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Retool 2024 State of AI in Production

Retool recently released its 2024 State of AI in Production and, for the second consecutive year, MongoDB Atlas was ranked the most loved database by survey respondents. In both the 2023 and 2024 reports, Atlas Vector Search achieved the highest net promoter score (NPS), a measure of how likely someone is to recommend a solution to one of their peers.

As a company that offers developer tools for building software, Retool conducts a global annual survey of developers, tech leaders, and IT decision-makers that surfaces insights into the current and future state of AI. This year's report shows the latest trends in AI, including adoption rates, major challenges, and breakthrough solutions including:

  • What retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) is and how it solves problems when building AI-powered applications
  • Vector database utilization rates
  • Challenges with building out the AI tech stack

Read the 2024 Retool State of AI in Production report and find out why Atlas was once again voted the most loved vector database.

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