White Paper

Managing Unstructured Data

Data was pretty straightforward in the days before online applications and mobile devices. Databases processed data in a pre-defined structure of rows and columns contained in tables.

This was totally upended with the rise of unstructured data in recent years. By some accounts, unstructured data – think emails, SMS texts, videos, social media posts – makes up more than 95% of all data generated today. The old way of managing data in relational databases, then, is encountering great limitations.

Enter NoSQL databases to pick up the challenge of managing unstructured data. MongoDB is the top NoSQL database solution according to DB-Engine rankings, and MongoDB has been downloaded 40 million times and counting. MongoDB’s document data model is particularly well suited for storing unstructured data. It stores all related data together within a single document, and doesn’t require data to fit neatly into the rigid structure of relational rows and columns.

Unstructured data can represent both a challenge and an opportunity. Many enterprises have used MongoDB to build applications that could never have been built with relational technology. Learn more about how you can shine by making productive use of your unstructured data and download our whitepaper today.

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