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Criptografia no nível de campo do cliente

Nesta página

  • Criptografia automática no nível do campo do lado do cliente
  • Fornecimento de regras de criptografia automática local
  • Aplicação de criptografia em nível de campo no lado do servidor
  • Criptografia explícita
  • Criptografia explícita com descriptografia automática

Novidades no MongoDB 4.2, a criptografia no nível do campo do lado do cliente (também chamada de CSFLE) permite que administradores e desenvolvedores criptografem campos de dados específicos, além de outros recursos de criptografia do MongoDB.

Com o CSFLE, os desenvolvedores podem criptografar campos do lado do cliente sem nenhuma configuração ou diretiva do lado do servidor. O CSFLE oferece suporte a cargas de trabalho em que os aplicativos devem garantir que partes não autorizadas, incluindo administradores de servidor, não possam ler os dados criptografados.

A criptografia automática, em que campos confidenciais em comandos são criptografados automaticamente, requer uma dependência somente empresarial para a Análise de Query. Consulte Criptografia em execução para obter mais informações.


Veja também:

The MongoDB Manual for Client-Side Field Level Encryption

A criptografia automática é ativada ligando para mongoc_client_enable_auto_encryption em mongoc_client_t. Os exemplos a seguir mostram como configurar a criptografia automática usando mongoc_client_encryption_t para criar uma nova chave de dados de criptografia.


A criptografia automática requer MongoDB 4.2 enterprise ou MongoDB 4.2 Atlas cluster. A versão da comunidade do servidor suporta descriptografia automática, bem como criptografia explícita.

O exemplo a seguir mostra como especificar regras de criptografia automática utilizando um mapa de esquema configurado com mongoc_auto_encryption_opts_set_schema_map. As regras de criptografia automática são expressas usando um subconjunto rigoroso da sintaxe do JSON schema.

Fornecer um mapa de esquema oferece mais segurança do que confiar nos JSON schemas obtidos do servidor. Ele protege contra um servidor malicioso que anuncia um falso JSON schema, que pode induzir o cliente a enviar dados não criptografados que devem ser criptografados.

Os JSON schemas fornecidos no mapa de esquema se aplicam somente à configuração da criptografia automática. Outras regras de validação no JSON schema não serão aplicadas pelo driver e resultarão em um erro:

#include <mongoc/mongoc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "client-side-encryption-helpers.h"
/* Helper method to create a new data key in the key vault, a schema to use that
* key, and writes the schema to a file for later use. */
static bool
create_schema_file (bson_t *kms_providers,
const char *keyvault_db,
const char *keyvault_coll,
mongoc_client_t *keyvault_client,
bson_error_t *error)
mongoc_client_encryption_t *client_encryption = NULL;
mongoc_client_encryption_opts_t *client_encryption_opts = NULL;
mongoc_client_encryption_datakey_opts_t *datakey_opts = NULL;
bson_value_t datakey_id = {0};
char *keyaltnames[] = {"mongoc_encryption_example_1"};
bson_t *schema = NULL;
char *schema_string = NULL;
size_t schema_string_len;
FILE *outfile = NULL;
bool ret = false;
client_encryption_opts = mongoc_client_encryption_opts_new ();
mongoc_client_encryption_opts_set_kms_providers (client_encryption_opts, kms_providers);
mongoc_client_encryption_opts_set_keyvault_namespace (client_encryption_opts, keyvault_db, keyvault_coll);
mongoc_client_encryption_opts_set_keyvault_client (client_encryption_opts, keyvault_client);
client_encryption = mongoc_client_encryption_new (client_encryption_opts, error);
if (!client_encryption) {
goto fail;
/* Create a new data key and json schema for the encryptedField.
datakey_opts = mongoc_client_encryption_datakey_opts_new ();
mongoc_client_encryption_datakey_opts_set_keyaltnames (datakey_opts, keyaltnames, 1);
if (!mongoc_client_encryption_create_datakey (client_encryption, "local", datakey_opts, &datakey_id, error)) {
goto fail;
/* Create a schema describing that "encryptedField" is a string encrypted
* with the newly created data key using deterministic encryption. */
schema = BCON_NEW (
BCON_BIN (datakey_id.value.v_binary.subtype,, datakey_id.value.v_binary.data_len),
/* Use canonical JSON so that other drivers and tools will be
* able to parse the MongoDB extended JSON file. */
schema_string = bson_as_canonical_extended_json (schema, &schema_string_len);
outfile = fopen ("jsonSchema.json", "w");
if (0 == fwrite (schema_string, sizeof (char), schema_string_len, outfile)) {
fprintf (stderr, "failed to write to file\n");
goto fail;
ret = true;
mongoc_client_encryption_destroy (client_encryption);
mongoc_client_encryption_datakey_opts_destroy (datakey_opts);
mongoc_client_encryption_opts_destroy (client_encryption_opts);
bson_free (schema_string);
bson_destroy (schema);
bson_value_destroy (&datakey_id);
if (outfile) {
fclose (outfile);
return ret;
/* This example demonstrates how to use automatic encryption with a client-side
* schema map using the enterprise version of MongoDB */
main (void)
/* The collection used to store the encryption data keys. */
#define KEYVAULT_DB "encryption"
#define KEYVAULT_COLL "__libmongocTestKeyVault"
/* The collection used to store the encrypted documents in this example. */
#define ENCRYPTED_DB "test"
#define ENCRYPTED_COLL "coll"
int exit_status = EXIT_FAILURE;
bool ret;
uint8_t *local_masterkey = NULL;
uint32_t local_masterkey_len;
bson_t *kms_providers = NULL;
bson_error_t error = {0};
bson_t *index_keys = NULL;
bson_t *index_opts = NULL;
mongoc_index_model_t *index_model = NULL;
bson_json_reader_t *reader = NULL;
bson_t schema = BSON_INITIALIZER;
bson_t *schema_map = NULL;
/* The MongoClient used to access the key vault (keyvault_namespace). */
mongoc_client_t *keyvault_client = NULL;
mongoc_collection_t *keyvault_coll = NULL;
mongoc_auto_encryption_opts_t *auto_encryption_opts = NULL;
mongoc_client_t *client = NULL;
mongoc_collection_t *coll = NULL;
bson_t *to_insert = NULL;
mongoc_client_t *unencrypted_client = NULL;
mongoc_collection_t *unencrypted_coll = NULL;
mongoc_init ();
/* Configure the master key. This must be the same master key that was used
* to create the encryption key. */
local_masterkey = hex_to_bin (getenv ("LOCAL_MASTERKEY"), &local_masterkey_len);
if (!local_masterkey || local_masterkey_len != 96) {
fprintf (stderr,
"Specify LOCAL_MASTERKEY environment variable as a "
"secure random 96 byte hex value.\n");
goto fail;
kms_providers = BCON_NEW ("local", "{", "key", BCON_BIN (0, local_masterkey, local_masterkey_len), "}");
/* Set up the key vault for this example. */
keyvault_client = mongoc_client_new ("mongodb://localhost/?appname=client-side-encryption-keyvault");
BSON_ASSERT (keyvault_client);
keyvault_coll = mongoc_client_get_collection (keyvault_client, KEYVAULT_DB, KEYVAULT_COLL);
mongoc_collection_drop (keyvault_coll, NULL);
/* Create a unique index to ensure that two data keys cannot share the same
* keyAltName. This is recommended practice for the key vault. */
index_keys = BCON_NEW ("keyAltNames", BCON_INT32 (1));
index_opts = BCON_NEW ("unique",
BCON_BOOL (true),
BCON_BOOL (true),
index_model = mongoc_index_model_new (index_keys, index_opts);
ret = mongoc_collection_create_indexes_with_opts (
keyvault_coll, &index_model, 1, NULL /* opts */, NULL /* reply */, &error);
if (!ret) {
goto fail;
/* Create a new data key and a schema using it for encryption. Save the
* schema to the file jsonSchema.json */
ret = create_schema_file (kms_providers, KEYVAULT_DB, KEYVAULT_COLL, keyvault_client, &error);
if (!ret) {
goto fail;
/* Load the JSON Schema and construct the local schema_map option. */
reader = bson_json_reader_new_from_file ("jsonSchema.json", &error);
if (!reader) {
goto fail;
bson_json_reader_read (reader, &schema, &error);
/* Construct the schema map, mapping the namespace of the collection to the
* schema describing encryption. */
auto_encryption_opts = mongoc_auto_encryption_opts_new ();
mongoc_auto_encryption_opts_set_keyvault_client (auto_encryption_opts, keyvault_client);
mongoc_auto_encryption_opts_set_keyvault_namespace (auto_encryption_opts, KEYVAULT_DB, KEYVAULT_COLL);
mongoc_auto_encryption_opts_set_kms_providers (auto_encryption_opts, kms_providers);
mongoc_auto_encryption_opts_set_schema_map (auto_encryption_opts, schema_map);
client = mongoc_client_new ("mongodb://localhost/?appname=client-side-encryption");
BSON_ASSERT (client);
/* Enable automatic encryption. It will determine that encryption is
* necessary from the schema map instead of relying on the server to provide
* a schema. */
ret = mongoc_client_enable_auto_encryption (client, auto_encryption_opts, &error);
if (!ret) {
goto fail;
coll = mongoc_client_get_collection (client, ENCRYPTED_DB, ENCRYPTED_COLL);
/* Clear old data */
mongoc_collection_drop (coll, NULL);
to_insert = BCON_NEW ("encryptedField", "123456789");
ret = mongoc_collection_insert_one (coll, to_insert, NULL /* opts */, NULL /* reply */, &error);
if (!ret) {
goto fail;
printf ("decrypted document: ");
if (!print_one_document (coll, &error)) {
goto fail;
printf ("\n");
unencrypted_client = mongoc_client_new ("mongodb://localhost/?appname=client-side-encryption-unencrypted");
BSON_ASSERT (unencrypted_client);
unencrypted_coll = mongoc_client_get_collection (unencrypted_client, ENCRYPTED_DB, ENCRYPTED_COLL);
printf ("encrypted document: ");
if (!print_one_document (unencrypted_coll, &error)) {
goto fail;
printf ("\n");
exit_status = EXIT_SUCCESS;
if (error.code) {
fprintf (stderr, "error: %s\n", error.message);
bson_free (local_masterkey);
bson_destroy (kms_providers);
mongoc_collection_destroy (keyvault_coll);
mongoc_index_model_destroy (index_model);
bson_destroy (index_opts);
bson_destroy (index_keys);
bson_json_reader_destroy (reader);
mongoc_auto_encryption_opts_destroy (auto_encryption_opts);
mongoc_collection_destroy (coll);
mongoc_client_destroy (client);
bson_destroy (to_insert);
mongoc_collection_destroy (unencrypted_coll);
mongoc_client_destroy (unencrypted_client);
mongoc_client_destroy (keyvault_client);
bson_destroy (&schema);
bson_destroy (schema_map);
mongoc_cleanup ();
return exit_status;

O MongoDB 4. O servidor 2 suporta o uso da validação de esquema para impor a criptografia de campos específicos em uma coleção. Essa validação de esquema impedirá que um aplicativo insira valores não criptografados para quaisquer campos marcados com a palavra-chave JSON schema "encrypt".

O exemplo a seguir mostra como configurar a criptografia automática usando mongoc_client_encryption_t para criar uma nova chave de dados de criptografia e criar uma coleção com o JSON schema necessário:

#include <mongoc/mongoc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "client-side-encryption-helpers.h"
/* Helper method to create and return a JSON schema to use for encryption.
The caller will use the returned schema for server-side encryption validation.
static bson_t *
create_schema (bson_t *kms_providers,
const char *keyvault_db,
const char *keyvault_coll,
mongoc_client_t *keyvault_client,
bson_error_t *error)
mongoc_client_encryption_t *client_encryption = NULL;
mongoc_client_encryption_opts_t *client_encryption_opts = NULL;
mongoc_client_encryption_datakey_opts_t *datakey_opts = NULL;
bson_value_t datakey_id = {0};
char *keyaltnames[] = {"mongoc_encryption_example_2"};
bson_t *schema = NULL;
client_encryption_opts = mongoc_client_encryption_opts_new ();
mongoc_client_encryption_opts_set_kms_providers (client_encryption_opts, kms_providers);
mongoc_client_encryption_opts_set_keyvault_namespace (client_encryption_opts, keyvault_db, keyvault_coll);
mongoc_client_encryption_opts_set_keyvault_client (client_encryption_opts, keyvault_client);
client_encryption = mongoc_client_encryption_new (client_encryption_opts, error);
if (!client_encryption) {
goto fail;
/* Create a new data key and json schema for the encryptedField.
datakey_opts = mongoc_client_encryption_datakey_opts_new ();
mongoc_client_encryption_datakey_opts_set_keyaltnames (datakey_opts, keyaltnames, 1);
if (!mongoc_client_encryption_create_datakey (client_encryption, "local", datakey_opts, &datakey_id, error)) {
goto fail;
/* Create a schema describing that "encryptedField" is a string encrypted
* with the newly created data key using deterministic encryption. */
schema = BCON_NEW (
BCON_BIN (datakey_id.value.v_binary.subtype,, datakey_id.value.v_binary.data_len),
mongoc_client_encryption_destroy (client_encryption);
mongoc_client_encryption_datakey_opts_destroy (datakey_opts);
mongoc_client_encryption_opts_destroy (client_encryption_opts);
bson_value_destroy (&datakey_id);
return schema;
/* This example demonstrates how to use automatic encryption with a server-side
* schema using the enterprise version of MongoDB */
main (void)
/* The collection used to store the encryption data keys. */
#define KEYVAULT_DB "encryption"
#define KEYVAULT_COLL "__libmongocTestKeyVault"
/* The collection used to store the encrypted documents in this example. */
#define ENCRYPTED_DB "test"
#define ENCRYPTED_COLL "coll"
int exit_status = EXIT_FAILURE;
bool ret;
uint8_t *local_masterkey = NULL;
uint32_t local_masterkey_len;
bson_t *kms_providers = NULL;
bson_error_t error = {0};
bson_t *index_keys = NULL;
bson_t *index_opts = NULL;
mongoc_index_model_t *index_model = NULL;
bson_json_reader_t *reader = NULL;
bson_t *schema = NULL;
/* The MongoClient used to access the key vault (keyvault_namespace). */
mongoc_client_t *keyvault_client = NULL;
mongoc_collection_t *keyvault_coll = NULL;
mongoc_auto_encryption_opts_t *auto_encryption_opts = NULL;
mongoc_client_t *client = NULL;
mongoc_collection_t *coll = NULL;
bson_t *to_insert = NULL;
mongoc_client_t *unencrypted_client = NULL;
mongoc_collection_t *unencrypted_coll = NULL;
bson_t *create_cmd = NULL;
bson_t *create_cmd_opts = NULL;
mongoc_write_concern_t *wc = NULL;
mongoc_init ();
/* Configure the master key. This must be the same master key that was used
* to create
* the encryption key. */
local_masterkey = hex_to_bin (getenv ("LOCAL_MASTERKEY"), &local_masterkey_len);
if (!local_masterkey || local_masterkey_len != 96) {
fprintf (stderr,
"Specify LOCAL_MASTERKEY environment variable as a "
"secure random 96 byte hex value.\n");
goto fail;
kms_providers = BCON_NEW ("local", "{", "key", BCON_BIN (0, local_masterkey, local_masterkey_len), "}");
/* Set up the key vault for this example. */
keyvault_client = mongoc_client_new ("mongodb://localhost/?appname=client-side-encryption-keyvault");
BSON_ASSERT (keyvault_client);
keyvault_coll = mongoc_client_get_collection (keyvault_client, KEYVAULT_DB, KEYVAULT_COLL);
mongoc_collection_drop (keyvault_coll, NULL);
/* Create a unique index to ensure that two data keys cannot share the same
* keyAltName. This is recommended practice for the key vault. */
index_keys = BCON_NEW ("keyAltNames", BCON_INT32 (1));
index_opts = BCON_NEW ("unique",
BCON_BOOL (true),
BCON_BOOL (true),
index_model = mongoc_index_model_new (index_keys, index_opts);
ret = mongoc_collection_create_indexes_with_opts (
keyvault_coll, &index_model, 1, NULL /* opts */, NULL /* reply */, &error);
if (!ret) {
goto fail;
auto_encryption_opts = mongoc_auto_encryption_opts_new ();
mongoc_auto_encryption_opts_set_keyvault_client (auto_encryption_opts, keyvault_client);
mongoc_auto_encryption_opts_set_keyvault_namespace (auto_encryption_opts, KEYVAULT_DB, KEYVAULT_COLL);
mongoc_auto_encryption_opts_set_kms_providers (auto_encryption_opts, kms_providers);
schema = create_schema (kms_providers, KEYVAULT_DB, KEYVAULT_COLL, keyvault_client, &error);
if (!schema) {
goto fail;
client = mongoc_client_new ("mongodb://localhost/?appname=client-side-encryption");
BSON_ASSERT (client);
ret = mongoc_client_enable_auto_encryption (client, auto_encryption_opts, &error);
if (!ret) {
goto fail;
coll = mongoc_client_get_collection (client, ENCRYPTED_DB, ENCRYPTED_COLL);
/* Clear old data */
mongoc_collection_drop (coll, NULL);
/* Create the collection with the encryption JSON Schema. */
create_cmd = BCON_NEW ("create", ENCRYPTED_COLL, "validator", "{", "$jsonSchema", BCON_DOCUMENT (schema), "}");
wc = mongoc_write_concern_new ();
mongoc_write_concern_set_wmajority (wc, 0);
create_cmd_opts = bson_new ();
mongoc_write_concern_append (wc, create_cmd_opts);
ret = mongoc_client_command_with_opts (
client, ENCRYPTED_DB, create_cmd, NULL /* read prefs */, create_cmd_opts, NULL /* reply */, &error);
if (!ret) {
goto fail;
to_insert = BCON_NEW ("encryptedField", "123456789");
ret = mongoc_collection_insert_one (coll, to_insert, NULL /* opts */, NULL /* reply */, &error);
if (!ret) {
goto fail;
printf ("decrypted document: ");
if (!print_one_document (coll, &error)) {
goto fail;
printf ("\n");
unencrypted_client = mongoc_client_new ("mongodb://localhost/?appname=client-side-encryption-unencrypted");
BSON_ASSERT (unencrypted_client);
unencrypted_coll = mongoc_client_get_collection (unencrypted_client, ENCRYPTED_DB, ENCRYPTED_COLL);
printf ("encrypted document: ");
if (!print_one_document (unencrypted_coll, &error)) {
goto fail;
printf ("\n");
/* Expect a server-side error if inserting with the unencrypted collection.
ret = mongoc_collection_insert_one (unencrypted_coll, to_insert, NULL /* opts */, NULL /* reply */, &error);
if (!ret) {
printf ("insert with unencrypted collection failed: %s\n", error.message);
memset (&error, 0, sizeof (error));
exit_status = EXIT_SUCCESS;
if (error.code) {
fprintf (stderr, "error: %s\n", error.message);
bson_free (local_masterkey);
bson_destroy (kms_providers);
mongoc_collection_destroy (keyvault_coll);
mongoc_index_model_destroy (index_model);
bson_destroy (index_opts);
bson_destroy (index_keys);
bson_json_reader_destroy (reader);
mongoc_auto_encryption_opts_destroy (auto_encryption_opts);
mongoc_collection_destroy (coll);
mongoc_client_destroy (client);
bson_destroy (to_insert);
mongoc_collection_destroy (unencrypted_coll);
mongoc_client_destroy (unencrypted_client);
mongoc_client_destroy (keyvault_client);
bson_destroy (schema);
bson_destroy (create_cmd);
bson_destroy (create_cmd_opts);
mongoc_write_concern_destroy (wc);
mongoc_cleanup ();
return exit_status;

A criptografia explícita é um recurso da comunidade MongoDB e não usa Análise de Query (mongocryptd ou crypt_shared). A criptografia explícita é fornecida pelo mongoc_client_encryption_t aula, por exemplo:

#include <mongoc/mongoc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "client-side-encryption-helpers.h"
/* This example demonstrates how to use explicit encryption and decryption using
* the community version of MongoDB */
main (void)
/* The collection used to store the encryption data keys. */
#define KEYVAULT_DB "encryption"
#define KEYVAULT_COLL "__libmongocTestKeyVault"
/* The collection used to store the encrypted documents in this example. */
#define ENCRYPTED_DB "test"
#define ENCRYPTED_COLL "coll"
int exit_status = EXIT_FAILURE;
bool ret;
uint8_t *local_masterkey = NULL;
uint32_t local_masterkey_len;
bson_t *kms_providers = NULL;
bson_error_t error = {0};
bson_t *index_keys = NULL;
bson_t *index_opts = NULL;
mongoc_index_model_t *index_model = NULL;
bson_t *schema = NULL;
mongoc_client_t *client = NULL;
mongoc_collection_t *coll = NULL;
mongoc_collection_t *keyvault_coll = NULL;
bson_t *to_insert = NULL;
bson_t *create_cmd = NULL;
bson_t *create_cmd_opts = NULL;
mongoc_write_concern_t *wc = NULL;
mongoc_client_encryption_t *client_encryption = NULL;
mongoc_client_encryption_opts_t *client_encryption_opts = NULL;
mongoc_client_encryption_datakey_opts_t *datakey_opts = NULL;
char *keyaltnames[] = {"mongoc_encryption_example_3"};
bson_value_t datakey_id = {0};
bson_value_t encrypted_field = {0};
bson_value_t to_encrypt = {0};
mongoc_client_encryption_encrypt_opts_t *encrypt_opts = NULL;
bson_value_t decrypted = {0};
mongoc_init ();
/* Configure the master key. This must be the same master key that was used
* to create the encryption key. */
local_masterkey = hex_to_bin (getenv ("LOCAL_MASTERKEY"), &local_masterkey_len);
if (!local_masterkey || local_masterkey_len != 96) {
fprintf (stderr,
"Specify LOCAL_MASTERKEY environment variable as a "
"secure random 96 byte hex value.\n");
goto fail;
kms_providers = BCON_NEW ("local", "{", "key", BCON_BIN (0, local_masterkey, local_masterkey_len), "}");
/* The mongoc_client_t used to read/write application data. */
client = mongoc_client_new ("mongodb://localhost/?appname=client-side-encryption");
coll = mongoc_client_get_collection (client, ENCRYPTED_DB, ENCRYPTED_COLL);
/* Clear old data */
mongoc_collection_drop (coll, NULL);
/* Set up the key vault for this example. */
keyvault_coll = mongoc_client_get_collection (client, KEYVAULT_DB, KEYVAULT_COLL);
mongoc_collection_drop (keyvault_coll, NULL);
/* Create a unique index to ensure that two data keys cannot share the same
* keyAltName. This is recommended practice for the key vault. */
index_keys = BCON_NEW ("keyAltNames", BCON_INT32 (1));
index_opts = BCON_NEW ("unique",
BCON_BOOL (true),
BCON_BOOL (true),
index_model = mongoc_index_model_new (index_keys, index_opts);
ret = mongoc_collection_create_indexes_with_opts (
keyvault_coll, &index_model, 1, NULL /* opts */, NULL /* reply */, &error);
if (!ret) {
goto fail;
client_encryption_opts = mongoc_client_encryption_opts_new ();
mongoc_client_encryption_opts_set_kms_providers (client_encryption_opts, kms_providers);
mongoc_client_encryption_opts_set_keyvault_namespace (client_encryption_opts, KEYVAULT_DB, KEYVAULT_COLL);
/* Set a mongoc_client_t to use for reading/writing to the key vault. This
* can be the same mongoc_client_t used by the main application. */
mongoc_client_encryption_opts_set_keyvault_client (client_encryption_opts, client);
client_encryption = mongoc_client_encryption_new (client_encryption_opts, &error);
if (!client_encryption) {
goto fail;
/* Create a new data key for the encryptedField.
datakey_opts = mongoc_client_encryption_datakey_opts_new ();
mongoc_client_encryption_datakey_opts_set_keyaltnames (datakey_opts, keyaltnames, 1);
if (!mongoc_client_encryption_create_datakey (client_encryption, "local", datakey_opts, &datakey_id, &error)) {
goto fail;
/* Explicitly encrypt a field */
encrypt_opts = mongoc_client_encryption_encrypt_opts_new ();
mongoc_client_encryption_encrypt_opts_set_algorithm (encrypt_opts,
mongoc_client_encryption_encrypt_opts_set_keyid (encrypt_opts, &datakey_id);
to_encrypt.value_type = BSON_TYPE_UTF8;
to_encrypt.value.v_utf8.str = "123456789";
const size_t len = strlen (to_encrypt.value.v_utf8.str);
BSON_ASSERT (bson_in_range_unsigned (uint32_t, len));
to_encrypt.value.v_utf8.len = (uint32_t) len;
ret = mongoc_client_encryption_encrypt (client_encryption, &to_encrypt, encrypt_opts, &encrypted_field, &error);
if (!ret) {
goto fail;
to_insert = bson_new ();
BSON_APPEND_VALUE (to_insert, "encryptedField", &encrypted_field);
ret = mongoc_collection_insert_one (coll, to_insert, NULL /* opts */, NULL /* reply */, &error);
if (!ret) {
goto fail;
printf ("encrypted document: ");
if (!print_one_document (coll, &error)) {
goto fail;
printf ("\n");
/* Explicitly decrypt a field */
ret = mongoc_client_encryption_decrypt (client_encryption, &encrypted_field, &decrypted, &error);
if (!ret) {
goto fail;
printf ("decrypted value: %s\n", decrypted.value.v_utf8.str);
exit_status = EXIT_SUCCESS;
if (error.code) {
fprintf (stderr, "error: %s\n", error.message);
bson_free (local_masterkey);
bson_destroy (kms_providers);
mongoc_collection_destroy (keyvault_coll);
mongoc_index_model_destroy (index_model);
bson_destroy (index_opts);
bson_destroy (index_keys);
mongoc_collection_destroy (coll);
mongoc_client_destroy (client);
bson_destroy (to_insert);
bson_destroy (schema);
bson_destroy (create_cmd);
bson_destroy (create_cmd_opts);
mongoc_write_concern_destroy (wc);
mongoc_client_encryption_destroy (client_encryption);
mongoc_client_encryption_datakey_opts_destroy (datakey_opts);
mongoc_client_encryption_opts_destroy (client_encryption_opts);
bson_value_destroy (&encrypted_field);
mongoc_client_encryption_encrypt_opts_destroy (encrypt_opts);
bson_value_destroy (&decrypted);
bson_value_destroy (&datakey_id);
mongoc_cleanup ();
return exit_status;

Embora a criptografia automática exija MongoDB 4.2 enterprise ou um MongoDB 4.2 Atlas cluster, a descriptografia automática é suportada para todos os usuários. Para configurar a descriptografia automática sem a criptografia automática,bypass_auto_encryption=True definaem mongoc_auto_encryption_opts_t:

#include <mongoc/mongoc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "client-side-encryption-helpers.h"
/* This example demonstrates how to set up automatic decryption without
* automatic encryption using the community version of MongoDB */
main (void)
/* The collection used to store the encryption data keys. */
#define KEYVAULT_DB "encryption"
#define KEYVAULT_COLL "__libmongocTestKeyVault"
/* The collection used to store the encrypted documents in this example. */
#define ENCRYPTED_DB "test"
#define ENCRYPTED_COLL "coll"
int exit_status = EXIT_FAILURE;
bool ret;
uint8_t *local_masterkey = NULL;
uint32_t local_masterkey_len;
bson_t *kms_providers = NULL;
bson_error_t error = {0};
bson_t *index_keys = NULL;
bson_t *index_opts = NULL;
mongoc_index_model_t *index_model = NULL;
bson_t *schema = NULL;
mongoc_client_t *client = NULL;
mongoc_collection_t *coll = NULL;
mongoc_collection_t *keyvault_coll = NULL;
bson_t *to_insert = NULL;
bson_t *create_cmd = NULL;
bson_t *create_cmd_opts = NULL;
mongoc_write_concern_t *wc = NULL;
mongoc_client_encryption_t *client_encryption = NULL;
mongoc_client_encryption_opts_t *client_encryption_opts = NULL;
mongoc_client_encryption_datakey_opts_t *datakey_opts = NULL;
char *keyaltnames[] = {"mongoc_encryption_example_4"};
bson_value_t datakey_id = {0};
bson_value_t encrypted_field = {0};
bson_value_t to_encrypt = {0};
mongoc_client_encryption_encrypt_opts_t *encrypt_opts = NULL;
bson_value_t decrypted = {0};
mongoc_auto_encryption_opts_t *auto_encryption_opts = NULL;
mongoc_client_t *unencrypted_client = NULL;
mongoc_collection_t *unencrypted_coll = NULL;
mongoc_init ();
/* Configure the master key. This must be the same master key that was used
* to create the encryption key. */
local_masterkey = hex_to_bin (getenv ("LOCAL_MASTERKEY"), &local_masterkey_len);
if (!local_masterkey || local_masterkey_len != 96) {
fprintf (stderr,
"Specify LOCAL_MASTERKEY environment variable as a "
"secure random 96 byte hex value.\n");
goto fail;
kms_providers = BCON_NEW ("local", "{", "key", BCON_BIN (0, local_masterkey, local_masterkey_len), "}");
client = mongoc_client_new ("mongodb://localhost/?appname=client-side-encryption");
auto_encryption_opts = mongoc_auto_encryption_opts_new ();
mongoc_auto_encryption_opts_set_keyvault_namespace (auto_encryption_opts, KEYVAULT_DB, KEYVAULT_COLL);
mongoc_auto_encryption_opts_set_kms_providers (auto_encryption_opts, kms_providers);
/* Setting bypass_auto_encryption to true disables automatic encryption but
* keeps the automatic decryption behavior. bypass_auto_encryption will also
* disable spawning mongocryptd */
mongoc_auto_encryption_opts_set_bypass_auto_encryption (auto_encryption_opts, true);
/* Once bypass_auto_encryption is set, community users can enable auto
* encryption on the client. This will, in fact, only perform automatic
* decryption. */
ret = mongoc_client_enable_auto_encryption (client, auto_encryption_opts, &error);
if (!ret) {
goto fail;
/* Now that automatic decryption is on, we can test it by inserting a
* document with an explicitly encrypted value into the collection. When we
* look up the document later, it should be automatically decrypted for us.
coll = mongoc_client_get_collection (client, ENCRYPTED_DB, ENCRYPTED_COLL);
/* Clear old data */
mongoc_collection_drop (coll, NULL);
/* Set up the key vault for this example. */
keyvault_coll = mongoc_client_get_collection (client, KEYVAULT_DB, KEYVAULT_COLL);
mongoc_collection_drop (keyvault_coll, NULL);
/* Create a unique index to ensure that two data keys cannot share the same
* keyAltName. This is recommended practice for the key vault. */
index_keys = BCON_NEW ("keyAltNames", BCON_INT32 (1));
index_opts = BCON_NEW ("unique",
BCON_BOOL (true),
BCON_BOOL (true),
index_model = mongoc_index_model_new (index_keys, index_opts);
ret = mongoc_collection_create_indexes_with_opts (
keyvault_coll, &index_model, 1, NULL /* opts */, NULL /* reply */, &error);
if (!ret) {
goto fail;
client_encryption_opts = mongoc_client_encryption_opts_new ();
mongoc_client_encryption_opts_set_kms_providers (client_encryption_opts, kms_providers);
mongoc_client_encryption_opts_set_keyvault_namespace (client_encryption_opts, KEYVAULT_DB, KEYVAULT_COLL);
/* The key vault client is used for reading to/from the key vault. This can
* be the same mongoc_client_t used by the application. */
mongoc_client_encryption_opts_set_keyvault_client (client_encryption_opts, client);
client_encryption = mongoc_client_encryption_new (client_encryption_opts, &error);
if (!client_encryption) {
goto fail;
/* Create a new data key for the encryptedField.
datakey_opts = mongoc_client_encryption_datakey_opts_new ();
mongoc_client_encryption_datakey_opts_set_keyaltnames (datakey_opts, keyaltnames, 1);
ret = mongoc_client_encryption_create_datakey (client_encryption, "local", datakey_opts, &datakey_id, &error);
if (!ret) {
goto fail;
/* Explicitly encrypt a field. */
encrypt_opts = mongoc_client_encryption_encrypt_opts_new ();
mongoc_client_encryption_encrypt_opts_set_algorithm (encrypt_opts,
mongoc_client_encryption_encrypt_opts_set_keyaltname (encrypt_opts, "mongoc_encryption_example_4");
to_encrypt.value_type = BSON_TYPE_UTF8;
to_encrypt.value.v_utf8.str = "123456789";
const size_t len = strlen (to_encrypt.value.v_utf8.str);
BSON_ASSERT (bson_in_range_unsigned (uint32_t, len));
to_encrypt.value.v_utf8.len = (uint32_t) len;
ret = mongoc_client_encryption_encrypt (client_encryption, &to_encrypt, encrypt_opts, &encrypted_field, &error);
if (!ret) {
goto fail;
to_insert = bson_new ();
BSON_APPEND_VALUE (to_insert, "encryptedField", &encrypted_field);
ret = mongoc_collection_insert_one (coll, to_insert, NULL /* opts */, NULL /* reply */, &error);
if (!ret) {
goto fail;
/* When we retrieve the document, any encrypted fields will get automatically
* decrypted by the driver. */
printf ("decrypted document: ");
if (!print_one_document (coll, &error)) {
goto fail;
printf ("\n");
unencrypted_client = mongoc_client_new ("mongodb://localhost/?appname=client-side-encryption");
unencrypted_coll = mongoc_client_get_collection (unencrypted_client, ENCRYPTED_DB, ENCRYPTED_COLL);
printf ("encrypted document: ");
if (!print_one_document (unencrypted_coll, &error)) {
goto fail;
printf ("\n");
exit_status = EXIT_SUCCESS;
if (error.code) {
fprintf (stderr, "error: %s\n", error.message);
bson_free (local_masterkey);
bson_destroy (kms_providers);
mongoc_collection_destroy (keyvault_coll);
mongoc_index_model_destroy (index_model);
bson_destroy (index_opts);
bson_destroy (index_keys);
mongoc_collection_destroy (coll);
mongoc_client_destroy (client);
bson_destroy (to_insert);
bson_destroy (schema);
bson_destroy (create_cmd);
bson_destroy (create_cmd_opts);
mongoc_write_concern_destroy (wc);
mongoc_client_encryption_destroy (client_encryption);
mongoc_client_encryption_datakey_opts_destroy (datakey_opts);
mongoc_client_encryption_opts_destroy (client_encryption_opts);
bson_value_destroy (&encrypted_field);
mongoc_client_encryption_encrypt_opts_destroy (encrypt_opts);
bson_value_destroy (&decrypted);
bson_value_destroy (&datakey_id);
mongoc_collection_destroy (unencrypted_coll);
mongoc_client_destroy (unencrypted_client);
mongoc_auto_encryption_opts_destroy (auto_encryption_opts);
mongoc_cleanup ();
return exit_status;


Criptografia em execução


Queryable Encryption