Esquemas de criptografia
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On this page, you can learn how to create an encryption schema for automatic Client-Side Field Level Encryption (CSFLE) as well as see an example detailing how to create the encryption schema used in the CSFLE Início rápido.
Esquemas de criptografia
An encryption schema is a JSON object which uses a strict subset of
JSON Schema Draft 4 standard syntax
along with the keywords encrypt
and encryptMetadata
to define the encryption rules that specify how your
CSFLE-enabled client should encrypt your documents.
Encryption rules are JSON key-value pairs that define how your client application encrypts your fields. You must specify or inherit the following information in an encryption rule:
The algorithm used to encrypt your field
Which Data Encryption Key (DEK) your client uses to encrypt your field
The BSON type of your field
Encryption rules must contain either the encrypt
To learn more about the encryption algorithms you can define in your encryption schema, see Campos e tipos de criptografia.
To learn more about Data Encryption Keys, see chave de criptografia e cofres de chaves.
encrypt Keyword
The encrypt
keyword defines an encryption rule for a single field in a
BSON document. Encryption rules containing the encrypt
keyword have
the following structure:
"<field-name-to-encrypt>": { "encrypt": { "algorithm": "<encryption algorithm to use>", "bsonType": "<bson type of field>", "keyId": [UUID("<_id of your Data Encryption Key>" )] } }
encryptMetadata Keyword
The encryptMetadata
keyword defines encryption rules which child
elements of the sibling properties
tag inherit. Encryption rules
containing encryptMetadata
have the following structure:
"bsonType": "object", "encryptMetadata": { "algorithm": "<encryption algorithm inherited by children of properties field>", "keyId": [UUID("<_id of your Data Encryption Key>" )] }, "properties": { <object to inherit encryptMetadata values> }
patternProperties Keyword
You can use the patternProperties
keyword in your encryption schema to
define encryption rules for all fields with names that match a regular expression.
This allows you to specify multiple fields for encryption based on a single regular
expression, or to specify them by only using a part of the field name. The
keyword replaces properties
in your encryption schema.
Specify encryption rules with patternProperties
using the following
"bsonType": "object", "patternProperties": { "<regular expression to match>": { "encrypt": { "algorithm": "<encryption algorithm to use>", "bsonType": "<bson type of field>", "keyId": [UUID("<_id of your Data Encryption Key>" )] } }
To see an example of how to use patternProperties
Esquema de criptografia - Criptografar com propriedades de padrão
This example explains how to generate the encryption schema used in the Create an Encryption Schema For Your Documents step of the CSFLE Quick Start.
In the Quick Start, you insert documents with the following structure
into the patients
collection of the medicalRecords
{ "_id": { "$oid": "<_id of your document>" }, "name": "<name of patient>", "ssn": <integer>, "bloodType": "<blood type>", "medicalRecords": [ { "weight": <integer>, "bloodPressure": "<blood pressure>" } ], "insurance": { "provider": "<provider name>", "policyNumber": <integer> } }
Specify the Namespace
At the root of your encryption schema, specify the namespace to which your
encryption schema applies. Specify the following to encrypt and decrypt
documents in the patients
collection of the medicalRecords
{ "medicalRecords.patients": { <the schema created in the following steps of this example> } }
Specify the Data Encryption Key
In the Quick Start, you encrypt all fields of your document with a single
Data Encryption Key (DEK). To configure all fields in your documents to use a
single DEK for encryption and decryption, specify the _id
of your DEK
with the encryptMetadata
keyword at the root of your encryption schema
as follows:
{ "medicalRecords.patients": { "bsonType": "object", "encryptMetadata": { "keyId": [UUID("<_id of your Data Encryption Key>" )] }, "properties": { <the schema created in the following steps of this example> } } }
Choose Encryption Rules
You decide to encrypt the following fields with the following encryption algorithms:
Nome do campo | Algoritmo de criptografia | BSON Type |
| Determinístico(a) | Int |
| Aleatório | String |
| Aleatório | Array |
| Determinístico(a) | Int |
You choose to encrypt the ssn
and insurance.policyNumber
with deterministic encryption for the following reasons:
You want to be able to query on these fields.
The values in these fields have a high cardinality, so this data is not susceptible to a frequency analysis attack.
You choose to encrypt the bloodType
field with random encryption
for the following reasons:
You do not plan to query on this field.
The values in this field have low cardinality, making them susceptible to a frequency analysis attack if you encrypted them deterministically.
You must encrypt the medicalRecords
field with random encryption
as CSFLE does not support deterministic
encryption of fields of type array
To learn more about supported and unsupported automatic encryption operations, see Operações suportadas para criptografia automática.
Specify Encryption Rules
To encrypt the ssn
field with deterministic encryption, specify the
following in your encryption schema:
"ssn": { "encrypt": { "bsonType": "int", "algorithm": "AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Deterministic" } }
To encrypt the bloodType
field with random encryption, specify the
following in your encryption schema:
"bloodType": { "encrypt": { "bsonType": "string", "algorithm": "AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Random" } }
To encrypt the medicalRecords
field with random encryption, specify the
following in your encryption schema:
"medicalRecords": { "encrypt": { "bsonType": "array", "algorithm": "AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Random" } }
To encrypt the insurance.policyNumber
field with deterministic
encryption, specify the following in your encryption schema:
"insurance": { "bsonType": "object", "properties": { "policyNumber": { "encrypt": { "bsonType": "int", "algorithm": "AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Deterministic" } } } }
View the Complete Schema
The complete encryption schema for the Quick Start is as follows:
{ "medicalRecords.patients": { "bsonType": "object", "encryptMetadata": { "keyId": [UUID("<_id of your Data Encryption Key>" )] }, "properties": { "insurance": { "bsonType": "object", "properties": { "policyNumber": { "encrypt": { "bsonType": "int", "algorithm": "AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Deterministic" } } } }, "medicalRecords": { "encrypt": { "bsonType": "array", "algorithm": "AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Random" } }, "bloodType": { "encrypt": { "bsonType": "string", "algorithm": "AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Random" } }, "ssn": { "encrypt": { "bsonType": "int", "algorithm": "AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Deterministic" } } } } }
Saiba mais
To learn more about encryption schemas, see Esquemas de criptografia CSFLE
To learn more about automatic encryption, see Criptografia automática.
To view the Quick Start, see Início rápido.