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MongoDB Kafka Connector
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Propriedades de inicialização

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Use as seguintes definições de configuração para configurar a inicialização do conector de origem MongoDB Kafka para converter coleções MongoDB em Alterar eventos de Stream.


Para obter um exemplo usando a funcionalidade de copiar dados existentes, consulte o exemplo de uso de copiar dados existentes .

Para obter uma lista de definições de configuração do conector de origem organizadas por categoria, consulte o guia sobre Propriedades de configuração do conector de origem.

Type: string

Specifies how the connector should start up when there is no source offset available. Resuming a change stream requires a resume token, which the connector gets from the source offset. If no source offset is available, the connector may either ignore all or some of the existing source data, or may at first copy all existing source data and then continue with processing new data.

If startup.mode=latest, the connector ignores all existing source data.

If startup.mode=timestamp, the connector actuates startup.mode.timestamp.* properties. If no properties are configured, timestamp is equivalent to latest.

If startup.mode=copy_existing, the connector copies all existing source data to Change Stream events. This setting is equivalent to the deprecated setting copy.existing=true.

Se algum sistema alterar os dados no banco de dados enquanto o conector de origem converte dados existentes dele, o MongoDB poderá produzir eventos de fluxo de alterações duplicados para refletir as alterações mais recentes. Como os eventos de fluxo de alterações nos quais a cópia de dados depende são idempotentes, os dados copiados são eventualmente consistentes.

Accepted Values: latest, timestamp, copy_existing
Type: string

Actuated only if startup.mode=timestamp. Specifies the starting point for the change stream.

To learn more about Change Stream parameters, see $changeStream (aggregation) in the MongoDB manual.

Default: ""
Accepted Values:
  • Um número inteiro de segundos desde a época no formato decimal (por exemplo, 30)

  • Um instante no formato ISO-8601 com uma segunda precisão (por exemplo, 1970-01-01T00:00:30Z)

  • Um carimbo de data/hora JSON no formato JSON estendido canônico (v2) (por exemplo, {"$timestamp": {"t": 30, "i": 0}})

Type: string

Regular expression the connector uses to match namespaces from which to copy data. A namespace describes the MongoDB database name and collection separated by a period (for example, databaseName.collectionName).

For example, the following regular-expression setting matches collections that start with "page" in the stats database:
The \ character in the example above escapes the . character that follows it in the regular expression. For more information on how to build regular expressions, see Patterns in the Java API documentation.

Default: ""
Accepted Values: A valid regular expression
Type: string

An inline array of pipeline operations the connector runs when copying existing data. You can use this setting to filter the source collection and improve the use of indexes in the copying process.

For example, the following setting uses the $match aggregation operator to instruct the connector to copy only documents that contain a closed field with a value of false.
startup.mode.copy.existing.pipeline=[ { "$match": { "closed": "false" } } ]
Default: ""
Accepted Values: Valid aggregation pipeline stages
Type: int

The maximum number of threads the connector can use to copy data.

Default: number of processors available in the environment
Accepted Values: An integer
Type: int

The size of the queue the connector can use when copying data.

Default: 16000
Accepted Values: An integer
Type: boolean

When set to true, the connector uses temporary disk storage for the copy existing aggregation.

Default: true
Accepted Values: true or false


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