Aggregation and Operator Considerations
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Some aggregation stages and operators require special considerations when you use them with time series collections.
Time series collections only support the $geoNear
aggregation stage for sorting geospatial data from queries against 2dsphere indexes. You can't use the $near
operators on time series collections.
You cannot use the $merge
aggregation stage to add data from
another collection to a time series collection.
Starting in MongoDB 7.0, you can use the $out
aggregation stage to write
documents to a time series collection. For more information, see
Migrate Data into a Time Series Collection.
Frequently Used Operations
The following aggregation pipeline operators and stages are often used to analyze time series data:
: Adds a specified amount of time to a Date object.$dateDiff
: Returns the time difference between two dates.$dateTrunc
: Returns a date that has been truncated to the specific unit.$setWindowFields
: Runs calculations on documents in a given window.
Calculate Average Price per Month
Consider a dowJonesTickerData
collection that contains
documents with the following structure:
{ date: ISODate("2020-01-03T05:00:00.000Z"), symbol: 'AAPL', volume: 146322800, open: 74.287498, adjClose: 73.486023, high: 75.144997, low: 74.125, close: 74.357498 }
This aggregation pipeline performs the following actions:
to truncate each document'sdate
to the appropriate month.Uses
to group the documents by month and symbol.Uses
to calculate the average price per month.
db.dowJonesTickerData.aggregate( [ { $group: { _id: { firstDayOfMonth: { $dateTrunc: { date: "$date", unit: "month" } }, symbol: "$symbol" }, avgMonthClose: { $avg: "$close" } } } ] )
The pipeline returns a set of documents where each document contains the average closing price per month for a particular stock.
{ _id: { firstDayOfMonth: ISODate("2020-06-01T00:00:00.000Z"), symbol: 'GOOG' }, avgMonthClose: 1431.0477184545455 }, { _id: { firstDayOfMonth: ISODate("2021-07-01T00:00:00.000Z"), symbol: 'MDB' }, avgMonthClose: 352.7314293333333 }, { _id: { firstDayOfMonth: ISODate("2021-06-01T00:00:00.000Z"), symbol: 'MSFT' }, avgMonthClose: 259.01818086363636 }
Calculate a Rolling Average Over 30 Days
Consider a dowJonesTickerData
collection that contains
documents with the following structure:
{ date: ISODate("2020-01-03T05:00:00.000Z"), symbol: 'AAPL', volume: 146322800, open: 74.287498, adjClose: 73.486023, high: 75.144997, low: 74.125, close: 74.357498 }
This aggregation pipeline performs the following operations:
to specify a window of 30 days.Calculates a rolling average of the closing price over the last 30 days for each stock.
db.dowJonesTickerData.aggregate( [ { $setWindowFields: { partitionBy: { symbol : "$symbol" } , sortBy: { date: 1 }, output: { averageMonthClosingPrice: { $avg : "$close", window : { range : [-1, "current"], unit : "month" } } } } } ] )
The pipeline returns a set of documents where each document includes a
field that contains the average of the
previous month's closing price for that stock symbol.
{ date: ISODate("2020-01-29T05:00:00.000Z"), symbol: 'AAPL', volume: 216229200, adjClose: 80.014801, low: 80.345001, high: 81.962502, open: 81.112503, close: 81.084999, averageMonthClosingPrice: 77.63137520000001 }