Most of the research on encrypted database systems has focused on relational databases but over the last ten years NoSQL and, in particular, document databases have gained a great deal of popularity in the Industry. A key focus of our work is on designing a scheme that is practical not only in terms of asymptotic and concrete efficiency but also with respect to real-world constraints that emerge when trying to build and deploy real database systems at scale for commercial use. These constraints present new technical challenges that have not been considered in the research literature before.
White Paper
Design & Analysis: Stateless Document Database Encryption Scheme
Most of the research on encrypted database systems has focused on relational databases but over the last ten years NoSQL and, in particular, document databases have gained a great deal of popularity in the Industry. A key focus of our work is on designing a scheme that is practical not only in terms of asymptotic and concrete efficiency but also with respect to real-world constraints that emerge when trying to build and deploy real database systems at scale for commercial use. These constraints present new technical challenges that have not been considered in the research literature before.