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Nested Components Guidelines

To allow LLMs to consume our content easily, don't nest the following components:

  • Callouts inside callouts

  • Callouts inside tables

  • Examples inside callouts

Use the following guidance to fix existing published nested components or replace nested components in your pull requests.

Remove the nested callout and make its contents part of the parent callout, or remove it from callouts altogether. The text may follow directly after the preceding text, or you may include a line break if appropriate. If the nested callout is an example, see Examples Inside Callouts. If the nested callout is an Important or Warning callout, see Important or Warning in the Examples Inside Callouts section.




AWS Only

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) peering connections are region-specific. Clusters utilizing an existing VPC peering connection to an AWS VPC in a given AWS region lose access to that peering connection if moved to a different AWS region. The moved cluster may use an existing peering connection in the new region.


AWS Only

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) peering connections are region-specific. Clusters utilizing an existing VPC peering connection to an AWS VPC in a given AWS region lose access to that peering connection if moved to a different AWS region. The moved cluster may use an existing peering connection in the new region. To learn more, see Set Up a Network Peering Connection.

Remove the nested note directive and make the note's content plain text. The note text can follow directly after the preceding text, or you can include a line break if appropriate.





Unique identifier of this Agent API Key.



Agent API Key.


After creating this Agent API Key, subsequent requests return the last four characters of Agent API Keys.



Label for this Agent API Key. Limited to 1,000 characters.



Unique identifier of this Agent API Key.



Agent API Key.

After creating this Agent API Key, subsequent requests return the last four characters of Agent API Keys.



Label for this Agent API Key. Limited to 1,000 characters.

Assess the content and determine whether it really belongs in an Important or Warning callout. If it's merely noteworthy, remove the content from the callout. For guidance, see Callouts and Admonitions.

If the content could be a note, follow the instructions for Notes.

If users must notice the Important or Warning information (for example, when ignoring the information results in data loss or other serious considerations):

  • For important information, remove the nested directive and make its contents part of the parent callout. Precede the important information with a line break and add IMPORTANT: in bold, gold text. To do this, use the following gold directive:

  • For warning information, remove the nested directive and add the content to the parent callout. Precede the warning information with a line break and add WARNING: in bold, red text. To do this, use the following red directive:




Restore from Backup

The time required to restore your serverless instance.


Data transfer as part of the backup and restore process is charged separately.

Range from $2.50 to $6.00 per restore hour.

Restore from Backup

The time required to restore your serverless instance.

IMPORTANT: Data transfer as part of the backup and restore process is charged separately.

Range from $2.50 to $6.00 per restore hour.



Select a project to which you want to restore the snapshot.

Cluster to Restore to

Select a cluster to which you want to restore the snapshot.

Cloud Manager must manage the target replica set.


Automation removes all existing data from the cluster. All backup data and snapshots for the existing cluster are preserved.



Select a project to which you want to restore the snapshot.

Cluster to Restore to

Select a cluster to which you want to restore the snapshot.

Cloud Manager must manage the target replica set.

WARNING: Automation removes all existing data from the cluster. It preserves all backup data and snapshots for the existing cluster.

Remove the nested example and do one of the following steps:

  • If the example is a statement with full sentences, add the contents to the parent callout, preceding the example with a line break and the text, "For example,".

  • If the example is a value in a code block, introduce the code block with "For example:". If more context follows the example, add "In the previous example," to the context.




There must be enough disk space to accommodate all of the source oplog entries that occur during the initial mongomirror sync.


If the source oplog is 10 GB and covers 24 hours of changes, and mongomirror's sync is estimated to take 48 hours, there must be at least 20 GB of free disk space in the specified directory.


There must be enough disk space to accommodate all of the source oplog entries that occur during the initial mongomirror sync.

For example, if the source oplog is 10 GB and covers 24 hours of changes, and mongomirror's sync is estimated to take 48 hours, there must be at least 20 GB of free disk space in the specified directory.

Remove the nested example and do one of the following steps:

  • If the example is in a statement with full sentences, add its contents in plain text, preceding the example with a line break and the text, "For example,".

  • If the example is a value in a code block, introduce the code block with "For example:". If more context follows the example, add "In the previous example,"" to the context.




Not Found

The requested resource does not exist.


Method Not Allowed

The HTTP method is not supported for the specified resource. Keep in mind that each resource may only support a subset of HTTP methods.


You are not allowed to DELETE the root resource.


Not Found

The requested resource does not exist.


Method Not Allowed

The HTTP method is not supported for the specified resource. Keep in mind that each resource may only support a subset of HTTP methods.

For example, you are not allowed to DELETE the root resource.

Remove the nested procedure and add its contents to an ordered list. Start with a., b., c., d., and use i., ii., iii. for levels below that. Do not nest steps more than that.

