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Gets the file document's ID of the GridFS file associated with a stream.

function getFileIdForStream(resource $stream): mixed
$stream : recurso
O recurso de fluxo GridFS.

The _id field of the metadata document associated with the GridFS stream. The return type will depend on the bucket's typeMap option.

MongoDB\GridFS\Exception\CorruptFileException if the file's metadata or chunk documents contain unexpected or invalid data.

MongoDB\Exception\InvalidArgumentException para erros relacionados à análise de parâmetros ou opções.

MongoDB\Driver\Exception\RuntimeException para outros erros no nível da extensão (por exemplo erros de conexão).

$bucket = (new MongoDB\Client)->test->selectGridFSBucket();
$stream = $bucket->openUploadStream('filename');
$id = $bucket->getFileIdForStream($stream);

A saída seria então semelhante a:

object(MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId)#3005 (1) {
string(24) "5acfb37d7e21e83cdb3e1583"