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$dateToString (aggregation)

On this page

  • Definition
  • Format Specifiers
  • Example

Converts a date object to a string according to a user-specified format.

The $dateToString expression has the following operator expression syntax:

You can use $dateToString for deployments hosted in the following environments:

  • MongoDB Atlas: The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud

The $dateToString expression has the following operator expression syntax:

{ $dateToString: {
date: <dateExpression>,
format: <formatString>,
timezone: <tzExpression>,
onNull: <expression>
} }
- The date to convert to string. ``<dateExpression>`` must be a
valid :ref:`expression <aggregation-expressions>` that
resolves to a :ref:`Date <document-bson-type-date>`, a
:ref:`Timestamp <document-bson-type-timestamp>`, or an
:ref:`ObjectID <document-bson-type-object-id>`.
* - Field
- Description
- Optional. The date format specification. ``<formatString>``
can be any string literal, containing 0 or more format
specifiers. For a list of specifiers available, see
If unspecified and the ``timezone`` is specified and set to a
non UTC timezone, then ``$dateToString`` uses
``"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L"`` as the default format.
If unspecified and the ``timezone`` is unspecified or
explicitly specified as UTC, then ``$dateToString`` uses
``"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ"`` as the default format.
The date to convert to string. ``<dateExpression>`` must be a
valid :ref:`expression <aggregation-expressions>` that
resolves to a :ref:`Date <document-bson-type-date>`, a
:ref:`Timestamp <document-bson-type-timestamp>`, or an
:ref:`ObjectID <document-bson-type-object-id>`.
* - ``format``
- Optional. The date format specification. ``<formatString>`` can be any
string literal, containing 0 or more format specifiers. For a
list of specifiers available, see :ref:`format-specifiers`.
If unspecified, :expression:`$dateToString` uses
``"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ"`` as the default format.
If unspecified, ``$dateToString`` returns null if the
``date`` is null or missing.


See also:

The following format specifiers are available for use in the <formatString>:

Possible Values

Abbreviated month name (3 letters)

New in version 7.0.


Full month name

New in version 7.0.

Day of month (2 digits, zero padded)
Year in ISO 8601 format
Hour (2 digits, zero padded, 24-hour clock)
Day of year (3 digits, zero padded)
Millisecond (3 digits, zero padded)
Month (2 digits, zero padded)
Minute (2 digits, zero padded)
Second (2 digits, zero padded)
Day of week number in ISO 8601 format (1-Monday, 7-Sunday)
Week of year (2 digits, zero padded)
Week of Year in ISO 8601 format
Day of week (1-Sunday, 7-Saturday)
Year (4 digits, zero padded)
The timezone offset from UTC.
The minutes offset from UTC as a number. For example, if the timezone offset (+/-[hhmm]) was +0445, the minutes offset is +285.
Percent Character as a Literal

Consider a sales collection with the following document:

"_id" : 1,
"item" : "abc",
"price" : 10,
"quantity" : 2,
"date" : ISODate("2014-01-01T08:15:39.736Z")

The following aggregation uses $dateToString to return the date field as formatted strings:

$project: {
yearMonthDayUTC: { $dateToString: { format: "%Y-%m-%d", date: "$date" } },
timewithOffsetNY: { $dateToString: { format: "%H:%M:%S:%L%z", date: "$date", timezone: "America/New_York"} },
timewithOffset430: { $dateToString: { format: "%H:%M:%S:%L%z", date: "$date", timezone: "+04:30" } },
minutesOffsetNY: { $dateToString: { format: "%Z", date: "$date", timezone: "America/New_York" } },
minutesOffset430: { $dateToString: { format: "%Z", date: "$date", timezone: "+04:30" } },
abbreviated_month: { $dateToString: {format: "%b", date: "$date", timezone: "+04:30" } },
full_month: { $dateToString: { format: "%B", date: "$date", timezone: "+04:30" } }

The operation returns the following result:

"_id" : 1,
"yearMonthDayUTC" : "2014-01-01",
"timewithOffsetNY" : "03:15:39:736-0500",
"timewithOffset430" : "12:45:39:736+0430",
"minutesOffsetNY" : "-300",
"minutesOffset430" : "270",
"abbreviated_month": "Jan",
"full_month": "January"


$dateToParts (aggregation)