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Especificar opções de conexão

Esta seção descreve as opções de conexão e autenticação do MongoDB disponíveis no PyMongo. Você pode configurar sua conexão usando o URI de conexão ou argumentos para o construtor MongoClient .

Se você passar um URI de conexão para o construtor MongoClient, poderá incluir opções de conexão na cadeia de caracteres como pares <name>=<value>. No exemplo a seguir, o URI de conexão contém a opção connectTimeoutMS com um valor de 60000 e a opção tls com um valor de true:

uri = "mongodb://<hostname>:<port>/?connectTimeoutMS=60000&tls=true"
client = pymongo.MongoClient(uri)

Você pode passar as opções de conexão como argumentos para o construtor MongoClient em vez de incluí-las em seu URI de conexão. Configurar a conexão dessa forma facilita a alteração das configurações no tempo de execução e ajuda a detectar erros durante a compilação. O exemplo seguinte mostra como utilizar o construtor MongoClient para configurar opções de conexão:

uri = "mongodb://<hostname>:<port>"
client = pymongo.MongoClient(uri, connectTimeoutMS=60000, tls=True)

As seções a seguir descrevem as opções de conexão disponíveis no PyMongo. Se um parâmetro MongoClient for mapeado para mais de uma opção na connection string, o Exemplo de URI de Conexão mostrará todas as opções correspondentes.

Opção de conexão


The preferred compression types, in order, for wire-protocol messages sent to
or received from the server. The driver uses the first of these compression types
that the server supports.

Data Type: str
Default: None
MongoClient Example: compressors = "snappy,zstd,zlib"
Connection URI Example: compressors=snappy,zstd,zlib


The compression level for zlib to use. This option accepts
an integer value between -1 and 9:

- -1: (Default). zlib uses its default compression level (usually 6).
- 0: No compression.
- 1: Fastest speed but lowest compression.
- 9: Best compression but slowest speed.

Data Type: int
Default: -1
MongoClient Example: zlibCompressionLevel = 3
Connection URI Example: zlibCompressionLevel=3
Opção de conexão


The number of milliseconds each driver operation must complete within. If an
operation doesn't finish in the specified time, PyMongo raises a timeout exception.
For more information, see Limit Server Execution Time.

Data Type: int
Default: None
MongoClient Example: timeoutMS = 10000
Connection URI Example: timeoutMs=10000
Opção de conexão


A user-defined Python function called by PyMongo to choose the server
to run an operation against. For more information, see

Data Type: callable
Default: None
MongoClient Example: server_selector = your_function
Connection URI Example: N/A
Opção de conexão


The mechanism PyMongo uses to authenticate the application. Valid
options are defined in MECHANISMS.

Data Type: str
Default: "SCRAM-SHA-256" when connecting to MongoDB v4.0 or later.
"SCRAM-SHA-1" when connecting to MongoDB v3.0 through v3.13.
MongoClient Example: authMechanism = "MONGODB-X509"
Connection URI Example: authMechanism=MONGODB-X509


Options specific to the authentication mechanism. Not needed for all authentication

Data Type: str
Default: ""
MongoClient Example: authMechanismProperties = "AWS_SESSION_TOKEN:12345"
Connection URI Example: authMechanismProperties=AWS_SESSION_TOKEN:12435


The database to authenticate against.

Data Type: str
Default: The database in the connection URI, or "admin" if none is provided
MongoClient Example: authSource = "admin"
Connection URI Example: authSource=admin

nome de usuário

The username for authentication. When this option is included in a connection
URI, you must percent-escape it.

Data Type: str
Default: ""
MongoClient Example: username = "my user"
Connection URI Example: username=my+user


The password for authentication. When this option is included in a connection
URI, you must percent-escape it.

Data Type: str
Default: ""
MongoClient Example: password = "strong password"
Connection URI Example: password=strong+password

Para obter mais informações sobre a opção de conexão nesta seção, consulte Mecanismos de autenticação.

Opção de conexão


Specifies the name of the replica set to connect to.

Data Type: str
Default: null
MongoClient Example: replicaSet='replicaSetName'
Connection URI Example: replicaSet=replicaSetName


Whether to connect only to the primary member of the replica set.

Data Type: bool
Default: False
MongoClient Example: directConnection=True
Connection URI Example: directConnection=true


Specifies the client's read-preference settings.

Data Type: read_preferences
Default: ReadPreference.Primary
MongoClient Example: readPreference=ReadPreference.SECONDARY_PREFERRED
Connection URI Example: readPreference=secondaryPreferred


Specifies the client's read-concern settings. For more information, see /reference/read-concern/.

Data Type: str
Default: None
MongoClient Example: readConcern="majority"
Connection URI Example: readConcern=majority


Specifies the client's write-concern settings. For more information, see /reference/write-concern/.

Data Type: str
Default: None
MongoClient Example: writeConcern="majority"
Connection URI Example: writeConcern=majority


The latency window for a replica-set members eligibility. If a member's round trip ping takes longer than the fastest server's round-trip ping time plus this value, the server isn't eligible for selection.

Data Type: read_preferences
Default: int
MongoClient Example: localThresholdMS=35
Connection URI Example: localThresholdMS=35


Specifies whether the client retries supported read operations. For more information, see Retryable Reads in the MongoDB Server manual.

Data Type: bool
Default: True
MongoClient Example: retryReads=False
Connection URI Example: retryReads=false


Specifies whether the client retries supported write operations. For more information, see Retryable Writes in the MongoDB Server manual.

Data Type: bool
Default: True
MongoClient Example: retryWrites=False
Connection URI Example: retryWrites=false

Para obter mais informações sobre as opções de conexão nesta seção, consulte Bancos de Dados e Coleções.