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$match (aggregation)

On this page

  • Definition
  • Behavior
  • Examples

Filters the documents to pass only the documents that match the specified condition(s) to the next pipeline stage.

The $match stage has the following prototype form:

{ $match: { <query> } }

$match takes a document that specifies the query conditions. The query syntax is identical to the read operation query syntax; i.e. $match does not accept raw aggregation expressions. Instead, use a $expr query expression to include aggregation expression in $match.

  • Place the $match as early in the aggregation pipeline as possible. Because $match limits the total number of documents in the aggregation pipeline, earlier $match operations minimize the amount of processing down the pipe.

  • If you place a $match at the very beginning of a pipeline, the query can take advantage of indexes like any other db.collection.find() or db.collection.findOne().

The examples use a collection named articles with the following documents:

{ "_id" : ObjectId("512bc95fe835e68f199c8686"), "author" : "dave", "score" : 80, "views" : 100 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("512bc962e835e68f199c8687"), "author" : "dave", "score" : 85, "views" : 521 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("55f5a192d4bede9ac365b257"), "author" : "ahn", "score" : 60, "views" : 1000 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("55f5a192d4bede9ac365b258"), "author" : "li", "score" : 55, "views" : 5000 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("55f5a1d3d4bede9ac365b259"), "author" : "annT", "score" : 60, "views" : 50 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("55f5a1d3d4bede9ac365b25a"), "author" : "li", "score" : 94, "views" : 999 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("55f5a1d3d4bede9ac365b25b"), "author" : "ty", "score" : 95, "views" : 1000 }

The following operation uses $match to perform a simple equality match:

[ { $match : { author : "dave" } } ]

The $match selects the documents where the author field equals dave, and the aggregation returns the following:

{ "_id" : ObjectId("512bc95fe835e68f199c8686"), "author" : "dave", "score" : 80, "views" : 100 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("512bc962e835e68f199c8687"), "author" : "dave", "score" : 85, "views" : 521 }

The following example selects documents to process using the $match pipeline operator and then pipes the results to the $group pipeline operator to compute a count of the documents:

db.articles.aggregate( [
{ $match: { $or: [ { score: { $gt: 70, $lt: 90 } }, { views: { $gte: 1000 } } ] } },
{ $group: { _id: null, count: { $sum: 1 } } }
] );

In the aggregation pipeline, $match selects the documents where either the score is greater than 70 and less than 90 or the views is greater than or equal to 1000. These documents are then piped to the $group to perform a count. The aggregation returns the following:

{ "_id" : null, "count" : 5 }


See also:

←  $lookup (aggregation)$merge (aggregation) →