Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG)

MongoDB makes it incredibly easy to collect, analyze, and visualize ESG data in real time

Illustration of a space satellite transmitting data to users

The Quick Guide to ESG Data Management on MongoDB

This guide will show you how MongoDB can:

  • Move ESG data from different data sources to the document model
  • Easily incorporate new ESG source feeds
  • Run advanced, aggregated queries on ESG data
  • Visualize ESG data
  • Integrate geospatial data

ESG data lives on MongoDB

Work with every type of ESG data

ESG data is often complex, unstructured, and hierarchical in nature. With MongoDB, organizations can create a platform to consolidate every type of ESG data, even from third parties, and act on it in real time.

Illustration of a database, interface and data bucket
Protect customer information

Query data the way you want to

MongoDB provides a rich and expressive query language, making it easy to find and retrieve specific pieces of ESG data based on specific criteria for scoring and other ESG activities.

Adapt to changing data and standards

MongoDB Atlas future-proofs your ESG data platform with a flexible data schema that can easily incorporate any type of ESG data and rapidly changing requirements and standards.

Illustration of a machine stacking data blocks

ESG data solutions



Easily create, share, and embed visualizations of your ESG data from MongoDB Atlas.

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Application-Driven Analytics

Analyze any ESG data in place and deliver insights in real time.

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MongoDB has a full range of vertical, horizontal, and elastic scaling options available.

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Your ESG data is protected with preconfigured security features for authentication, authorization, encryption, and more.

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MongoDB combines three systems – database, search engine, and sync mechanisms – into one, delivering fast ESG data search experiences.

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Time Series Data

Build and run time series applications with greater ease and speed than ever before.

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"MongoDB Charts enables our customers to directly report their sustainability data, customize the charts, and better tell the sustainability story in a visual format… It's way better than the traditional format where you have data, tables, and spreadsheets everywhere."
George Lee
Founder and CEO, Hydrus


A simplified illustration of different colored coins, representing Atlas Data Lake's cost effective foundation data storage.

Green Lending, Green Data - The Impact on Banks Explained

With the European Banking Authority (EBA) pushing to increase the uptake of green loans, affected banks will have to re-work their scoring criteria for green loans to fit the EBA’s new classification and incentives guidelines.


Real-Time ESG Data Management

With real-time data making its way into reports, ESG data management is becoming even harder.

Read the article

Designing Sustainable Architectures with MongoDB

Design tips for a more environmentally sustainable database architecture with MongoDB.

Read the white paper

7 Ways to Reduce Your Database's Carbon Footprint

Here are several steps organizations can take to reduce the carbon footprint of their databases.

Read the article

Sustainability at MongoDB

We are committed to doing our part in the global effort to limit climate change and its adverse effects.

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MongoDB for ESG

Speak to one of our experts
An illustration of an increasing bar graph and rocketship