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Time Series Collections

In this guide, you can learn about time series collections in MongoDB, and how to interact with them in the MongoDB Kotlin driver.

Time series collections efficiently store sequences of measurements over a period of time. Time series data consists of any data collected over time, metadata that describes the measurement, and the time of the measurement.


Sales Data



Infection Rates

Amount of People Infected


To create a time series collection, pass the following parameters to the createCollection() method:

val database = mongoClient.getDatabase("fall_weather")
val tsOptions = TimeSeriesOptions("temperature")
val collOptions = CreateCollectionOptions().timeSeriesOptions(tsOptions)
database.createCollection("september2021", collOptions)


Versions prior to MongoDB 5.0 cannot create a time series collection.

To check if you successfully created the collection, send the "listCollections" command to the runCommand() method.

val commandResult = database.listCollections().toList()
.find { it["name"] == "september2021" }
"name": "september2021",
"type": "timeseries",
"options": {
"timeseries": {
"timeField": "temperature",
"granularity": "seconds",
"bucketMaxSpanSeconds": 3600
"info": {
"readOnly": false

To query in a time series collection, use the same conventions as you would for retrieving and aggregating data.


Window Functions

MongoDB version 5.0 introduces window functions into the aggregation pipeline. You can use window functions to perform operations on a contiguous span of time series data.

For more information, see our Aggregates Builders guide.