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Localhost Exception

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  • Localhost Exception for Sharded Clusters


On a mongod instance, the localhost exception only applies when there are no users or roles created in the MongoDB instance.

The localhost exception allows you to enable access control and then create the first user or role in the system. After you enable access control, connect to the localhost interface and create the first user in the admin database.

If you create a user first, the user must have privileges to create other users. The userAdmin or userAdminAnyDatabase role both confer the privilege to create other users.


Connections using the localhost exception have access to create only the first user or role.

Once you create any user or role, the localhost exception is disabled. If you need to create a user and a role, you must create the user first using one of the builtin userAdmin or userAdminAnyDatabase roles. If you create a role first, you won't be able to create a user.

The ability to create a role first with the db.createRole() method is specifically for users authorizing with LDAP. See LDAP Authorization for more information.


  • On a mongos, the localhost exception only applies when there are no sharded cluster users or roles created.

  • In a sharded cluster, the localhost exception applies to each shard individually as well as to the cluster as a whole.

Once you create a sharded cluster and add a user administrator through the mongos instance, you must still prevent unauthorized access to the individual shards. To prevent unauthorized access to individual shards, follow one of the following steps for each shard in your cluster:


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