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Optimize Queries by Using Indexes

On this page, you can see copyable code examples that show how to manage different types of indexes by using the MongoDB PHP Library.


To learn more about working with indexes, see the Index Considerations and Management guide. To learn more about any of the indexes shown on this page, see the link provided in each section.

To use an example from this page, copy the code example into the sample application or your own application. Make sure to set the MONGODB_URI environment variable to the connection string for your MongoDB deployment, and replace the <database> and <collection> placeholders with values for your target namespace.

You can use the following sample application to test the code examples on this page. To use the sample application, perform the following steps:

  1. Ensure you have the MongoDB PHP Library installed in your project. To learn more about installing the MongoDB PHP Library, see the Download and Install guide.

  2. Copy the following code and paste it into a new .php file.

  3. Copy a code example from this page and paste it on the specified lines in the file.

3require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
5$uri = getenv('MONGODB_URI') ?: throw new RuntimeException('Set the MONGODB_URI variable to your Atlas URI that connects to the sample dataset');
6$client = new MongoDB\Client($uri);
8$collection = $client->getCollection('<database>', '<collection>');
10// Start example code here
12// End example code here

Some examples use the toJSON() function to represent change events, which are BSON documents, as Extended JSON. To use this function, paste the following code into your application file:

function toJSON(object $document): string
return MongoDB\BSON\Document::fromPHP($document)->toRelaxedExtendedJSON();

The following example creates an ascending index on the specified field:

$indexName = $collection->createIndex(['<field name>' => 1]);

To learn more about single field indexes, see the Single Field Indexes guide.

The following example creates a compound index of two ascending indexes on the specified fields:

$indexName = $collection->createIndex(
['<field name 1>' => 1, '<field name 2>' => 1]

To learn more about compound indexes, see the Compound Indexes guide.

The following example creates an ascending multikey index on the specified array-valued field:

$indexName = $collection->createIndex(['<array field name>' => 1]);

To learn more about multikey indexes, see the Multikey Indexes guide.

The following example creates a 2dsphere index on the specified field that has GeoJSON object values:

$indexName = $collection->createIndex(
[ '<GeoJSON object field>' => '2dsphere']

To learn more about the GeoJSON data type, see GeoJSON Objects in the MongoDB Server manual.

The following example creates an ascending unique index on the specified field:

$indexName = $collection->createIndex(['<field name>' => 1], ['unique' => true]);

The following example creates an ascending wildcard index on the collection:

$indexName = $collection->createIndex(['$**' => 1]);

You can create a clustered index when creating a new collection in a specified database. The following example creates a new collection with an ascending clustered index on the _id field:

$options = [
'clusteredIndex' => [
'key' => ['_id' => 1],
'unique' => true
$database->createCollection('<collection name>', $options);

The following example creates a text index on the specified string field:

$indexName = $collection->createIndex(['<field name>' => 'text']);

The following example prints a list of indexes in the specified collection:

foreach ($collection->listIndexes() as $indexInfo) {
echo $indexInfo;

The following example deletes an index with the specified name:

$collection->dropIndex('<index name>');

To learn more about deleting indexes, see Remove an Index in the Index Considerations and Management guide.

The following sections contain code examples that describe how to manage Atlas Search and Vector Search indexes.


Atlas Search and Vector Search Index Management is Asynchronous

The MongoDB PHP Library manages Atlas Search indexes asynchronously. The library methods described in the following sections return the server response immediately, but the changes to your Search indexes take place in the background and might not complete until some time later.

To learn more about Atlas Search indexes, see the Atlas Search Indexes guide.

The following example creates an Atlas Search index on the specified field:

$indexName = $collection->createSearchIndex(
['mappings' => ['dynamic' => true]],
['name' => '<Search index name>']

The following example prints a list of Atlas Search indexes in the specified collection:

foreach ($collection->listSearchIndexes() as $indexInfo) {
echo toJSON($indexInfo), PHP_EOL;

The following example updates an existing Atlas Search index with the specified new index definition:

'<Search index name>',
['mappings' => [
'dynamic' => false,
'fields' => [
'<string field name>' => [
'type' => 'string',
'analyzer' => 'lucene.standard'

The following example deletes an Atlas Search index with the specified name:

$collection->dropSearchIndex('<Search index name>');