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On-Demand Materialized Views

On this page

  • Comparison with Standard Views
  • Indexes
  • Performance
  • Example
  • 1. Define the On-Demand Materialized View
  • 2. Perform Initial Run
  • 3. Refresh Materialized View
  • Additional Information



This page discusses on-demand materialized views. For discussion of standard views, see Views.

To understand the differences between the view types, see Comparison with Standard Views.

An on-demand materialized view is a pre-computed aggregation pipeline result that is stored on and read from disk. On-demand materialized views are typically the results of a $merge or $out stage.

MongoDB provides two different view types: standard views and on-demand materialized views. Both view types return the results from an aggregation pipeline.

  • Standard views are computed when you read the view, and are not stored to disk.

  • On-demand materialized views are stored on and read from disk. They use a $merge or $out stage to update the saved data.

Standard views use the indexes of the underlying collection. As a result, you cannot create, drop or re-build indexes on a standard view directly, nor get a list of indexes on the view.

You can create indexes directly on on-demand materialized views because they are stored on disk.

On-demand materialized views provide better read performance than standard views because they are read from disk instead of computed as part of the query. This performance benefit increases based on the complexity of the pipeline and size of the data being aggregated.

Assume near the end of January 2019, the collection bakesales contains the sales information by items:

db.bakesales.insertMany( [
{ date: new ISODate("2018-12-01"), item: "Cake - Chocolate", quantity: 2, amount: new NumberDecimal("60") },
{ date: new ISODate("2018-12-02"), item: "Cake - Peanut Butter", quantity: 5, amount: new NumberDecimal("90") },
{ date: new ISODate("2018-12-02"), item: "Cake - Red Velvet", quantity: 10, amount: new NumberDecimal("200") },
{ date: new ISODate("2018-12-04"), item: "Cookies - Chocolate Chip", quantity: 20, amount: new NumberDecimal("80") },
{ date: new ISODate("2018-12-04"), item: "Cake - Peanut Butter", quantity: 1, amount: new NumberDecimal("16") },
{ date: new ISODate("2018-12-05"), item: "Pie - Key Lime", quantity: 3, amount: new NumberDecimal("60") },
{ date: new ISODate("2019-01-25"), item: "Cake - Chocolate", quantity: 2, amount: new NumberDecimal("60") },
{ date: new ISODate("2019-01-25"), item: "Cake - Peanut Butter", quantity: 1, amount: new NumberDecimal("16") },
{ date: new ISODate("2019-01-26"), item: "Cake - Red Velvet", quantity: 5, amount: new NumberDecimal("100") },
{ date: new ISODate("2019-01-26"), item: "Cookies - Chocolate Chip", quantity: 12, amount: new NumberDecimal("48") },
{ date: new ISODate("2019-01-26"), item: "Cake - Carrot", quantity: 2, amount: new NumberDecimal("36") },
{ date: new ISODate("2019-01-26"), item: "Cake - Red Velvet", quantity: 5, amount: new NumberDecimal("100") },
{ date: new ISODate("2019-01-27"), item: "Pie - Chocolate Cream", quantity: 1, amount: new NumberDecimal("20") },
{ date: new ISODate("2019-01-27"), item: "Cake - Peanut Butter", quantity: 5, amount: new NumberDecimal("80") },
{ date: new ISODate("2019-01-27"), item: "Tarts - Apple", quantity: 3, amount: new NumberDecimal("12") },
{ date: new ISODate("2019-01-27"), item: "Cookies - Chocolate Chip", quantity: 12, amount: new NumberDecimal("48") },
{ date: new ISODate("2019-01-27"), item: "Cake - Carrot", quantity: 5, amount: new NumberDecimal("36") },
{ date: new ISODate("2019-01-27"), item: "Cake - Red Velvet", quantity: 5, amount: new NumberDecimal("100") },
{ date: new ISODate("2019-01-28"), item: "Cookies - Chocolate Chip", quantity: 20, amount: new NumberDecimal("80") },
{ date: new ISODate("2019-01-28"), item: "Pie - Key Lime", quantity: 3, amount: new NumberDecimal("60") },
{ date: new ISODate("2019-01-28"), item: "Cake - Red Velvet", quantity: 5, amount: new NumberDecimal("100") },
] );

The following updateMonthlySales function defines a monthlybakesales materialized view that contains the cumulative monthly sales information. In the example, the function takes a date parameter to only update monthly sales information starting from a particular date.

updateMonthlySales = function(startDate) {
db.bakesales.aggregate( [
{ $match: { date: { $gte: startDate } } },
{ $group: { _id: { $dateToString: { format: "%Y-%m", date: "$date" } }, sales_quantity: { $sum: "$quantity"}, sales_amount: { $sum: "$amount" } } },
{ $merge: { into: "monthlybakesales", whenMatched: "replace" } }
] );
  • The $match stage filters the data to process only those sales greater than or equal to the startDate.

  • The $group stage groups the sales information by the year-month. The documents output by this stage have the form:

    { "_id" : "<YYYY-mm>", "sales_quantity" : <num>, "sales_amount" : <NumberDecimal> }
  • The $merge stage writes the output to the monthlybakesales collection.

    Based on the _id field (the default for unsharded output collections), the stage checks if the document in the aggregation results matches an existing document in the collection:

For the initial run, you can pass in a date of new ISODate("1970-01-01"):

updateMonthlySales(new ISODate("1970-01-01"));

After the initial run, the monthlybakesales contains the following documents; i.e. db.monthlybakesales.find().sort( { _id: 1 } ) returns the following:

{ "_id" : "2018-12", "sales_quantity" : 41, "sales_amount" : NumberDecimal("506") }
{ "_id" : "2019-01", "sales_quantity" : 86, "sales_amount" : NumberDecimal("896") }

Assume that by the first week in February 2019, the bakesales collection is updated with newer sales information; specifically, additional January and February sales.

db.bakesales.insertMany( [
{ date: new ISODate("2019-01-28"), item: "Cake - Chocolate", quantity: 3, amount: new NumberDecimal("90") },
{ date: new ISODate("2019-01-28"), item: "Cake - Peanut Butter", quantity: 2, amount: new NumberDecimal("32") },
{ date: new ISODate("2019-01-30"), item: "Cake - Red Velvet", quantity: 1, amount: new NumberDecimal("20") },
{ date: new ISODate("2019-01-30"), item: "Cookies - Chocolate Chip", quantity: 6, amount: new NumberDecimal("24") },
{ date: new ISODate("2019-01-31"), item: "Pie - Key Lime", quantity: 2, amount: new NumberDecimal("40") },
{ date: new ISODate("2019-01-31"), item: "Pie - Banana Cream", quantity: 2, amount: new NumberDecimal("40") },
{ date: new ISODate("2019-02-01"), item: "Cake - Red Velvet", quantity: 5, amount: new NumberDecimal("100") },
{ date: new ISODate("2019-02-01"), item: "Tarts - Apple", quantity: 2, amount: new NumberDecimal("8") },
{ date: new ISODate("2019-02-02"), item: "Cake - Chocolate", quantity: 2, amount: new NumberDecimal("60") },
{ date: new ISODate("2019-02-02"), item: "Cake - Peanut Butter", quantity: 1, amount: new NumberDecimal("16") },
{ date: new ISODate("2019-02-03"), item: "Cake - Red Velvet", quantity: 5, amount: new NumberDecimal("100") }
] )

To refresh the monthlybakesales data for January and February, run the function again to rerun the aggregation pipeline, starting with new ISODate("2019-01-01").

updateMonthlySales(new ISODate("2019-01-01"));

The content of monthlybakesales has been updated to reflect the most recent data in the bakesales collection; i.e. db.monthlybakesales.find().sort( { _id: 1 } ) returns the following:

{ "_id" : "2018-12", "sales_quantity" : 41, "sales_amount" : NumberDecimal("506") }
{ "_id" : "2019-01", "sales_quantity" : 102, "sales_amount" : NumberDecimal("1142") }
{ "_id" : "2019-02", "sales_quantity" : 15, "sales_amount" : NumberDecimal("284") }

The $merge stage:

  • Can output to a collection in the same or different database.

  • Creates a new collection if the output collection does not already exist.

  • Can incorporate results (insert new documents, merge documents, replace documents, keep existing documents, fail the operation, process documents with a custom update pipeline) into an existing collection.

  • Can output to a sharded collection. Input collection can also be sharded.

See $merge for:

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