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Collection Configuration

On this page

  • Configuring a Document Collection
  • Time Series Collection
  • Capped Collections
  • Set a Default Collation on a Collection
  • Collection Management Rake Task

You can specify collection options for documents using the store_in macro. This macro accepts :collection_options argument, which can contain any collection options that are supported by the driver.


In order to apply the options, the collection must be explicitly created up-front. This should be done using Collection Management Rake Task.

Please refer to the driver collections page for the more information about collection options.


Collection options depend on the driver version and MongoDB server version. It is possible that some options, like time series collections, are not available on older server versions.

class Measurement
include Mongoid::Document
field :temperature, type: Integer
field :timestamp, type: Time
store_in collection_options: {
time_series: {
timeField: "timestamp",
granularity: "minutes"
expire_after: 604800
class Name
include Mongoid::Document
store_in collection_options: {
capped: true,
size: 1024
class Name
include Mongoid::Document
store_in collection_options: {
collation: {
locale: 'fr'

If you specify collection options for a document, then the corresponding collection must be explicitly created prior to use. To do so, use the provided db:mongoid:create_collections Rake task:

$ rake db:mongoid:create_collections

The create collections command also works for just one model by running in Rails console:

# Create collection for Model

