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Verify the Integrity of MongoDB CLI Packages

The MongoDB CLI release team digitally signs all software packages and container images to certify that a particular package is valid and unaltered. Before you install the MongoDB CLI packages for Linux or Windows you should validate the package using the provided PGP signature or SHA-256 checksum information.

MongoDB signs each release branch with a different PGP key. The public key files for the lastest MongoDB CLI release is available for download from the key server.

The following procedure verifies the MongoDB CLI package against its PGP key.


Download the MongoDB CLI binaries from the MongoDB Download Center based on your Linux environment. Click Copy link and use the URL in the following instructions.

For example, to download the 2.0.1 release for Linux through the shell, run the following command:

curl -LO

Run the following command to download the file:

curl -LO

Run the following command to download and import the key file:

curl -LO
gpg --import mongodb-cli.asc
gpg: key <key-value-short>: public key "MongoDB CLI Release Signing Key <>" imported
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg: imported: 1

Run the following command to verify the installation file:

gpg --verify mongocli_2.0.1_linux_x86_64.tar.gz.sig mongocli_2.0.1_linux_x86_64.tar.gz
gpg: Signature made Thu Mar 14 08:25:00 2024 EDT
gpg: using RSA key <key-value-long>
gpg: Good signature from "MongoDB CLI Release Signing Key <>" [unknown]

If the package is properly signed, but you don't currently trust the signing key, gpg also returns the following message :

gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
gpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.

The following procedure verifies the MongoDB CLI package against its SHA-256 key.


Download the MongoDB CLI .msi or .zip file from the MongoDB Download Center or Github.

  1. Download the checksums.txt file for the release from Github, which contains the SHA-256 key for each file. For example, for version 2.0.1, download the 2.0.1 checksums.txt file.

  2. Open the checksums.txt file and copy the text listed to the left of the package you downloaded. For example, if you downloaded, copy the text to the left of This value is the SHA-256 key value.

  3. Save the SHA-256 key value in a .txt file named mongocli-key in your Downloads folder.


Run the Powershell command to verify the package based on the file you downloaded.

If you downloaded, run the following command:

$sigHash = (Get-Content $Env:HomePath\Downloads\mongocli-key.txt | Out-String).SubString(0,64).ToUpper(); `
$fileHash = (Get-FileHash $Env:HomePath\Downloads\; `
echo $sigHash; echo $fileHash; `
$sigHash -eq $fileHash

If you downloaded mongocli_2.0.1_windows_x86_64.msi, run the following command:

$sigHash = (Get-Content $Env:HomePath\Downloads\mongocli-key.txt | Out-String).SubString(0,64).ToUpper(); `
$fileHash = (Get-FileHash $Env:HomePath\Downloads\mongocli_2.0.1_windows_x86_64.msi).Hash.Trim(); `
echo $sigHash; echo $fileHash; `
$sigHash -eq $fileHash

The command returns the key value from the signature file, the key value from the downloaded package, and True if the two values match.

If the two values match, the MongoDB CLI binary is verified.