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Listar fragmentos


The listShards command returns a list of the configured shards in a sharded cluster. listShards is only available on mongos instances and must be issued against the admin database.

Esse comando está disponível em implantações hospedadas nos seguintes ambientes:

  • MongoDB Atlas: o serviço totalmente gerenciado para implantações do MongoDB na nuvem


Este comando não é suportado em instâncias sem servidor. Para obter mais informações, consulte Comandos não suportados.

  • MongoDB Enterprise: a versão autogerenciada e baseada em assinatura do MongoDB

  • MongoDB Community: uma versão com código disponível, de uso gratuito e autogerenciada do MongoDB

O comando tem a seguinte sintaxe:

listShards: 1

The following operation runs listShards against the mongos admin database:

db.adminCommand({ listShards: 1 })

The following document is an example of the output from a listShards command:

"shards": [
"_id": "shard01",
"host": "shard01/host1:27018,host2:27018,host3:27018",
"state": 1
"_id": "shard02",
"host": "shard02/host4:27018,host5:27018,host6:27018",
"tags": [ "NYC" ],
"state": 1
"_id": "shard03",
"host": "shard03/host7:27018,host8:27018,host9:27018",
"state": 1
"ok": 1,
"$clusterTime" : {
"clusterTime" : Timestamp(1510716515, 1),
"signature" : {
"hash" : BinData(0,"B2ViX7XLzFLS5Fl9XEuFXbwKIM4="),
"keyId" : NumberLong("6488045157173166092")
"operationTime" : Timestamp(1510716515, 1)

listShards returns a document that includes:

  • uma shards field which contains an array of documents, each describing one shard. Each document may contain the following fields:



    The name of the shard.


    The hostname of the shard. If the shard is a replica set, host lists the hostname of each mongod instance in the replica set.


    If true, indicates that removeShard has been called for this shard and it is in the process of being drained.


    A list of zones to which the shard belongs.


    An internal field used during the addShard sequence to ensure that all steps and configuration necessary to add the shard to the cluster are completed.

  • The ok status field, the operationTime field, and the $clusterTime field for the operation. For details on these fields, see Resposta.