaurants collection with the specified options
_restaurantsCollection.InsertMany(restaurants, options);

The InsertMany() method has no return value. You can verify that your documents were successfully inserted by executing a Find() operation on the collection. For an example on how to find a document, see Find a Document.

Assume you want to insert the following documents:

{ "_id" : 1, "name" : "Restaurant A" }
{ "_id" : 2, "name" : "Restaurant B" }
{ "_id" : 1, "name" : "Restaurant C" }
{ "_id" : 3, "name" : "Restaurant D" }

If you attempt to insert these documents with default InsertManyOptions, the driver throws a MongoBulkWriteException at the third document because of the repeated _id value, but the documents before the error-producing document are still inserted into your collection.

If you look inside your collection, you should be able to see the following documents:

{ "_id" : 1, "name" : "Restaurant A" }
{ "_id" : 2, "name" : "Restaurant B" }

If you set IsOrdered to false in your insert operation, the driver will continue to insert your documents even if some documents produce errors. With this modified insert behavior, the driver throws an exception but inserts all documents that do not produce errors.

If you look inside your collection, you should be able to see the following documents:

{ "_id" : 1, "name" : "Restaurant A" }
{ "_id" : 2, "name" : "Restaurant B" }
{ "_id" : 3, "name" : "Restaurant D" }

For runnable examples of the insert operations, see the following usage examples:

To learn more about any of the methods or types discussed in this guide, see the following API Documentation:


Write Operations