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Restore a Sharded Cluster

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This procedure restores a sharded cluster from an existing backup snapshot, such as LVM snapshots. The source and target sharded cluster must have the same number of shards. For information on creating LVM snapshots for all components of a sharded cluster, see Back Up a Sharded Cluster with File System Snapshots.


To use mongodump and mongorestore as a backup strategy for sharded clusters, you must stop the sharded cluster balancer and use the fsync command or the db.fsyncLock() method on mongos to block writes on the cluster during backups.

Sharded clusters can also use one of the following coordinated backup and restore processes, which maintain the atomicity guarantees of transactions across shards:

For encrypted storage engines that use AES256-GCM encryption mode, AES256-GCM requires that every process use a unique counter block value with the key.

For encrypted storage engine configured with AES256-GCM cipher:

  • Restoring from Hot Backup
    Starting in 4.2, if you restore from files taken via "hot" backup (i.e. the mongod is running), MongoDB can detect "dirty" keys on startup and automatically rollover the database key to avoid IV (Initialization Vector) reuse.
  • Restoring from Cold Backup

    However, if you restore from files taken via "cold" backup (i.e. the mongod is not running), MongoDB cannot detect "dirty" keys on startup, and reuse of IV voids confidentiality and integrity guarantees.

    Starting in 4.2, to avoid the reuse of the keys after restoring from a cold filesystem snapshot, MongoDB adds a new command-line option --eseDatabaseKeyRollover. When started with the --eseDatabaseKeyRollover option, the mongod instance rolls over the database keys configured with AES256-GCM cipher and exits.


  • In general, if using filesystem based backups for MongoDB Enterprise 4.2+, use the "hot" backup feature, if possible.

  • For MongoDB Enterprise versions 4.0 and earlier, if you use AES256-GCM encryption mode, do not make copies of your data files or restore from filesystem snapshots ("hot" or "cold").

This procedure initiates a new replica set for the Config Server Replica Set (CSRS) and each shard replica set using the default configuration. To use a different replica set configuration for your restored CSRS and shards, you must reconfigure the replica set(s).

If your source cluster is healthy and accessible, connect a mongo shell to the primary replica set member in each replica set and run rs.conf() to view the replica configuration document.

If you cannot access one or more components of the source sharded cluster, please reference any existing internal documentation to reconstruct the configuration requirements for each shard replica set and the config server replica set.

Storage Space Requirements
Ensure the target host hardware has sufficient open storage space for the restored data. If the target host contains existing sharded cluster data that you want to keep, ensure that you have enough storage space for both the existing data and the restored data.
LVM Requirements
For LVM snapshots, you must have at least one LVM managed volume group and an a logical volume with enough free space for the extracted snapshot data.
MongoDB Version Requirements

Ensure the target host and source host have the same MongoDB Server version. To check the version of MongoDB available on a host machine, run mongod --version from the terminal or shell.

For complete documentation on installation, see Install MongoDB.

Shut Down Running MongoDB Processes

If restoring to an existing cluster, shut down the mongod or mongos process on the target host.

For hosts running mongos, connect a mongo shell to the mongos and run db.shutdownServer() from the admin database:

use admin

For hosts running a mongod, connect a mongo shell to the mongod and run db.hello():

Prepare Data Directory

Create a directory on the target host for the restored database files. Ensure that the user that runs the mongod has read, write, and execute permissions for all files and subfolders in that directory:

sudo mkdir /path/to/mongodb
sudo chown -R mongodb:mongodb /path/to/mongodb
sudo chmod -R 770 /path/to/mongodb

Substitute /path/to/mongodb with the path to the data directory you created. On RHEL / CentOS, Amazon Linux, and SUSE, the default username is mongod.

Prepare Log Directory

Create a directory on the target host for the mongod log files. Ensure that the user that runs the mongod has read, write, and execute permissions for all files and subfolders in that directory:

sudo mkdir /path/to/mongodb/logs
sudo chown -R mongodb:mongodb /path/to/mongodb/logs
sudo chmod -R 770 /path/to/mongodb/logs

Substitute /path/to/mongodb/logs with the path to the log directory you created. On RHEL / CentOS, Amazon Linux, and SUSE, the default username is mongod.

Create Configuration File

This procedure assumes starting a mongod with a configuration file.

Create the configuration file in your preferred location. Ensure that the user that runs the mongod has read and write permissions on the configuration file:

sudo touch /path/to/mongod.conf
sudo chown mongodb:mongodb /path/to/mongodb/mongod.conf
sudo chmod 644 /path/to/mongodb/mongod.conf

On RHEL / CentOS, Amazon Linux, and SUSE, the default username is mongod.

Open the configuration file in your preferred text editor and modify at it as required by your deployment. Alternatively, if you have access to the original configuration file for the mongod, copy it to your preferred location on the target host.


Validate that your configuration file includes the following settings:


Select the tab that corresponds to your preferred backup method:

  1. Mount the LVM snapshot on the target host machine. The specific steps for mounting an LVM snapshot depends on your LVM configuration.

    The following example assumes an LVM snapshot created using the Create a Snapshot step in the Back Up and Restore with Filesystem Snapshots procedure.

    lvcreate --size 250GB --name mongod-datafiles-snapshot vg0
    gzip -d -c mongod-datafiles-snapshot.gz | dd o/dev/vg0/mongod-datafiles-snapshot
    mount /dev/vg0/mongod-datafiles-snapshot /snap/mongodb

    This example may not apply to all possible LVM configurations. Refer to the LVM documentation for your system for more complete guidance on LVM restoration.

  2. Copy the mongod data files from the snapshot mount to the data directory created in B. Prepare the Target Host for Restoration:

    cp -a /snap/mongodb/path/to/mongodb /path/to/mongodb

    The -a option recursively copies the contents of the source path to the destination path while preserving folder and file permissions.

  3. Comment out or omit the following configuration file settings:

    # replSetName: myCSRSName
    # clusterRole: configsvr

    To start the mongod using a configuration file, specify the --config option in the command line specifying the full path to the configuration file.

    mongod --config /path/to/mongodb/mongod.conf

    If you are restoring from a namespace-filtered snapshot, specify the --restore option.

    mongod --config /path/to/mongod/mongod.conf --restore

    If you have mongod configured to run as a system service, start it using the recommended process for your system service manager.

    After the mongod starts, connect to it using the mongo shell.

  1. Make the data files stored in your selected backup medium accessible on the host. This may require mounting the backup volume, opening the backup in a software utility, or using another tool to extract the data to disk. Refer to the documentation for your preferred backup tool for instructions on accessing the data contained in the backup.

  2. Copy the mongod data files from the backup data location to the data directory created in B. Prepare the Target Host for Restoration:

    cp -a /backup/mongodb/path/to/mongodb /path/to/mongodb

    The -a option recursively copies the contents of the source path to the destination path while preserving folder and file permissions.

  3. Comment out or omit the following configuration file settings:

    # replSetName: myCSRSName
    # clusterRole: configsvr
  4. To start the mongod using a configuration file, specify the --config option in the command line specifying the full path to the configuration file.

    mongod --config /path/to/mongodb/mongod.conf

    If restoring from a namespace-filtered snapshot, also specify the --restore option.

    mongod --config /path/to/mongod/mongod.conf --restore


    Cloud Manager or Ops Manager Only

    If performing a manual restoration of a Cloud Manager or Ops Manager backup, you must specify the disableLogicalSessionCacheRefresh server parameter prior to startup.

    mongod --config /path/to/mongodb/mongod.conf \
    --setParameter disableLogicalSessionCacheRefresh=true

    If you have mongod configured to run as a system service, start it using the recommended process for your system service manager.

    After the mongod starts, connect to it using the mongo shell.


Use db.dropDatabase() to drop the local database:

use local

This step is only required if you are restoring from a namespace-filtered snapshot.

For each shard, locate the filtered file list with the following name format: <shardRsID>-filteredFileList.txt. This file contains a list of JSON objects with the following format:

"uuid": "3b241101-e2bb-4255-8caf-4136c566a962"

Add each JSON object from each shard file to a new collection in your local database. You can ignore entries with empty ns or uuid fields. When inserting entries, the uuid field must be inserted as type UUID().


This step is only required if you are restoring from a namespace-filtered snapshot.

After inserting all entries, run the following commands:

use admin

You can skip this step if all of the following are true:

  • No shard member host machine hostname has or will change during this procedure.

  • No shard replica set name has or will change during this procedure.

Issue the following find() method on the shards collection in the Config Database. Replace <shardName> with the name of the shard. By default the shard name is its replica set name. If you added the shard using the addShard command and specified a custom name, you must specify that name to <shardName>.

use config
db.shards.find( { "_id" : "<shardName>" } )

This operation returns a document that resembles the following:

"_id" : "shard1",
"host" : "myShardName/,,",
"state" : 1


The _id value must match the shardName value in the _id : "shardIdentity" document on the corresponding shard. When restoring the shards later in this procedure, validate that the _id field in shards matches the shardName value on the shard.

Use the updateOne() method to update the hosts string to reflect the planned replica set name and hostname list for the shard. For example, the following operation updates the host connection string for the shard with "_id" : "shard1":

{ "_id" : "shard1" },
{ $set : { "host" : "myNewShardName/,," } }

Repeat this process until all shard metadata accurately reflects the planned replica set name and hostname list for each shard in the cluster.


If you do not know the shard name, issue the find() method on the shards collection with an empty filter document {}:

use config

Each document in the result set represents one shard in the cluster. For each document, check the host field for a connection string that matches the shard in question, i.e. a matching replica set name and member hostname list. Use the _id of that document in place of <shardName>.


Shut down the mongod. Uncomment or add the following configuration file options:

replSetName: myNewCSRSName
clusterRole: configsvr

If you want to change the replica set name, you must update the replSetName field with the new name before proceeding.

Start the mongod with the updated configuration file:

mongod --config /path/to/mongodb/mongod.conf

If you have mongod configured to run as a system service, start it using the recommended process for your system service manager.

After the mongod starts, connect to it using the mongo shell.


Initiate the replica set using rs.initiate() with the default settings.


Once the operation completes, use rs.status() to check that the member has become the primary.


For each replica set member in the CSRS, start the mongod on its host machine. Once you have started up all remaining members of the cluster successfully, connect a mongo shell to the primary replica set member. From the primary, use the rs.add() method to add each member of the replica set. Include the replica set name as the prefix, followed by the hostname and port of the member's mongod process:


If you want to add the member with specific replica member configuration settings, you can pass a document to rs.add() that defines the member hostname and any members settings your deployment requires.

"host" : "",
priority: <int>,
votes: <int>,
tags: <int>

Each new member performs an initial sync to catch up to the primary. Depending on factors such as the amount of data to sync, your network topology and health, and the power of each host machine, initial sync may take an extended period of time to complete.

The replica set may elect a new primary while you add additional members. Use rs.status() to identify which member is the current primary. You can only run rs.add() from the primary.


The rs.reconfig() method updates the replica set configuration based on a configuration document passed in as a parameter. You must run reconfig() against the primary member of the replica set.

Reference the original configuration file output of the replica set as identified in step A. Review Replica Set Configurations and apply settings as needed.


Select the tab that corresponds to your preferred backup method:

  1. Mount the LVM snapshot on the target host machine. The specific steps for mounting an LVM snapshot depends on your LVM configuration.

    The following example assumes an LVM snapshot created using the Create a Snapshot step in the Back Up and Restore with Filesystem Snapshots procedure.

    lvcreate --size 250GB --name mongod-datafiles-snapshot vg0
    gzip -d -c mongod-datafiles-snapshot.gz | dd o/dev/vg0/mongod-datafiles-snapshot
    mount /dev/vg0/mongod-datafiles-snapshot /snap/mongodb

    This example may not apply to all possible LVM configurations. Refer to the LVM documentation for your system for more complete guidance on LVM restoration.

  2. Copy the mongod data files from the snapshot mount to the data directory created in B. Prepare the Target Host for Restoration:

    cp -a /snap/mongodb/path/to/mongodb /path/to/mongodb

    The -a option recursively copies the contents of the source path to the destination path while preserving folder and file permissions.

  3. Comment out or omit the following configuration file settings:

    # replSetName: myShardName
    # clusterRole: shardsvr

    To start the mongod using a configuration file, specify the --config option in the command line specifying the full path to the configuration file:

    mongod --config /path/to/mongodb/mongod.conf

    If you have mongod configured to run as a system service, start it using the recommended process for your system service manager.

    After the mongod starts, connect to it using the mongo shell.

  1. Make the data files stored in your selected backup medium accessible on the host. This may require mounting the backup volume, opening the backup in a software utility, or using another tool to extract the data to disk. Refer to the documentation for your preferred backup tool for instructions on accessing the data contained in the backup.

  2. Copy the mongod data files from the backup data location to the data directory created in B. Prepare the Target Host for Restoration:

    cp -a /backup/mongodb/path/to/mongodb /path/to/mongodb

    The -a option recursively copies the contents of the source path to the destination path while preserving folder and file permissions.

  3. Comment out or omit the following configuration file settings:

    # replSetName: myShardName
    # clusterRole: shardsvr
  4. To start the mongod using a configuration file, specify the --config option in the command line specifying the full path to the configuration file:

    mongod --config /path/to/mongodb/mongod.conf


    Cloud Manager or Ops Manager Only

    If performing a manual restoration of a Cloud Manager or Ops Manager backup, you must specify the disableLogicalSessionCacheRefresh server parameter prior to startup:

    mongod --config /path/to/mongodb/mongod.conf \
    --setParameter disableLogicalSessionCacheRefresh=true

    If you have mongod configured to run as a system service, start it using the recommended process for your system service manager.

    After the mongod starts, connect to it using the mongo shell.


During this procedure you will modify documents in the admin.system.version collection. For clusters enforcing authentication, only the __system role grants permission to modify this collection. You can skip this step if the cluster does not enforce authentication.


The __system role entitles its holder to take any action against any object in the database. This procedure includes instructions for removing the user created in this step. Do not keep this user active beyond the scope of this procedure.

Consider creating this user with the clientSource authentication restriction configured such that only the specified hosts can authenticate as the privileged user.

  1. Authenticate as a user with the userAdmin role on the admin database or userAdminAnyDatabase role:

    use admin
  2. Create a user with the __system role:

    user: "mySystemUser",
    pwd: "<replaceMeWithAStrongPassword>",
    roles: [ "__system" ]

    Passwords should be random, long, and complex to ensure system security and to prevent or delay malicious access.

  3. Authenticate as the privileged user:


Use db.dropDatabase() to drop the local database:

use local

To update the sharding internals, issue the following deleteOne() method on the system.version collection in the admin database:

use admin
db.system.version.deleteOne( { _id: "minOpTimeRecovery" } )


The system.version collection is an internal, system collection. You should only modify it when when given specific instructions like these.


You can skip this step if all of the following are true:

  • The hostnames for any CSRS host did not change during this procedure.

  • The CSRS replica set name did not change during this procedure.

The system.version collection on the admin database contains metadata related to the shard, including the CSRS connection string. If either the CSRS name or any member hostnames changed while restoring the CSRS, you must update this metadata.

Issue the following find() method on the system.version collection in the admin database:

use admin
db.system.version.find( {"_id" : "shardIdentity" } )

The find() method returns a document that resembles the following:

"_id" : "shardIdentity",
"clusterId" : ObjectId("2bba123c6eeedcd192b19024"),
"shardName" : "shard1",
"configsvrConnectionString" : "myCSRSName/,," }

The following updateOne() method updates the document such that the host string represents the most current CSRS connection string:

{ "_id" : "shardIdentity" },
{ $set :
{ "configsvrConnectionString" : "myNewCSRSName/,,"}


The shardName value must match the _id value in the shards collection on the CSRS. Validate that the metadata on the CSRS match the metadata for the shard. Refer to substep 3 in the C. Restore Config Server Replica Set portion of this procedure for instructions on viewing the CSRS metadata.


Shut down the mongod. Uncomment or add the following configuration file options:

replSetName: myNewShardName
clusterRole: shardsvr

If you want to change the replica set name, you must update the replSetName field with the new name before proceeding.

Start the mongod with the updated configuration file:

mongod --config /path/to/mongodb/mongod.conf

If you have mongod configured to run as a system service, start it using the recommended process for your system service manager.

After the mongod starts, connect to it using the mongo shell.


Initiate the replica set using rs.initiate() with the default settings.


Once the operation completes, use rs.status() to check that the member has become the primary.


For each replica set member in the shard replica set, start the mongod on its host machine. Once you have started up all remaining members of the cluster successfully, connect a mongo shell to the primary replica set member. From the primary, use the rs.add() method to add each member of the replica set. Include the replica set name as the prefix, followed by the hostname and port of the member's mongod process:


If you want to add the member with specific replica member configuration settings, you can pass a document to rs.add() that defines the member hostname and any members settings your deployment requires.

"host" : "",
priority: <int>,
votes: <int>,
tags: <int>

Each new member performs an initial sync to catch up to the primary. Depending on factors such as the amount of data to sync, your network topology and health, and the power of each host machine, initial sync may take an extended period of time to complete.

The replica set may elect a new primary while you add additional members. Use rs.status() to identify which member is the current primary. You can only run rs.add() from the primary.


The rs.reconfig() method updates the replica set configuration based on a configuration document passed in as a parameter. You must run reconfig() against the primary member of the replica set.

Reference the original configuration file output of the replica set as identified in step A. Review Replica Set Configurations and apply settings as needed.


For clusters enforcing authentication, remove the privileged user created earlier in this procedure:

  1. Authenticate as a user with the userAdmin role on the admin database or userAdminAnyDatabase role:

    use admin
  2. Delete the privileged user:


Restart each mongos in the cluster.

mongos --config /path/to/config/mongos.conf

Include all other command line options as required by your deployment.

If the CSRS replica set name or any member hostname changed, update the mongos configuration file setting sharding.configDB with updated configuration server connection string:

configDB: "myNewCSRSName/,,"

Connect a mongo shell to one of the mongos processes for the cluster. Use sh.status() to check the overall cluster status. If sh.status() indicates that the balancer is not running, use sh.startBalancer() to restart the balancer. [1]

To confirm that all shards are accessible and communicating, insert test data into a temporary sharded collection. Confirm that data is being split and migrated between each shard in your cluster. You can connect a mongo shell to each shard primary and use db.collection.find() to validate that the data was sharded as expected.

[1] Starting in MongoDB 6.0.3, automatic chunk splitting is not performed. This is because of balancing policy improvements. Auto-splitting commands still exist, but do not perform an operation. For details, see Balancing Policy Changes.In MongoDB versions earlier than 6.0.3, sh.startBalancer() also enables auto-splitting for the sharded cluster.


Schedule Backup Window for Sharded Clusters