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Edit a Database Resource

You can modify a deployment's configuration and topology, including its MongoDB versions, storage engines, and numbers of hosts or shards. You can make modifications at all levels of a deployment's topology from a top-level sharded cluster or replica set to lower levels, such as a replica set within a sharded cluster, or an individual process within a replica set. You can also modify standalone processes.

  • You can't change individual members of a replica set or sharded cluster. You can change only the whole set or cluster.

  • If a setting isn't available for a MongoDB resource, you can make changes using only the Ops Manager or Cloud Manager application.

    • MongoDB custom resources do not support all mongod command line options. If you use an unsupported option in your object specification file, the backing MongoDB Agent overrides the unsupported options. For a complete list of options supported by MongoDB custom resources, see MongoDB Database Resource Specification.

  • You can configure certain settings using only the Kubernetes Operator. To review the list of settings, see MongoDB Kubernetes Operator Exclusive Settings.

Before you update a MongoDB object, complete the following procedures:

kubectl apply -f <standalone-conf>.yaml