Atlas Well-Architected Framework

Learn best practices and guiding principles for confidently designing and managing MongoDB Atlas, ensuring it meets enterprise requirements for powering large-scale workloads.

Illustration of the architectural center

5 Pillars of Atlas Data Architecture

The Atlas well-architected framework provides best practices and architectural guidance on five key pillars: security, operational efficiency, performance, reliability, and cost optimization. These pillars are built for architects to help inform decisions about designing secure, robust infrastructure for high-performance enterprise applications at scale.


Enforce robust security guardrails for developers to ensure data integrity by securing sensitive information and enabling appropriate access for authorized users. Key capabilities include implementing data authentication, user permissions, Queryable Encryption, maintaining compliance, and auditing.

Illustration of chart and financial documents.
Illustration of chart and financial documents.

Operational efficiency

Automate database infrastructure for efficient, consistent deployments and gain observability insights with MongoDB Atlas to boost operational efficiency. Key features include automating deployment and management of Atlas resources through infrastructure as code (IaC), Kubernetes workflows, Atlas CLI, and Atlas Admin API integration.


Ensure low latency and high throughput with dynamic scaling to meet growing demand while avoiding over-provisioning and minimizing resource contention. Key capabilities include managing vertical and horizontal scaling, multi-region and multi-cloud flexibility, and monitoring.

Illustration of the World Map application connected to the clouds.
Illustration of the snapshot backups.


Ensure data reliability and minimize downtime with MongoDB Atlas by implementing fault tolerance and robust recovery mechanisms. Key features include implementing clusters as replica sets, continuous cloud backups for point-in-time recovery and multi-region resilience.

Cost optimization

Enhance resource visibility and optimize settings for cost effectiveness while ensuring high performance and scalability. Key capabilities include implementing dynamic scaling, cluster pausing capabilities, automated performance suggestions, and backup options with adjustable frequency and retention.

An illustration of settings and suggestions for optimizing database performance.
“We need to be very agile in the way we build our solutions. That’s why we implemented a multi-cloud application platform strategy, and it’s another key reason why we chose MongoDB.”
Paramdeep Saini
Director of Architecture, Manulife

Atlas Architecture Center

Explore best practices and insights to design well-architected Atlas environments that optimize for governance, security, automation, and more.
Illustration of robot representing AI applications.