Choose How to Handle Invalid Documents
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You can specify how MongoDB handles documents that violate validation rules. When an operation would result in an invalid document, MongoDB can either:
Reject any insert or update that violates the validation criteria. This is the default behavior.
Allow the operation to proceed, but record the violation in the MongoDB log.
Rejecting invalid documents ensures that your schema stays consistent. However, in certain scenarios you may want to allow invalid documents, such as a data migration containing documents from before a schema was established.
Your schema's validationAction
option determines how MongoDB handles
invalid documents:
Validation Action | Behavior |
| (Default) MongoDB rejects any insert or update that violates the validation criteria. |
| MongoDB allows the operation to proceed, but records the violation in the MongoDB log. |
| MongoDB rejects any insert or update that violates validation criteria
and logs the error to the New in version 8.1. |
If you use an errorAndLog
validation action on a collection, MongoDB
cannot downgrade until you drop the collection, or if you change the validation
action for the collection to one supported in older versions. To change the validation
action on a collection, use the collMod
Option 1: Reject Invalid Documents
The following procedure shows how to create a schema validation that rejects invalid documents.
Create a collection with validationAction: "error"
Create a contacts
collection with a JSON schema validator that has
validationAction: "error"
db.createCollection( "contacts", { validator: { $jsonSchema: { bsonType: "object", required: [ "phone" ], properties: { phone: { bsonType: "string", description: "must be a string and is required" }, email: { bsonType : "string", pattern : "@mongodb\\.com$", description: "must be a string and end with ''" } } } }, validationAction: "error" } )
The error
causes MongoDB to reject any
invalid documents and prevent them from being inserted into the
Attempt to insert an invalid document.
Attempt to insert the following document:
db.contacts.insertOne( { name: "Amanda", email: "" } )
The document violates the validation rule because:
field does not match the regular expression pattern. Theemail
field must end
.It is missing the required
The operation fails with the following error:
MongoServerError: Document failed validation Additional information: { failingDocumentId: ObjectId("6377cca4aac957f2b77ea955"), details: { operatorName: '$jsonSchema', schemaRulesNotSatisfied: [ { operatorName: 'properties', propertiesNotSatisfied: [ { propertyName: 'email', description: "must be a string and end with ''", details: [ { operatorName: 'pattern', specifiedAs: { pattern: '@mongodb\\.com$' }, reason: 'regular expression did not match', consideredValue: '' } ] } ] }, { operatorName: 'required', specifiedAs: { required: [ 'phone' ] }, missingProperties: [ 'phone' ] } ] } }
Option 2: Allow Invalid Documents, but Record Them in the Log
The following procedure shows how to create a schema validation that allows invalid documents, but records invalid documents in the MongoDB log.
Create a collection with validationAction: "warn"
Create a contacts2
collection with a JSON schema validator that has
validationAction: "warn"
db.createCollection( "contacts2", { validator: { $jsonSchema: { bsonType: "object", required: [ "phone" ], properties: { phone: { bsonType: "string", description: "must be a string and is required" }, email: { bsonType : "string", pattern : "@mongodb\\.com$", description: "must be a string and end with ''" } } } }, validationAction: "warn" } )
The warn
allows invalid documents to be
inserted into the collection. Invalid documents are recorded in
the MongoDB log.
Attempt to insert an invalid document.
Attempt to insert the following document:
db.contacts2.insertOne( { name: "Amanda", email: "" } )
The document violates the validation rule because:
field does not match the regular expression pattern. Theemail
field must end
.It is missing the required
Check the logs for the invalid document.
To view the MongoDB logs in a readable format, run the following command:
db.adminCommand( { getLog:'global'} ).log.forEach(x => { print(x) } )
The MongoDB log includes an entry similar to the following object:
{ "t": { "$date": "2022-11-18T13:30:43.607-05:00" }, "s": "W", "c": "STORAGE", "id": 20294, "ctx": "conn2", "msg": "Document would fail validation", "attr": { "namespace": "test.contacts2", "document": { "_id": { "$oid": "6377cf53d59841355cac1cd0" }, "name": "Amanda", "email": "" }, "errInfo": { "failingDocumentId": { "$oid": "6377cf53d59841355cac1cd0" }, "details": { "operatorName": "$jsonSchema", "schemaRulesNotSatisfied": [{ "operatorName": "properties", "propertiesNotSatisfied": [{ "propertyName": "email", "description": "must be a string and end with ''", "details": [{ "operatorName": "pattern", "specifiedAs": { "pattern": "@mongodb\\.com$" }, "reason": "regular expression did not match", "consideredValue": "" }] }] }, { "operatorName": "required", "specifiedAs": { "required": ["phone"] }, "missingProperties": ["phone"] }] } } } }