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Transactions and Operations

For transactions:

  • You can create collections and indexes in transactions. For details, see Create Collections and Indexes in a Transaction

  • The collections used in a transaction can be in different databases.


    You cannot create new collections in cross-shard write transactions. For example, if you write to an existing collection in one shard and implicitly create a collection in a different shard, MongoDB cannot perform both operations in the same transaction.

  • You cannot write to capped collections.

  • You cannot read/write to collections in the config, admin, or local databases.

  • You cannot write to system.* collections.

  • You cannot return the supported operation's query plan using explain or similar commands.

  • For cursors created outside of a transaction, you cannot call getMore inside the transaction.

  • For cursors created in a transaction, you cannot call getMore outside the transaction.

The following read/write operations are allowed in transactions:


Excluding the following query operator expressions:

The method uses the $match aggregation stage for the query and $group aggregation stage with a $sum expression to perform the count.

Available on unsharded collections.

For sharded collections, use the aggregation pipeline with the $group stage. See Distinct Operation.

For feature compatibility version (fcv) "4.4" or greater, if the update/replace operation is run with upsert: true against a non-existing collection, the collection is implicitly created.

For fcv "4.2" or less, if upsert: true, the operation must be run against an existing collection.

For feature compatibility version (fcv) "4.4" or greater, when run against a non-existing collection, the collection is implicitly created.

For fcv "4.2" or less, can only be run against an existing collection.

For feature compatibility version (fcv) "4.4" or greater, if an insert against a non-existing collection, the collection is implicitly created.

With fcv "4.2" or less, if an insert, can only be run against an existing collection.

For feature compatibility version (fcv) "4.4" or greater, if run with upsert: true against a non-existing collection, the collection is implicitly created.

For fcv "4.2" or less, if upsert: true, the operation must be run against an existing collection.

For feature compatibility version (fcv) "4.4" and greater, if an insert operation or update operation with upsert: true is run in a transaction against a non-existing collection, the collection is implicitly created.

For fcv "4.2" or less, the collection must already exist for insert and upsert: true operations.


Updates to Shard Key Values

You can update a document's shard key value (unless the shard key field is the immutable _id field) by issuing single-document update / findAndModify operations either in a transaction or as a retryable write. For details, see Change a Document's Shard Key Value.

To perform a count operation within a transaction, use the $count aggregation stage or the $group (with a $sum expression) aggregation stage.

MongoDB drivers provide a collection-level API countDocuments(filter, options) as a helper method that uses the $group with a $sum expression to perform a count. The count() API is deprecated.

mongo shell provides the db.collection.countDocuments() helper method that uses the $group with a $sum expression to perform a count.

To perform a distinct operation within a transaction:

  • For unsharded collections, you can use the db.collection.distinct() method/the distinct command as well as the aggregation pipeline with the $group stage.

  • For sharded collections, you cannot use the db.collection.distinct() method or the distinct command.

    To find the distinct values for a sharded collection, use the aggregation pipeline with the $group stage instead. For example:

    • Instead of db.coll.distinct("x"), use

      { $group: { _id: null, distinctValues: { $addToSet: "$x" } } },
      { $project: { _id: 0 } }
    • Instead of db.coll.distinct("x", { status: "A" }), use:

      { $match: { status: "A" } },
      { $group: { _id: null, distinctValues: { $addToSet: "$x" } } },
      { $project: { _id: 0 } }

    The pipeline returns a cursor to a document:

    { "distinctValues" : [ 2, 3, 1 ] }

    Iterate the cursor to access the results document.

You can create collections and indexes inside a distributed transaction if the transaction is not a cross-shard write transaction.

The index to create must either be on a non-existing collection, in which case, the collection is created as part of the operation, or on a new empty collection created earlier in the same transaction.


For explicit creation of a collection or an index inside a transaction, the transaction read concern level must be "local".

For more information on creating collections and indexes in a transaction, see Create Collections and Indexes in a Transaction.

You can also implicitly create a collection through the following write operations against a non-existing collection:

Method Run against Non-Existing Collection
Command Run against Non-Existing Collection
findAndModify with upsert: true results in an insert
db.collection.updateOne() with upsert: true
db.collection.updateMany() with upsert: true
db.collection.replaceOne() with upsert: true
db.collection.update() with upsert: true
update with upsert: true
db.collection.bulkWrite() with insert or upsert:true operations
Various Bulk Operation Methods with insert or upsert:true operations

For other CRUD operations allowed in transactions, see CRUD Operations.

For more information on creating collections and indexes in a transaction, see Create Collections and Indexes in a Transaction.

Informational commands, such as hello, buildInfo, connectionStatus (and their helper methods) are allowed in transactions; however, they cannot be the first operation in the transaction.

Changed in version 4.4.

The following operations are not allowed in transactions: